baby #4: 39 weeks

Full term!!! Honestly, I kind of can’t believe we have made it this far. I was never this pregnant with my last two babies… so in a way, it feels like I’m “overdue”, although I know technically that isn’t true.

Baby’s size: Between 19-21 inches long and possibly around 7 pounds, which is the size of a cat, a mini pumpkin, or a mini skateboard! If she stays in there much longer, I’m a little nervous that she’ll be our biggest baby.

Maternity clothes?: Always… and even some of Michael’s t-shirts are starting to be too small now that my belly seems to be sitting so much lower. I’m mostly wearing the same few shirts on repeat these days.

Gender: Sweet baby girl.

Symptoms: It’s just feeling really hard to move around in general. This little lady has definitely dropped, and I feel so much pelvic pressure when I’m standing.

Labor signs: I’ve had cramps and contraction-like things happening all week… but it always just stops! I guess this is what might be called prodromal labor. I have no idea if I have any cervical change because my doctor’s office didn’t have any openings for my regular weekly appointment (which seems kind of crazy to me).

Sleep: Sleep has been difficult. I feel like even when I lie down, I’m not getting much actual rest. I wake up super early (sometimes even around 4 am) to use the bathroom and then have a hard time falling back asleep, if I ever do. I’ve been super lucky to still have an afternoon nap every day, though!

Movement: She’s still hiccuping, pushing her feet into me on the right, and flailing her hands around low on my left side. I feel like maybe she’s been a little less crazy than usual, but she’s probably running out of space.

Cravings: I’ve had ice cream just about every day, and it’s been amazing. Coldstone Creamery sounds pretty good!

What I miss: I feel like I’ve completely put everyone’s lives on hold waiting for this princess to arrive… I just want her here so I don’t have to wonder which day will be the one!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’ve had my moments… although the nausea definitely hasn’t lasted all day, and I’ve actually been eating really well. My Mom-in-law is here, and we’ve enjoyed her homemade pizza this week, as well as tacos! It’s been awhile since I’ve had a grilled cheese, and I’m not complaining about that. I do tend to get some motion sickness in the car, though.

Belly Button in or out?: Out and weird!

Exercising?: Ran 14.4 miles (longest run was 3.16 miles). Best average pace this week was 11:19 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 66,184. It’s feeling really hard to run now that she’s so much lower, and I’m usually not pushing myself too much because I want to have energy left just in case I go into labor later in the day. It’s mentally hard to cut back on the miles, but I really don’t want to exhaust myself.

Mood: Am I allowed to say I’m feeling super impatient? I know she’ll come when she’s ready, and waiting is only making her healthier and stronger, but I’m just so ready to be done. I’ve been really emotional and tearing up over everything this week.

Best moment this week: Having both my Mom-in-law and Dad-in-law up here for the weekend! Also having my Mom-in-law’s help has been amazing.

Looking forward to: Seeing her sweet face in person, holding her, and feeling less uncomfortable. We’re so close to having her here!

Big sisters: Kaya still asks, “When is she coming out? She’s taking a long time…” They also still hug my belly a lot and always ask if she’s kicking me. Nella has been extra cuddly and very aware of where I am and what I’m doing at all times. She’ll say “Baba!” if she sees an ultrasound picture, but I think she’s still going to be very surprised here soon.

Comparison: The only comparison I have is at 39 weeks with Kaya! If I get to do a 40-week post next week, that will be a first!

Come on Baby!!!

baby #4: 38 weeks

This is a post I didn’t think I was going to get to write! Based off of how early Nella came, I just thought I wouldn’t make it this far, but here we are!Baby’s size: The Ovia app says she’s the size of a ukulele or a Pomeranian dog! Crazy comparisons.

I had a regular appointment with a midwife this week, and since my fundal height still measured 34 cm, she suggested we do the ultrasound to check everything (i.e. size, amniotic fluid index, placenta). Everything looked great, and the ultrasound technician estimated the baby to be about 6 pounds 5 ounces. That’s plenty big enough! Her heart rate was 154 BPM.

Maternity clothes?: Yes! I also accidentally wore my (non-maternity) running shorts backward one day this week… and funny enough, they fit over my belly better that way, so I might just wear them like that until the end. I’m also still dependent on my support belt for running, but it doesn’t feel like it’s doing too much for me now throughout the rest of the day (and it tends to come undone when I bend over because it’s almost too small).

Gender: Sweet baby girl! The ultrasound technician told us that she has just a little bit of peach fuzz for hair, too. It’s so amazing that they can even see that on an ultrasound! I guess she’ll be mostly bald like her sisters were!

Symptoms: I’m honestly still really grateful to be feeling mostly comfortable this far in! I do definitely feel like she’s dropped though, and that has made getting around seem a little more difficult.

Labor signs: I had cramps all day long on Saturday, and then, for an hour, they turned into what felt like real contractions, coming about 3 minutes apart. I was even breathing with some of them! And then, out of nowhere, they just stopped, and I haven’t had anything significant since then. Braxton Hicks are still coming every once in a while, though. I got checked at my 38-week appointment, and I’m still at 1 cm and 60% effaced.

Sleep: I’ve generally still been sleeping really well, except that my body wakes me up around 5:20 every morning to use the bathroom, and then I generally can’t fall back asleep. I’m still a huge fan of naps and have had some much-needed ones this week.

Movement: She’s crazy and almost never stops moving! The midwife told me I should be able to count 6 kicks in an hour… and I think we probably reach that quota within 5 minutes.

Cravings: None really. I did try guacamole for the first time ever this week though and loved it!

What I miss: I really just miss being able to roll over in bed easily and go up stairs without it seeming like a mini workout!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I have been feeling so healthy and strong this week, and I am loving it! I’ve been able to eat and get a lot done. Nausea hits every once in a while, but it’s really nothing compared to what it was.

Belly Button in or out?: It’s poking out and super weird!

Exercising?: These were my miles from my really sick week, so it’s a super low total- ran 5.1 miles (longest run was 3.05 miles). Best average pace this week was 11:29 min/mile. I’m back on track for a 15-ish or so mile week this week. Fitbit total steps: 34,399.

Mood: I’m just getting more and more excited… although to be honest, I am a little shocked that she isn’t here! I’ve kind of convinced myself that “she’s never coming out”, or that I’ll be pregnant for at least two more weeks. That would be a first for me, but stranger things have happened!

Best moment this week: Seeing Kaelyn enjoy her birthday! My mom and Michael’s mom have both helped me out a lot this past week with cleaning, cooking, and watching the girls, so that has been amazing.

Looking forward to: Can I say having a baby this week? Come on, little princess! My Dad-in-law is also coming to visit this weekend, so that will be pretty fun.

Big sisters: Kaya just keeps telling me that she wants the baby to be born. I think she’s tired of waiting!

Comparison: 38 weeks with Kaya; 38 weeks with Kaelyn; and there’s no 38-week post with Nella because she was already born. Crazy!

getting ready to meet our fourth daughter (& maternity pictures)

We’re nearing the end of pregnancy, when the days seem to slow down, and waiting to meet our baby feels so tangible, yet simultaneously mystic, as we wonder just when she will decide to join our family.

Despite all her kicks and punches, in a way, she still feels like someone who only exists in my dreams, and I don’t know if she’ll feel “real” until I see her in person for the first time.

Back in the fall, we knew we wanted to have another baby, and we were overjoyed when we found out we were expecting. Although it’s been a hard physical journey for me ever since then, enduring almost-constant nausea, I never want it to seem like I’m complaining or ungrateful for the experience of being able to bring a child into our family. This little girl is more than worth that fight, and I feel so much gratitude for her. It definitely hasn’t been easy, and I feel like in my sickest times, I’ve almost forgotten who I “normally” am. I savor the days I’m able to eat, clean the house, and play with my kids.

Several friends and family members have cooked for us, brought meals, watched our older girls, and even just offered to be there to help in any way, all of which has meant so much to me. There were times I was moved to tears just to know someone cares so much about our little family and how we’re doing.

And of course, Michael has been my rock these past nine months. He’s been by my side, encouraging and uplifting me.

It’s unfathomable how our hearts inevitably grow with each new baby we bring into our family. Right now, Nella is my baby, and I have a hard time imagining a new little person who is just as amazing as she is. Still, I know that once we meet her, this new baby girl will instantly have us wrapped around her tiny fingers.

Everything is about to change, and welcoming a new family dynamic can seem a little overwhelming, but I know how much these girls are all going to love having each other as they go through life together.

There’s still some concern about the size of this baby girl, and although in my heart I feel she is okay, we’ll be checking on her via ultrasound this week. I’ve felt anxious anticipating labor and her birth, but in these last couple of weeks, I’m trying to find peace in however her delivery goes, and do all I can to keep her healthy and safe.

I’m cherishing her little kicks and being the only person who truly knows her right now. I love having a little buddy with me at all times, and I know I’m going to miss that once she’s born.We all love you so much, Baby Girl, and we can’t wait to meet you sometime in the next couple of weeks, whenever you’re ready.

baby #4: 36 weeks

Feeling (and looking…) super tired lately!
Baby’s size: Supposedly around 6 pounds and 19 inches long according to all the baby apps/sites. At my appointment this week, my fundal height was 33 cm (so, that’s 3 cm of growth in 2 weeks, which is good for me, but clearly I’m still measuring small). The midwife I saw wasn’t as okay with that as my OB has been (you rotate through all the care providers at this practice), so I have an ultrasound scheduled to check her growth at 38 weeks, if I’m still pregnant by then.

Maternity clothes?: Yup. Enough said, right?

Gender: A little girl who is back to having no name… AGAIN! I cannot believe we are so close to meeting her and still don’t know what her name is going to be. Usually, I find something I think I like, and then ask the girls what they think. They try it out for a couple of days, but after I’ve heard the name so much, I usually feel like I don’t want to use it. I’m a little lost!

Symptoms: I’m feeling really lucky not to be having hip pain or sciatica like I was at this point with my other pregnancies. No pain is such a blessing!

Labor signs: I asked to be checked at my appointment because of the crampiness I’ve had lately. 1 cm dilated, 60% effaced, a very soft cervix and baby is at a -3 station, although the nurse who checked me did say that her head wasn’t budging at all when she pushed up on it, so it looks like she’s starting to engage. We’re moving in the right direction!

Sleep: My bed is my favorite place these days! I feel like I’m dreaming about her more lately, too.

Movement: She’s still just so wild! I really cherish waking up to her kicks, and I know I’m going to miss that a lot.

Cravings: Nothing really.

What I miss: I just feel kind of big! I miss being able to bend over a little more easily. Picking up toys and scrubbing the bathrooms is getting difficult. I’ve also noticed that I turn sideways now to unload the washer (we have a top-loader) because otherwise my belly is in the way!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I mostly have to force myself to eat lately, and I’ve spent some more time lying down this week due to nausea. I’m really doing the best I can, but it’s hard.

Belly Button in or out?: Super-weird/kind of flat.

Exercising?: Ran 21.2 miles (longest run was 4.26 miles). Best average pace this week was 11:32 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 70,414. I’m cutting back, and 4 miles is plenty for me right now (it’s also amazing that I can go that long without a bathroom break)! Prenatal yoga is still happening after my runs, too.

Mood: Half of my week was honestly super emotional/stressful because of my appointment and some things the midwife said due to me measuring small. I feel like I’ve been fighting to just keep functioning during this pregnancy, and being talked to like I’m not doing what’s best for my baby was really hard. I’m feeling a little better now and hoping for a better appointment next week.

Best moment this week: I’ve checked a ton of stuff off of my to-do list, so that feels pretty good. All her clothes are in her drawer, I have some newborn diapers, and I made myself a new boppy pillow! The old one was literally ripping in half just due to so much use! I’ve improved at sewing enough over the past 6 years that this one turned out a lot sturdier, too (and was done a lot faster- about 1.5 hours start to finish)!

I bought the cover at Target, because I always feel like by the time you buy a zipper and fabric to make your own, it comes out to about the same price. Plus, this aqua/minty color with the coral flowers is pretty much my favorite right now!Looking forward to: Kaelyn’s 4th birthday party, seeing family, and making it to early term this next week!

Big sisters: Kaelyn said she wanted to name the baby “Pepperoni” today. Haha! They love to run up to my belly and say, “Hi, Baby!”, and Kaya’s been telling me, “The baby could come this week!” I keep reminding her that we could have 3.5 weeks to go still. Nella actually pointed at my stomach and said, “Baba!” this week, so maybe she’s starting to get it. We’ll see!

Comparison: 36 weeks with Kaya; 36 weeks with Kaelyn; 36 weeks with Nella.

baby #4: 35 weeks

Our due date is one month from tomorrow! I’m trying not to assume she’s coming early, but it feels like a real possibility. I keep wondering how many more of these little chalkboards and “bump” posts I’m going to get to do. My last one with Nella was at 37 weeks!Baby’s size: About 5.25 pounds and somewhere around 19 inches long. This is about the size of a bunch of carrots, a mini-lop rabbit, or a kid’s backpack.

Maternity clothes?: This answer is an obvious YES by now! Also, this dress might be my favorite piece of clothing ever. It’s so soft and comfy! I’m excited that it’s nursing-friendly, too!

Gender: Sweet princess! I’m now at the point where I’m looking at names again, rewriting a list of potential candidates, and keeping an open mind until I see her.

Symptoms: I’ve had some signs that my body might be getting ready for labor, most of which I am not going to share on here, but I have still been having the cramps/Braxton Hicks/pre-labor tightening in my belly. I feel like I’ve had a lot more of those this time around. I might get checked at my 36-week appointment, and I’m curious to see if these have produced any cervical change or not.

Sleep: I sleep pretty well once I actually fall asleep! My favorite sleep set-up right now is completely surrounding myself- I put my legs up over my giant body pillow on one side, and then lean up against Michael’s back on the other. So, Michael is basically my second body pillow, which is really funny, because I know for a fact that I couldn’t even sleep in the same bed as him at this point in my last pregnancy.

Movement: Sometimes she is absolutely CRAZY! There was one night that I felt her move like I’ve never felt any of my babies before. It was as if all her limbs were going in every direction at once! She also pushes hard into my side, and sometimes it feels like she’s scraping her hand or foot down the right side of my body. When I said “ow!” in front of Kaya, she asked if the baby has fingernails yet (I guess she was literally imagining her scratching me)! There are other times lately where she seems like she’s been a little quieter/resting more. I think she is really just running out of room in there.

Cravings: Still just Hershey’s chocolate! Michael brought some home for me this week. Best ever! I’ve also had some big bowls of ice cream this week, and I don’t feel one bit guilty.

What I miss: I kind of just wish I had more energy to be a more “fun” mom right now. We have been pretty much staying at home and just taking it easy because I’m so tired all the time.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’ve still been nauseous on and off, but I’m generally very functional and doing better. I still don’t want to eat much or a wide variety of foods, but I’m grateful that I’ve been able to eat at all and try to keep my energy up in these last few weeks.

Belly Button in or out?: It is as flat as it can get without completely disappearing. I said to the girls, “I almost don’t have a belly button anymore!”, and Kaya immediately responded, “It’s okay, you don’t need one!”

Exercising?: Ran 21.5 miles (longest run was 5 miles). Best average pace this week was 11:18 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 70,603. I’m barely looking at my watch when I’m out there because I really don’t care about my pace anymore. I am just happy/proud of getting the miles in!

Mood: The emotions are still running high for me. We finally watched the new Disney movie, Coco, for the first time last night, and I absolutely bawled at the end.

Best moment this week: Taking our family/maternity pictures, and getting out of the house for some errands/shopping with my little ladies!

Looking forward to: Finishing packing our hospital bags! I look at those teeny newborn clothes (and the preemie ones that Kaelyn wore!) and can’t believe that any person could ever be that small. It’s crazy how quickly I’ve forgotten! All her things are ready to go (I’m bringing a newborn and a preemie outfit to the hospital, just in case she is Kaelyn-sized), so I just have a few things left to put in the bag for Michael and me.

Big sisters: Kaya sings directly into my belly now, and both of the older girls say hi to her and hug and kiss her constantly. I keep trying to tell Nella that there’s a baby in my belly, but I still think she mostly doesn’t get it and is going to be completely surprised when we bring a real baby home!

Comparison: 35 weeks with Kaya; 35 weeks with Kaelyn; 35 weeks with Nella.

five on friday (06/08)

Happy Friday! I’m sneaking this post in at the last minute! We’ve mostly just been resting at home this week, but we still had some exciting, fun things happen!

ONE. Kaya had what feels like a huge milestone this week… she lost her first tooth!!! She started telling us that her tooth was hurting when she took a bite of toast back at the end of May, so we checked, and sure enough, it was loose! It took almost 2 weeks for it to fall out, but she liked wiggling it (and having Michael and I wiggle it) in the meantime. I feel like it was just yesterday that she was teething and having all these baby teeth come in.Once it got very, very loose, Daddy told her about the old “tie a string to it and pull it out” trick… so she asked to do it. We set it up, twice actually, but both times, she ended up changing her mind and not wanting to go through with it. Funny enough, once she decided she wasn’t going to pull it, she moved her head just the right way (with the string still attached to her tooth) that it came right out on its own.There was some crying involved, due to the newness of the experience, but a little ice cream fixed that!She was so excited to get a dollar under her pillow, especially because she’s now saved up enough for her own little camera!Kaelyn was a little upset that she didn’t get a dollar… but we told her that she will when she loses a tooth! She’s so excited to do everything her big sister does.TWO. We started off our week at our neighbor’s dinosaur birthday party! There’s no better kid party than one at a playground, with cupcakes, cookies, and ice cream as refreshments, right?

I took this picture and then couldn’t stop laughing about it, because it’s so real life… Nella’s shoving as many cookies as we’d let her have in her mouth, meanwhile, Michael is cleaning up Kaelyn’s entire cupcake off the floor. Oh, parenthood. (That cupcake on Nella’s plate also met its fate on the ground…)Bigger mess = more fun, right?The party-horn-blowing fun lasted for days afterward… Nella kept saying, “Gaaaaain!” (Again!) when Kaya would do this!THREE. We finally took our family/maternity pictures this week, and I think these might be my favorites of us ever. The lighting and weather were just perfect, and I’m happy to have some updated shots of just Michael and me together, too. I’ve already ordered the prints and cannot wait to get them up on the wall. I’ll be sharing more later, but here’s a sneak peek!FOUR. Keeping on with the unofficial “weekly hammock photo” tradition… nothing makes them happier than snacks and being outside! I love each of their unique grins.Daddy got some Nella snuggles in, too. She’s been extra cuddly with her “Daaaa” lately.FIVE. I just had to end this with her huge grin! Nella loves her baby dolls, and plays with them every day. I can’t wait to see her smile when she holds the new baby so soon!

Linking up herehere, and here today!

baby #4: 34 weeks

(written June 4th)

It’s June!!! That means it could be baby month if this little sweetie comes as early as Nella did. I think I’ll be a little surprised if we make it until July, but thinking of holding her this month is so exciting!Baby’s size: Somewhere around 19 inches long and about 4.75 pounds! Apparently, this is about the same size as a Quokka, which I had never heard of, but now I really want to go to Australia and meet one. Cutest little marsupial!

However, I still keep getting the feeling that this baby is going to be itty bitty. I compared her size percentile with both Kaelyn’s and Nella’s from the growth ultrasounds I had during their pregnancies, and she is currently the smallest. I know that these things aren’t 100% accurate, though.

My fundal height at my 34-week appointment measured 30 cm, but my OB is happy with how the ultrasound looks, so all he says each time is, “I don’t know where you hide these babies!” Her heart rate was 120 BPM.

Maternity clothes?: Yes, and despite measuring behind, I guess I’m looking kind of big, because I keep getting the “How much longer do you have?” and “When are you due?” questions from people! So exciting! The support belt is still my lifesaver, although we’re getting to the point where there isn’t much extra room to fasten it, and if I bend over, sometimes I pop it open. Oops.

Gender: Baby girl, and I’m kind of back to doubting what her name is going to be… again. Naming a fourth princess is hard! We’ll probably stick with what we were thinking, but I really want to see her little face before we make a final decision.

Symptoms: Sometimes, at night, my belly feels uncomfortable, and I’m not sure if I’m having some Braxton Hicks, my belly is just sore, or if she’s pushing on me really hard with her feet (or maybe it’s a combination of all of the above)! I am also just a little more sore in my lower belly, which is where I remember feeling my labor start with Kaelyn. I think really it’s all just from hauling the belly around all day.

Sleep: I’m still enjoying my naps in the afternoon! Michael has been really busy lately, so we’ve been going to bed too late at night. I really want to make sleep a priority for these final weeks, so hopefully we can do a little better.

Movement: She’s wild and crazy and digs her limbs into my side so hard that sometimes it really hurts! I’m super grateful for a healthy, active baby though! She always starts moving when she hears us singing to Nella at bedtime. I can’t wait to sing to her, too!

Cravings: I’m still wanting that Hershey’s chocolate, and one of my oldest pregnancy cravings from my past babies came back- Twizzlers. I haven’t had either this week though!

What I miss: I was just telling Michael that I’ve been imagining what it will be like “to have my body back to myself” once she comes out… but then he reminded me that with nursing, my body still won’t really be my own. He’s right, but I’m looking forward to those cuddles!

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’ve had my nauseous moments, but really, the past 4 weeks or so have been so much better than the majority of my pregnancy!

Belly Button in or out?: It’s looking so weird these days… flat on the bottom and still kind of in at the top.

Exercising?: Ran only 15 miles due to illness (longest run was 5.4 miles); walked 1.5 miles. Best average pace this week was 11:27 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 57,587.

Running is getting hard and sloooooow. I keep coming up with these little mantras for myself to keep going, such as: “Slow miles are better than no miles”; “Adjust, don’t quit”; and “Just keep moving”. Other than when I was sick, I was typically doing about 5 miles a day, but I’ve been cutting it closer to 4 most mornings now. I’m really feeling grateful that I haven’t had pain when running (my hips are still happy, which is a big deal compared to past pregnancies!), but I just end up exhausted afterward if I’m out there too long.

And I always forget to mention it, but I’m still doing some prenatal yoga, and the stretching feels so amazing at this point. My muscles actually “crave” it after my run!

Mood: I had a day this week where I just felt “SO pregnant”, and part of me wants to just fast forward these last weeks and be done. Still, I know I’m going to miss having her growing in there, feeling her move, and being the only one who knows her. I love her so much, and I’m feeling so much gratitude for this entire experience and opportunity to bring another sweet daughter into the world.

Best moment this week: Celebrating our 9th anniversary, and spending so much time with my family outdoors! Also, getting over that sinus infection!

Looking forward to: Hopefully checking some big things off my to-do list this week, like taking family pictures and sewing a new boppy pillow. I’m about a third of the way done with her blanket now, too! I don’t want to reveal the whole thing yet, so here’s a little preview:

Big sisters: They are kissing the baby all the time, and Kaya even includes her in prayers, by the name we think we might use. It’s the sweetest.

Nella is just having a good time testing out all the baby’s things! We actually ended up replacing the little bassinet (that would also convert to a baby seat) that we used with all the other girls, because it was literally falling to pieces, and just wasn’t a safe place to let her sleep. We ended up getting a good deal on one of these, which I’m really excited about. It’s small enough to fit in our room, is higher up off the ground (so little hands can’t reach in at all times), and can be used as an extra pack-n-play later on (which means it also will be super easy to store)! It’s kind of unreal to see this sitting in the corner and think that she’ll be sleeping in there soon!

Comparison: 34 weeks with Kaya; 34 weeks with Kaelyn; 34 weeks with Nella. I’m actually at my lowest weight at this point between all four pregnancies, probably just due to having a hard time eating throughout most of it. I’m not sure if the belly looks any different, though!

baby #4: 33 weeks

Baby’s size: We had a growth ultrasound this week, and she weighed 4 pounds 1 ounce, which is in the 21st percentile for size. So, she’s on the smaller side, but still looking great. My apps say she’s about 19 inches long, which is apparently about the size of a ferret. Her heart rate was 139 bpm.

Maternity clothes?: Yes, and I got to wear some shorts! I’m realizing though that my jeans are much more supportive- the belly panel is tighter and just fits better. I feel like the shorts just let the belly hang out there, even when I use my support belt.

Gender: Sweet sweet baby girl.

Symptoms: I’m just feeling like the belly is getting BIG! I’m not uncomfortable, but I definitely have noticed the extra effort it takes to get around, go up stairs, carry Nella, etc. I’ve also been having more Braxton Hicks (especially after a really busy day); they don’t hurt, they’re just tight!

Sleep: I’ve been sleeping a lot this week just due to being sick. I still really need that daily afternoon nap, and I’m so grateful that I get one most days. Hopefully this new princess will like naps, too!

Movement: I’ve had a few moments where I’ve actually said “ow!” due to her feet digging into my side or ribs. She is SO strong that sometimes I imagine she has steel-toed boots on in there! She also gets the hiccups every day now! At our ultrasound, we could see her diaphragm moving as she hiccuped, which was really cool. She also was practicing her breathing! (also… how cute are her lips?!)

Cravings: Hershey’s chocolate!

What I miss: Just being able to do more without getting tired so quickly.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I always have a little nausea, but it’s been better this week. I also had some kind of unrelated upper respiratory infection and ended up doing almost nothing for 4 days, which is so unlike my normal self!

Belly Button in or out?: Flat.

Exercising?: Ran 26.3 miles (longest run was 6.5 miles); walked 1.5 miles. Best average pace this week was 10:47 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 80,831.

Mood: I’m really generally feeling happy and excited, but it doesn’t take much to make me cry. This week, I sobbed because Kaya’s caterpillar died, and then cried again because Michael wasn’t helping me make lunch for the girls. It’s ridiculous, I know! I don’t remember being so tearful with my other pregnancies.

Best moment this week: Celebrating our 9th anniversary, and seeing her little face at our ultrasound! I can see Nella’s cheeks and forehead in this picture… what do you think? I can’t wait to kiss this sweet face!

Looking forward to: Having Michael home for an extra day due to Memorial Day! I’m excited for some extra rest and time to check off some of my to-do list.

Big sisters: They still have lots of kisses and cuddles for this sweet new girl. Kaya always asks how many more weeks until she comes out, and it feels crazy when I tell her it could be anywhere between 5 and 7!

Comparison: 33 weeks with Kaya; 33 weeks with Kaelyn; 33 weeks with Nella. I can’t believe we were at the beach at this point in my pregnancy with Kaelyn, just because I really haven’t felt like doing much long-distance traveling this time around. I can’t wait to go back, whenever that may be!

baby #4: 32 weeks

I feel like we’re in the homestretch! 32 weeks and things are getting real!Baby’s size: Textbook size is about 18 inches long and nearly 4 pounds! However, My fundal height was about 29 cm at my appointment this week, so we’re having an ultrasound to see how big she really is. My OB still keeps thinking I’m just really good at hiding my babies. Her heart rate was 135 BPM.

Maternity clothes?: Should this still be a question? YES! I did finally just buy another running shirt in a size up because my regular one was getting too snug, and I was always having to pull it down.

Gender: Sweet sweet princess.

Symptoms: This isn’t pregnancy related, but whoa, seasonal allergies! I’ve been joking that if this continues, I’m going to just sneeze the baby out. I also think I have a cold going on or something, because I’m completely congested.

Sleep: Sleep has been so interesting lately because I feel like I need a lot of it, but my body is waking me up like clockwork at 5:30 every morning. In a way, I like waking up early easily and being able to get things done, but then again, I’m tired and want to sleep!

Movement: She’s still my wild wild girl… I really don’t know if she ever stops moving. Also, I’ve been waiting and waiting to feel her get hiccups, and this week, she finally did… twice! I love that tiny little fluttery feeling. She also loves to squirm when I drink water!

Cravings: Brownies… and I actually had some because I made a batch for the church picnic this week!

What I miss: Being able to eat more normally.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’m still just not really caring about food, and I have to make myself eat. The easiest time for me to eat is in the afternoon, and I like having some Goldfish or Cheezit crackers as a snack. I feel like I used to eat so much healthier before pregnancy, now it’s just about eating what I can handle.

Belly Button in or out?: Flat and weird.

Exercising?: Ran 25 miles (longest run was 5.4 miles). Best average pace this week was 10:19 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 75,317. There are days where I feel a lot more pressure in my pelvis when running, and I need to stay in the neighborhood and take a couple of bathroom breaks. Then, there are other runs where I feel almost completely normal and want to run forever. It really varies at this point!

Mood: Phew, pregnancy hormones. I know this will make me sound crazy, but I seriously had a cry over how “she’s never coming out” to Michael this week. Um… all babies come out! It just feels like forever sometimes until I’m going to get to hold her.

Best moment this week: I started going through the baby clothes this week, and seeing a small stack of things just waiting for her is so exciting and still surreal in a way. I also finally started working on her baby blanket! I’m really excited to see it all come together.

Looking forward to: We’re having a growth ultrasound this week, and of course I’m hoping everything looks good, but I’m actually really excited to see her again. Hopefully we get a peek at her sweet little face!

Big sisters: We were going through a baby name book at lunchtime one day, and laughing at all the really crazy names. Kaelyn now wants to name the baby “Minnie” (as in Mouse, you know). Kaelyn loves giving her random hugs.

Kaya will kiss my belly and tell the baby goodnight every evening now. She also told me that she had a dream about the baby, and her description of her matched the one from my dream, so now I’m really really curious to see what this little girl looks like. Kaya said she looked like Nella, with the same hair, but had brown eyes, and was really little.

The infant carseat we used with all our girls was expiring this July, so I’ve been watching for a good sale on a new one, and finally got one this week. Nella liked testing it out (and she was sooo excited about the “baba!!!” on the box.

Comparison: 32 weeks with Kaya; 32 weeks with Kaelyn; 32 weeks with Nella. Weight-wise, I am exactly the same as I was with Nella at this point (down to the tenth of a pound). Talk about consistency! I still feel like I’m not carrying as low as I have in the past… maybe more like my first pregnancy. We’ll see if it changes as the weeks go on!

monument avenue 10k (2018)

I can’t believe this was a whole month ago already… it actually feels like a lot longer than that! We put another Monument Avenue in the books, and this might have just been my favorite one yet.

We drove down to stay with my parents on Friday night, and I woke up at 4:30 am on race morning. We didn’t need to leave home until around 7 am, but I’m always a little too excited to sleep before a race, so I got up and started getting things ready. I was less nervous than I usually am for these types of events, but I definitely still had some pre-race jitters.

Kaya had been talking about “running a kid race” for months, so I had signed her up for the Virginia529 Kids Run, which started about an hour and twenty minutes before my wave. We drove into Richmond, pinned our bibs on, loaded the two littlest girls in the stroller, and hustled from the parking garage to the start line.

At the last possible moment, we decided to register Michael as a “companion runner” for Kaya, since there were so many more people than I had even imagined, and I didn’t feel comfortable sending her out on her own (despite the security measures they have in place). I’m so glad they did this together.

I wasn’t sure how long it would take her to finish, but Kaya shocked us all by running the mile in about 13 minutes, which I think is really great for a 5.5-year old! The look of pure joy (and the hug she gave her dad) as she crossed the finish line was so memorable and sweet. Her excitement was contagious, and actually brought me to tears because of how much joy and pride I felt seeing my baby want to do something that I love doing. I also love knowing that she likes running because she knows it keeps her body healthy and strong.She smiled all day long! Did I mention how proud I am?She now has her medal hanging from her bunk bed!We had three of the four grandparents at the race this year! My mom had never been before, so she rode down with us, but seeing my in-laws was a complete surprise. They met up with us right before Kaya started, and I am so grateful for all the support and love these three (plus my Dad, who stayed home to watch the dogs), give us.I had enough time before my wave started to sunscreen up, use the bathroom, put on my pregnancy support belt and find Lelia! Do you see us in the starting corral?We started off in a slower wave, because when we signed up (back in December), we had predicted that by this point in my pregnancy, I wouldn’t be moving so fast. Surprisingly, I haven’t been as slow as I thought I’d be, so we ended up passing a lot of people, but we really got into a great rhythm.

Lelia and I are great running partners- we just match each other so well as far as pace and stride. Look how synced up we are here! This race was a little extra special, because at Christmastime, I told Lelia we were pregnant by saying that we’d have another “Monument baby” (Nella and Bryce both did this in utero!), and she was instantly willing to run with me. I was super grateful to have her as a buddy/bodyguard.I knew the miles with Lelia would just fly right on by, and they did! It was a gorgeous day, but a little warmer than I’m used to running as of late, so I definitely appreciated all the water stops, and Lelia pouring the rest of her drink down my back at one point. I started to feel tired around halfway through, but I honestly couldn’t believe the splits we were getting, so I didn’t want to slow down. We finished with an official time of 59:52, which put us at a 9:38 min/mile average. My goal going into this was an average pace between 10-10:15, so I was ecstatic!Sweaty hugs all around! We did it! I think I cry every time I see the finish line in a race.Finishers with our “Monument babies”! I can’t believe two years ago I ran this with Nella in my belly, last year Lelia did it with Bryce, and now our newest princess has done it, too. I hope they’ll all look back on these pictures one day and think it’s as cool as I do.27-week bump!When Lelia did this last year at 30 weeks pregnant, she had said she wished she had a sign on her back so that people wouldn’t get too close (this is a busy race, and some people are absolutely crazy when trying to pass you)! I printed out this little sign, laminated it, and brought it to wear on race day. I was so glad I did, because I felt like I had a little extra security with this on.Another one done!Of course, there had to be donuts afterward! We headed to “The Treat Shop” in Richmond for these.And because Kaelyn was at the race, but didn’t want to be in any pictures, here’s one of how she eats a donut. Frosting first!Adorable even when she’s a total mess…I’m so thankful for all the family time we got to have that weekend, as well as the love and support I feel from all of them. Completing a race wouldn’t mean half as much to me without having family waiting at the finish (or running alongside me)! This is it as far as racing goes until after the baby comes, but I’m already looking forward to a postpartum comeback!