short and sweet

The weeks go by so quickly… and the weekends seem to pass by even faster! I only wish we had more time to rest and enjoy time with family and friends.

This weekend was filled with TONS of baking- these muffins (with some health-conscious modifications), this bread, and these cookies!

Jax got busted for eating crayons… again. He does have a pretty cute “I’m sorry” face, though 🙂

IMG_20140111_223357 I was asked to take some newborn pictures of a friend’s sweet new baby boy. It’s so easy to forget how tiny and helpless they are before they turn into laughing-dancing-climbing-on-everything toddlers._MG_0904On Sunday morning, I received a suprise text from my dad-in-law.

“What’s for dinner?”

They live five hours away, so it’s not like they randomly come over and eat our food. They were coming to visit! We ended up having delicious Chinese fake-out and playing games at Jeff and Lelia’s place. It was a short, but sweet visit. I love spending time with family.


(and yeah, that’s Jax trying to wrestle Dad, because that’s pretty much what went on the whole time they were here)!

five on friday: lollipops and arctic temperatures

ONE. Kaya had her first lollipop ever this week. Cotton candy flavor is a big hit! (Also, I had no idea how messy a lollipop could be. She definitely should’ve worn a bib for this…)01102014photogrid1

TWO. I can’t even believe that this was our weather from Monday night into Tuesday morning. I know that some northern states had it way worse than this… but still! We survived (and obviously I missed a run because I was not going outside in it)! I’m grateful that we had power and hot water, because I know that some people across town did not. One of the pipes at our church actually burst and flooded half the building.IMG_20140107_113042

THREE. Does it get any cuter than babies in winter hats? Kaya was such a trooper this week and was well-behaved for a meeting I had that lasted almost three hours. I just won’t tell you how many cheese crackers she ate.IMG_20140108_135956

FOUR. This dog… I love him to bits. But Jax, here’s a newsflash: crayons are NOT food. IMG_20131030_092546

FIVE. I love her happy morning smiles.IMG_20140109_083758

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

goodbye, scrappy

Today, Michael’s childhood dog had to be put to sleep.IMG_20130420_163920Scrappy was almost 14 years old (which is such a long life for such a big dog)! The whole family loved him so much, especially all the boys. They always counted him as their fourth “brother”.

I don’t have a whole lot to write, other than that he was a good boy. And to a dog, that is the very best thing you can say.


I’m sorry we couldn’t be there to say goodbye, Scrappy, but I thought of you all day long. I’m so glad we got to see you just a couple weeks ago at Christmastime._MG_6467We’ll miss your excited, wagging tail next time we come home to visit, but we will see you again someday._MG_2440

We love you, Scrappadoodledoo.

project 365: 14/365

November 8: I’m thankful for my talents that allow me to create things for other people…_MG_0001 November 9: …for a Daddy to help with bath time…_MG_0004 November 10: …for Daddy cuddles when she isn’t feeling well…_MG_0019 November 10: … for all the silly things she does (like putting “makeup” on Michael here)!_MG_0032 November 12: I’m thankful for date-nights in and Pillsbury cinnamon rolls…_MG_0044 November 13: … for this goofy dog who will snuggle with anything._MG_0046 November 14: … for this mess, because it means we have someone to make it (and toys for her to play with)._MG_0069

my dog might be more popular than me

We went for a 6-mile run on Saturday, and six distinct sets of people said hello… to my dog. That’s more greetings than I probably get in a whole week while out exercising (although a cute, cuddly puppy is a little more inviting than a sweaty girl wearing her hair like she just took a ride through a clothes dryer…)

I’ve been thinking about Greek food for weeks now and we FINALLY went out for some on Saturday night. Mmmm gyros. Of course, Kitty had to come along.092913photogrid1 Lelia and I spent some time planning out all the details of our Halloween party. Halloween festiveness got the best of me, so I went out and bought burlap that very night to make a special craft (hopefully I’ll have it completed and on the blog soon). Check out those candy corns!IMG_20130929_201850

My baby has also realized that she can walk without holding on to furniture, walls, or my pants… so she made it all the way down the hallway yesterday while carrying Kitty and her music radio. She just keeps practicing since then, but I never seem to have the camera right at those exact moments. Mom fail.

And just because… a shameless selfie (with Michael’s computer in the background, of course). I love my best friend (and I love that he let me sleep in two days in a row. If there were an Ultimate Husband award, he’d win, hands down.)

fried chicken, bike rides, and a dog who thinks he’s a baby


We’ve enjoyed date nights as a family of three. We used some of Michael’s birthday money to go out to eat one night (hello chocolate oreo milkshake)! Kaya enjoyed her usual favorite thing- graham crackers (but we do let her have a few bites of our dessert).
PhotoGrid_1378001974957 Michael acquired a bike trailer from one of his co-workers last week, so we just had to try it out! We biked to our institute class, and then to a Hokie soccer game! Kaya really seemed to enjoy it (if only because she could laugh at how goofy her mama looks on a bike…)IMG_20130906_202509 We’ve had play dates and a church chili cook-off (I brought the cornbread).090913photogrid1A certain someone has been a little feverish and taking extra long naps (I’m blaming the new molar…)IMG_20130909_154737 And someone else only wishes he could be a human baby and steals Kaya’s things any chance he gets.IMG_20130909_154323

friday favorites

It’s Friday, but since we came home in the middle of the week, it feels more like Tuesday (and because Michael has meetings this weekend, tomorrow will probably feel like any other weekday, too. But that’s okay). Mostly we have just been enjoying being at home again (I’m not sure coming home has ever felt this good, but I don’t know why it’s so invigorating this time). We’re back to the laundry, the dishes, the cooking, and a million other messes, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

We’re back to peanut butter sandwiches…IMG_20130809_081602… and puppy cuddles at the end of a long day.IMG_20130808_005416 Our carpet is back to (almost) new because I finally steam cleaned it yesterday! I didn’t even think it was that disgusting until I saw what it looked like after I finished!IMG_20130808_103953And now we’re off to play with friends! Happy Friday everyone!

insta-jam #11 (may 2013)

Now that we’re more than halfway through June… Yep. I’m a slowpoke, but that’s okay. Better late than never! I won’t write captions for all of them since they are pretty self-explanatory (aka my baby is CUTE and I take lots of pictures of her. Haha).

Baking too much; a bath in the sink at Grandma’s; playing with some plastic cups; and one of the last photos I have of my sweet Maggie just two days before we said goodbye.instajammay2013_1 Smiles; frozen keys for sore gums; waiting at the pond for a photoshoot; giggles.instajammay2013_2

She loves panda; I love these “Wendy’s fakeout” homemade chicken sandwiches; being cute; big beautiful eyes.
instajammay2013_3Juni (in motion!)
IMG_20130517_102337 One of the few “fun” baths we’ve ever had.IMG_20130516_214134 Rolling over on the changing table; grabbing toes; eating some yogurt for the first time; and cuddles.instajammay2013_4

The night we brought Jax home (look at that tail wagging); less-than-perfect mint chocolate cupcakes I made for a barbecue; chocolate chip cookies with my buddy; and Jax always trying to sit in my lap.instajammay2013_5

Beautiful; sleeping all crunched up in the corner of her crib; making her laugh is so easy; and letting Jax cuddle in our bed when Daddy isn’t looking.instajammay2013_6

Sheep that didn’t run when we walked up to them; my first walk with a baby AND a dog; enjoying the swings; and a hot, tired puppy.

facts about jax

It was already a week ago today that we drove about an hour and twenty minutes to go meet Jax. We were about 95% sure that we would be bringing him home that same night, so we had his collar, leash, and crate along for the ride (and several toys and bags of dog food waiting for him at home)!

He has adjusted so well thus far. He’s definitely a happy boy!
IMG_20130525_122507He loves destroying his toys. This raccoon toy had two squeakers in it… and now it has none. He also has a squeaky bear that has no ears and only one limb left.
_MG_6030 This ball was gone in a few hours!_MG_6082 _MG_6088

He is a fantastic running partner. I’ve taken him as far as 4.5 miles so far and he handles it like a pro! Usually, he isn’t even interested in other dogs, squirrels, birds, or people. He runs by my side. I love seeing him tired out after his exercise!IMG_20130524_131056 He has mostly stopped jumping on people, and he knows to stay out of the kitchen when we’re cooking. He also knows he’s not allowed in Kaya’s room. He even goes in his crate immediately when we ask. Such a good boy!IMG_20130523_215122

He generally follows me around anywhere I go. When I sit on the floor, he climbs in my lap to be petted. I think it’s safe to say that we are already pals 🙂IMG_20130528_155656Everyone always asks, “So how is he with Kaya?” They definitely like each other…  a lot! He kisses her (maybe too much sometimes) and she giggles. She crawls toward him, and he is patient when she grabs onto him. The only struggle they have is learning which toys belong to whom!
_MG_6090He wouldn’t sit still for a photo outside… clearly he is already tired of having his picture taken!

jumping jax

(Excited doesn’t nearly begin to describe how I feel about writing this post!)

We finally got a PUPPY!_MG_5985 And isn’t he cute? (this is where I’m about to overload you with photos. But really, can you have too many puppy pictures?)_MG_5987

I’ve been dreaming about the day we’d get a dog ever since we got married. In a way, I still can’t believe he’s ours!_MG_5994

He’s even smarter than he is cute (if you can believe that)! I hope we can put all those brains to good use with some tricks and maybe even an agility or flyball class._MG_6008

He’s an 8-month-old Border Collie mix, which was exactly the breed I wanted. The dog my family adopted when I was in high school (Socks!) is part Border Collie, and I’ve always loved his vast amount of energy for playing and running. We’ve already gone on one run together, and I think he’s going to be an excellent partner._MG_6001 His name at his foster home was “Jax”. I searched through a bunch of dog names online, but nothing really seemed more suitable. He likes to jump on people (we’re working on it), so I think it’s even more fun to say “Jumping Jax!”_MG_6012 He already knows “sit”, “down”, “kiss” and of course “no!”.  He loves frisbee and tug-of-war, but he is afraid of going up stairs. If you get on the floor with him, he tries to cuddle with you!_MG_6011So there he is… the perfect dog! 🙂