family friday

Michael had his big bike race this weekend (more on that later), so we drove out to visit our families on Friday! We went to my parent’s house first, although my mom was the only one home for most of the visit! She was happy, because that meant she got Kaya all to herself!_MG_4351

Of course, she spoiled us rotten too, and I might have eaten a doughnut one nanosecond after we walked in the door. (Okay… so I actually ate three. But how can you resist the CHOCOLATE?!)

_MG_4328It was a beautiful day, so we spent most of our time out on the porch swing. We also discovered that Kaya is completely obsessed with dogs! Socks loves her just as much as she loves him._MG_4354


She was SO EXCITED that she just kept letting her mouth hang open. Goofball!04212013photogridBefore heading to Michael’s parents’ for the night, we stuffed ourselves with one of my favorites- Chinese food! Mmmm. It never gets old for me._MG_4376

Auntie Carol and my dad got to visit with Kaya for a few minutes, but by then, she was crying due to being overtired.

kaya and the big, not-so-bad woofs

On our trip home, Kaya got to meet both of our childhood puppies. It was her first-ever encounter with dogs, and I think it’s safe to say that she LOVES them!

Scrappy is 12.5 years old now and has seen quite a few babies. He’s a gentle giant. (Jeff also gave him a bath while we were there)!

Kaya wasn’t at all scared.

Socks is quite the opposite of Scrappy. He is wild, crazy, loud, and barks at everything.

And he has NEVER seen a baby, but he somehow knew how to act around Kaya. He kissed her gently, and would lay near her to be sure she was okay. If she cried, he would bark to let everyone know.

I’m so excited to see her interact with animals when she gets a little bit older. Maybe we’ll even be riding buddies!

insta-jam for august!

This might be the last “insta-jam” that doesn’t include any pictures of a cute little munchkin! August seriously flew by, and I’m guessing that September will too…

1: I tried some more crockpot recipes, including homemade chicken and dumplings! Mmmm. It turned out so delicious! I definitely think the crockpot is going to be my new best friend once munchkin arrives and I don’t have time to stand over the stove.

2: Our friends ding-dong-ditched us some cupcakes… don’t worry, we ditched them some cookies in return!

3: We house-sat/watched a family of kids for a week, but just at nighttime. There are five girls in the family and two of them were eager to paint nails, so I let them do mine! They were pretty creative, as you can tell, and my toes actually turned out even wilder than my fingers.

4: Michael got a new tablet, so I got the “old” one. And what was the first thing I did with it? Change the wallpaper to horses, of course! I am loving using the tablet instead of my old old brick-of-a-computer.

1: This wouldn’t be an insta-jam without some cute animal photos, so here’s Juni enjoying her pink zebra-stripe hut. I’m glad she finally figured out that she’s supposed to lay under it,  not between the back of it and the wall!

2: Parsley is a special treat for a piggy!

3: One morning, Michael decided to get up early for a bike ride before work. It wasn’t even ten minutes after he left when he called me, and of course I panicked, thinking he had gotten hurt. Instead, he told me he had found this puppy, and she kept following him and laying down at his feet if he stopped. He asked what he should do, and of course I said… bring her home! She looked like she’d been outside and walking all night, so we gave her a warm bath and called the phone number on her collar. Her owner came to get her pretty quickly, but it was fun having a puppy for a few minutes!

1: Michael had his 25th birthday! I surprised him with a banner and balloons already hanging when he woke up.

2: Michael got his new tablet. He’s been waiting and waiting and contemplating which one he wanted, and picked the Nexus 7. It was sort-of-an-early-birthday gift and I’m glad he is so happy with it.

3: We went to Macado’s for his birthday dinner, and he got a “Cowpoke” sandwich (I’m not even sure why it’s called that, since there is chicken and bacon on it, but no beef)! I got my usual chicken caesar sandwich.

4: A few days after his birthday, Michael’s side of the family came up to visit. Now, it wouldn’t be a real visit if we didn’t go out for Chinese- that’s pretty much tradition! I’m not really sure what Kevin is doing, but at least it didn’t get us kicked out of the restaurant!

cute animals

Kevin and GiGi gave us an *almost* surprise visit last week- which meant that we also got to meet their puppy, Macie! She's 12 weeks old and a lot of fun.

Oh yeah, she's pretty cute too.

And the world is her toy.

Puppies aren't the only cute animals in this world you know, so stop drooling and look this way! What's cuter than a clean guinea pig with a summer haircut?

Animals make me happier than a pig in the mud! or… a chinchilla in the dust! or… a cat in the litter box! Wait…