five on friday: snow days and teething

Happy Friday!

ONE. Our furnace went out this week. Again! It has been working overtime with these insanely frigid temperatures, so I’m not too surprised (although it does seem like something is always breaking around here). Our maintenance guy came first thing in the morning, and we were warm again before too long.

We did have a surprise 3 inches of snow the night before though, so this pretty much sums up our Wednesday:


TWO. Kaya has been teething (times four) this week. Teething rings actually come in handy now, since she finally knows how to use them. Is this not the saddest face you ever did see? She breaks my heart!_MG_1214 THREE. When I walked into our bedroom and saw this, I cracked up. Apparently, Jax must look bored, so Kaya brought him a bunch of toys and snacks (and my wallet, just in case he wanted to do some online shopping, you know…)! He just kept sleeping._MG_1210FOUR. I love the crazy faces she makes when she “reads” to us. She’s been climbing up into her rocking chair lately, and seeing her sit there with a book just melts my heart._MG_1201

FIVE. I know this song is kind of old news… but I’ve listened to it probably five times a day every day this week. I’ve been doing Google surveys for a few weeks, which gives you money to use on apps or music. I’m finally getting so close to getting this album! 🙂

Happy weekend!
Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

baby #2: 18 weeks

(written January 29th)

I still don’t think I really have a bump to show (and the sweater doesn’t help you see much, either, but it was SO COLD and I really still wanted to take the picture outside)… but here we go 🙂 I’m so excited to write these posts again!_MG_1190

Baby’s size: Crown-to-rump length is 5 to 5.5 inches and weight is about 5.25 ounces.
Maternity clothes?: None yet. My jeans are a size smaller this time around, so I want to wear them even less… but they still button. Maternity jeans are still way too baggy. I tried them one day this week, but I kind of looked like a gangsta with my pants on the ground. Ha.
Gender: We find out in exactly two weeks! I’m so ready for the suspense to be over!
Sleep: I bought a body pillow a few weeks ago, and it is saving my sleep. I don’t know why I didn’t get one last time!
Movement: I’ve been feeling tiny flutters since 11 weeks! I definitely feel Peanut getting stronger every week. Tonight I felt three huge kicks/punches/somethings! I usually feel him/her the most late at night and then again early in the morning when I’m waking up. I’ve missed this so much.
Cravings: Let me just say… I have cravings, but most of the time, I don’t indulge them. On the list this week: frosted mini-wheats, pizza, spaghettios (gross, right?), ice cream, and chocolate-chip cookies. I also crave donuts pretty much 24/7 but haven’t had any since Christmas.
What I miss: Feeling like my clothes fit well, but otherwise, nada.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’m not cooking meat. If I’m not careful, milk will turn my stomach, but I think that’s mostly over now. Picking up after the dog/changing diapers was pretty difficult up until this week, too.
Belly Button in or out?: In for sure.
Exercising?: I’ve been great about keeping up with my running, but these polar vortexes the last week or so have been interfering with my mileage. I’m still doing 4-6 miles each time I go out.
Mood: Feeling so blessed. I also cry at the drop of a hat. Don’t tell me any sad stories!
Best moment this week: Going to the Young Women’s New Beginnings activity (for church), and being able to feel so spiritually uplifted. I love that I get to serve them now. It was also great to have a couple of snow days to just rest and enjoy staying in.
Looking forward to: My birthday in two weeks and finding out if we get a prince or a princess! 🙂
Comparison: 18 weeks with Kaya!18weekcomparison

kaya- 16 months!

(written January 27th)_MG_1109_16monthsHeight & Weight: From here on out, we’re going to skip this unless she has a doctor appointment and she gets measured there. We are probably not all that accurate about it, and she isn’t growing super fast like she was in her first year, so there isn’t much change month to month.
Clothing size: Both 9-12 and 12-18 month pants, both 9-12 and 12-18 month onesies, some 2T tees (we like them long) and 12-18 month jammies.
SIXTEEN! She has teeth G, F, E, D, O, P, N, Q, L, S, B and I, and all four canines are coming in right now, all at once. Poor baby.
She does great with her yogurt and Cheerios for breakfast and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, but dinner seems to be hit or miss (mostly miss these days). She is also obsessed with those cheese crackers with peanut butter filling as a snack. We’re also still nursing three times a day._MG_0852 Words: Dadada (daddy), Mama, uh-oh! Still lots of gibberish most of the time. She definitely understands everything we say to her.
Favorite things:
Riding her rocking horse, wearing shoes, dancing, blowing bubbles, playing with my measuring spoons in the bathtub, coloring and throwing the ball for Jax.
Her very least favorite thing right now is sitting in her high chair to eat. This has made meal time pretty difficult! She also doesn’t really want to lay down for diaper changes anymore.
Still going to bed around 7 pm and waking around 7-7:30 am on most nights. Naps, though, are all over the place. This week I’m blaming her new teeth, but she’s had days where one nap was enough (whether it was 2 or 3 or even 4 hours long), and other days where she takes two shorter naps. I thought once you switched to one nap, you never went back? She is pretty cranky by about 5 pm though when she takes just one.
Milestones, etc.:
-Imitating everything. She’ll pat the bed for the dog to jump up on it, and try to put butter on our rolls for us. I’m amazed at how she can do something so well after seeing us only do it a few times.
– She’s been folding her arms for prayer for a few months now, but this month, she’s become a lot more consistent. She recognizes when we’re praying and loves joining us. Sometimes, she randomly “prays” on her own, and will giggle if we say “AMEN!”
– It seems like she’s just started “pretend play”. She’ll crawl around on the floor (differently from her infant crawling a few months ago), like an animal… maybe a puppy? That’s what I always think she’s doing, so I get down there and pretend to be a puppy too.
– She’s an ultimate climber. She can get all the way up into our bed, and now she’s obsessed with balancing on the edge of the toy box. Yikes.

Dear Kaya,

Your cheesy grin these days is just too much. I love the way you look at me and just crack up! You grab our bluetooth speaker every day (more than once) and say “uh-oh!” until we turn on some tunes. We usually enjoy waking up to classical music (sometimes you’ll even join in on the piano), and you still really love getting your groove on to Taylor Swift, One Direction, Luke Bryan, or Eric Paslay. I hope you’ll still want to listen to some of my favorite country music when you’re older and more opinionated._MG_0973

Love you baby girl. You’re my favorite.

baby #2: all the stuff everyone asks (or silently wonders)

I thought it’d be fun to put together a post to answer a few of the questions we’ve gotten this time around… so here we go:baby2ultrasoundcrop

“Was it planned?” I find this question a little awkward… but yes. We knew we wanted to have another baby around this time. So yep, we chose to be this crazy and have another one. I love it.

“How far apart will Kaya and the new baby be?” 21 months. I really have no idea what having a 21-month old and a newborn will be like, but I’m sure there will be challenging days… especially in the beginning. What I’m really looking forward to is seeing them grow up together and hopefully be best friends.

“Are you going to move?” We currently live in a two-bedroom apartment (with a den), which I think is plenty of space. I shared a bedroom until I was fourteen, so I fully plan on keeping these two kiddos together.

“Have you been sick?” I never really talked too much about it on the blog, but with Kaya, I had horrible morning all-day sickness. So far, this pregnancy has been almost identical. The last time I got sick with Kaya was at 13 weeks, and this time it was 16 weeks. I still get waves of nausea from time to time, but I’m doing a whole lot better now. Meat was gross to me with Kaya… and it still is. I actually lost a couple of pounds in the first trimester this time, though (maybe I didn’t with Kaya just because Michael would bring me anything he knew I could keep down… like gummy worms or doughnuts. I’ve been a stickler about eating my salads and not a lot of candy this time).

“So are you hoping for a boy this time?” I know that we will be happy with either a prince or princess. Honestly though, I’d love to reuse all the girl stuff we already have! I’d also love for Kaya to have a sister so close in age, but I know from personal experience how awesome little brothers can be 🙂 We find out in a couple weeks… I’m so excited!

“Are you still running?” Yes sir, yes ma’am, I sure am. I’ve been keeping up with my regular 20 or so total miles per week (minus the polar vortex days). Hopefully I’ll be running right up until the end like I did last time.

A few other fun facts…

We’ve nicknamed this baby “Peanut”. (Remember how Kaya was “Munchkin”)?

I’m actually pretty amazed at how similar this pregnancy has been to my first. I’ve got the same cravings (chocolate, pizza, donuts, cookies… etc.), and my morning sickness started at the exact same time, with the same severity. I’d say that it seemed a little better this time though, mostly because I already had an idea of how to deal with it (and I have a toddler to chase around, so I couldn’t mope around all day thinking about how sick I felt). I would often get sick in the morning, be okay during the day, and feel sick again around dinner time. With Kaya, I would get sick and then feel a bit better all day, or not get sick and then feel awful all day.

Call me crazy, but I seriously think I started feeling this one’s tiny flutters at 11 weeks! They usually are on the right side of my tummy, which is exactly where my OB found the heartbeat at my first appointment. I felt Kaya at 15 weeks, and supposedly you feel your second even earlier, so I think it’s totally possible.

Round ligament pain seems a whole lot worse this time around, and I’ve already had an achey pelvis from time to time. I am actually pretty amazed at how much earlier I’ve had these pains this time around. It’s nothing unbearable though.

Hopefully I’ll be starting “bump” pictures this week (although I really think there is nothing to show, just like last time at 18 weeks)!

you are my heart

(written January 26th)

Dear Kaya,

I wish you could know how much my heart hurts for you when you’re sick or in pain. Today, you were not your normal, happy-go-lucky self.

I’m going to blame it on all four of your canine teeth coming in at the same time.

No one one tells you how much you start to feel when you become a mother. Compared to now, it almost seems like I was walking around heartless before I had you.

Some little boy at church today kept trying to push you and take every toy you wanted to play with. Seeing your pouty little lip felt like sandpaper on my heart. You don’t know how much I wanted to run to you, hold you, and protect you from the world.elizabethstone


I don’t want anyone to make you sad.

I don’t want you to feel disappointed or let down.

But I know that as the years go on, you’ll have to learn the life lessons that every kid does.

I love you so much, Kaya. You opened my heart to whole new level of feeling, one I didn’t even knew existed. Your joy is my joy. Your pain is my pain.

And right now, I can hardly understand that I’m going to feel all that (and probably more) for yet another tiny person who I havent even met yet in just a few months.

Motherhood is crazy like that.

Motherhood is the best because of that.

five on friday: ice, ice cream, baby

ONE. Obviously, our most exciting part of the week was announcing our pregnancy! We got a whole lot of love, both in real life and on social media. I’m feeling so blessed and excited to be able to share this special time with everyone.


TWO. I feel like I’ve been talking about the weather a lot on here lately, so forgive me… but how can I not, when I have a sheet of ice on the INSIDE of my sliding glass door? It’s become a game for me to keep opening the weather app to see if I can capture a screenshot with the lowest temperature (clearly, there must not be much to do here in the winter in the mountains…)


THREE. This is actually from last week… but it’s just too adorable to not post. We had a date to Dairy Queen, and after a few bites of sweet sugary goodness, Kaya performed the craziest little dance.

I love our family date nights.IMG_20140113_192833

FOUR. The weather may be dismal, but on the bright side, we’ve enjoyed cuddling up with blankets and Jax! Sometimes, he rests his head gently over my tummy, right where the baby is. I love it. I could not have asked for a sweeter dog.IMG_20140122_114245 FIVE. I’m also in love with this picture Michael quickly took of us on Monday. I’m trying really hard to get into pictures, because I know that one day our kids will look back and want to see them. These are precious moments 🙂_MG_1085

Happy weekend! 🙂

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

snow baby

We had our first real snowfall on Tuesday. By the sound of the weather reports, we were supposed to have a mini-blizzard, but only ended up getting around two inches.

Luckily, two inches is the perfect amount for a sweet 16-month-old girl to play in._MG_1089


Her snowsuit was just puffy enough to make it impossible for her to get up if she fell down._MG_1105


Love her little lip._MG_1110

In all honesty, she hardly even noticed the snow. She was more excited to just be free to walk around outside!_MG_1115



She might be too little for snowman-making and hot chocolate, but we still had a fun afternoon. I’m so grateful I get to spend these little moments with her.

baby #2 on board!

We are so happy to finally share that we will be welcoming a second sweet bundle of love into our family! Our due date is July 2, 2014, and we couldn’t be more excited!_MG_1081

And just because this picture is so us… you get the goofy version too._MG_1082I feel so blessed to be on this journey again. Get ready for a bunch of baby-related posts 🙂

surprise long weekend

I didn’t even realize that this weekend was a long one, until Saturday night when Michael “reminded” me that he was off on Monday. I am either a really poor listener (totally possible), or Michael is already getting old and forgetful and never told me.

I’m going to go with the second option. Yep.

Anyway, we had a wonderful, relaxing couple of days. We even got to spend some time with our friend Katie, who we haven’t seen in awhile (and I failed to take a picture…whoops).

We had a great Sunday at church! On the way there, I just kept chanting “BFFs!” to Kaya, and she thought it was hilarious. Hence this picture:IMG_20140119_085515 Afterward, Michael even took Kaya out with him for home-teaching so that I could nap. I think he wins the best husband award.

We had some glorious weather on Monday (50 degrees say what?)! Jax enjoyed his run but was obviously still energetic afterward. I love that Border Collie energy!IMG_20140120_135737 We had our first dinner date out in a long while. We went to Olive Garden (thanks, Karl!), and although I was worried about how Kaya would do at a sit-down restaurant, I was overall very impressed with her patience. She loved the breadsticks (but I think she liked picking the croutons out of Michael’s salad even more…)IMG_20140120_204530Happy 4-day week! 🙂

life seasons

(written January 15th)

Right after the holidays ended, I’ll admit, I was a little bummed. We were having sub-zero temperatures, and there were no more family gatherings, holiday baking, or planned festivities to look forward to.

These dog days of winter can drag on forever. I’ve already had pangs of longing for summer.

This morning, I noticed the frost glistening on the grass. The whole world was sparkling as if it were covered in tiny diamonds.

It was a small reminder to me: winter can be dreary, but the beauty is there. We just need to look (even if looking means being up before the crack of dawn).maketodaybeautifulphotoshopprintable

The more time I spend on this earth, the more I’ve come to realize that this is true for life, too. We can choose to focus on the negative (whether it be temperatures or life circumstances), or we can find those sparkling gems in the darkness.

I’m filled with overwhelming gratitude for the gems in my life.

That first smile from Kaya in the morning.
Feeling Michael kiss my forehead after I’ve already fallen asleep.
Watching Kaya light up when she hears one of her favorite songs, eats her favorite snack, or gets her Kitty back after he’s been through the wash.
Afternoons spent with friends.
Praying for something so small that it seems like it shouldn’t matter to God, but having Him answer anyway.
A warm, cuddly puppy.

And a million other blessings. I could go on all day long.

I love the season we’re in right now.