i know

On Sunday, we enjoyed a special musical performance by one of our sister missionaries.

The hymn has been my favorite for years, and this arrangement in particular touched my heart.

I know that my Reedemer lives- but how often do I actually take the time to acknowledge Him and all He does for me?

Too often I am caught up in some thought or worry that won’t even matter in a few days.

There is always something waiting to be checked off my to-do list.

I get frustrated with my imperfections and shortcomings.

And all the while, as I groan and cry and fret about things that don’t really matter, He is waiting for me to come to Him. He is there, ready to pacify me.lost-lamb-art-lds-425852-wallpaper

(source: LDS Gospel Art Library)

Most of all, He wants me to be happy. He wants all of us to find joy.

I know that He lives, and as time goes on, I hope I can do better to acknowledge Him more throughout my day.

five on friday: snow days and teething

Happy Friday!

ONE. Our furnace went out this week. Again! It has been working overtime with these insanely frigid temperatures, so I’m not too surprised (although it does seem like something is always breaking around here). Our maintenance guy came first thing in the morning, and we were warm again before too long.

We did have a surprise 3 inches of snow the night before though, so this pretty much sums up our Wednesday:


TWO. Kaya has been teething (times four) this week. Teething rings actually come in handy now, since she finally knows how to use them. Is this not the saddest face you ever did see? She breaks my heart!_MG_1214 THREE. When I walked into our bedroom and saw this, I cracked up. Apparently, Jax must look bored, so Kaya brought him a bunch of toys and snacks (and my wallet, just in case he wanted to do some online shopping, you know…)! He just kept sleeping._MG_1210FOUR. I love the crazy faces she makes when she “reads” to us. She’s been climbing up into her rocking chair lately, and seeing her sit there with a book just melts my heart._MG_1201

FIVE. I know this song is kind of old news… but I’ve listened to it probably five times a day every day this week. I’ve been doing Google surveys for a few weeks, which gives you money to use on apps or music. I’m finally getting so close to getting this album! 🙂

Happy weekend!
Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

five songs that bring back memories

I’m doing Tuesday Topics again this week (with Lauren and Tiffany), and the subject is “five songs that bring back memories”. I might not have been born in the south, but I am a country music junkie through and through, so here we go:

“Never Grow Up” (Taylor Swift) – When this song first came out, I was at an age I’d label as “new adult”. I was newly married, about to finish university and trying to figure out how the world works. I was stuck between wanting to still be a “kid” (although in many ways I still am), and being forced to tackle the challenges that come with growing up. Now when I hear it, I think about how fast my baby girl is growing. This song can make me cry every time I hear it, without fail.

“Drive” (Alan Jackson) – The first verse of this song brings me back to when I was a little girl and we’d take the boat out on the lake in the small town where I grew up. Those were the days before my brother was born, so it was just the three of us. I remember wearing that little fishy life jacket and watching the boat break up the waves. (I was 4 years old in this photo.)boatdrive

“Farmer’s Daughter” (Rodney Atkins) – I’d say this was one of Michael’s first “favorite” country songs, and it was also the song that Lelia had as her alarm when we did foal watch together a couple of springs ago. (Foal watch means that you sleep at the barn and wake up every couple hours to check on the mares… so I heard that song a lot)! It was dark, chilly, and even a little scary trudging out into the fields all by our lonesome. None of the mares foaled that night, so they just gave us these sleepy-eyed stares every time we checked on them. I always think of that night whenever I hear it now.

“It’s a Great Day to Be Alive” (Travis Tritt) –  I kid you not, this song comes on the radio every single time I’ve been going through a trial or just having a bad day. It’s such a good reminder that today can be a good day if we make it one, and this life really is something special.

“Wanted” (Hunter Hayes) – I first heard this song last year when I was pregnant with Kaya, and it made me cry my eyes out because it perfectly described the tiny princess I was so eager to meet. She was and is so wanted and I always want her to feel that way. Some of my favorite lyrics: “You know I’d fall apart without you…
I want to wrap you up…
I want to make you feel wanted
and I want to call you mine
Want to hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it
Yeah, I, I want to make you feel wanted”.

And now that I’ve gone all sappy on you… here’s a cute picture of Kaya to make up for it!_MG_6842

friday thoughts

We’ve had quite a crazy week, with just getting back home from my Utah trip, cuddling a teething baby, editing three photoshoots, and saying goodbye to my sweet Maggie. The weather is at least looking a bit more like spring, so we’ve been enjoying more time outside (although 3 of my 4 runs this week were in the RAIN)!

Juni seems to be doing okay without Maggie. They were more like roommates than best friends, after all. The cage just seems so big and quiet now. Juni hasn’t been too excited about her veggies, so she had some parsley this morning as a treat._MG_5629I had a photoshoot with a sweet family from church last night. Kaya and I got there a little early, so I played around with the beautiful lighting while she (re)discovered grass.
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(and she tried to eat a stick…)_MG_5398

Kaya’s had a bit of a rough week with teething, but the top two front teeth have both finally broken through the gum! She seems more like her normal, happy self today so far. (Although she is going on three hours of napping right now!)
_MG_5633I also forgot how much I love listening to this song. It’s silly, I know, but it is a good reminder of the simple things in life. I’m definitely looking forward to some great family time this weekend!

I still plan to show off all the fun I had in Utah, but I have a TON of photos to go through, so it might take me a little longer than I’d like. Stay tuned and happy weekend! 🙂

the piano

It was already almost 3 weeks ago that we “adopted” a piano of our very own! I had actually been thinking about how nice it would be to have one, and it turns out that Michael was considering it, too, because he found this one on Craigslist for $100! It really is in excellent shape, and it was only about a half-step flat on every note. We had a piano tuner come, and he said that the last guy who tuned it left a note saying that he actually did it that way on purpose… in 1999! It stayed consistently flat for quite a while.

It sounded good before the tuner came, but now it sounds beautiful. I love hearing Michael play. It’s actually one of his talents that I have always admired.

I can read music (albeit slowly) from my years of choir and guitar-playing, so I am making progress and learning to play out of the “beginner” hymnbook that Michael actually gave me for Christmas the first year we knew each other.

I really look forward to the day that I can play songs for our little family can sing along to. Maybe one day I’ll even be able to play in church!

the music in me

I love music. I started singing in a choir in 5th grade, then in 9th grade I started learning guitar. I've always loved playing, but for awhile I didn't practice much at all. Now that it's summer and I have time, I've been picking it up and practicing most days. My fingers hurt, and I love it! Right now I'm attempting to master singing and playing simultaneously… it isn't as easy as it looks!