because we’re happy

No doubt about it, the thing I’m the happiest about today is that Kaelyn slept for 3.5 hours straight last night- her longest stretch yet! It’s crazy how just a few uninterrupted hours can feel so amazing!

I’m also loving these peaceful moments cuddling my newest sweetheart…
07192014collage1… and her very tiny (very long!) toes 🙂
Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetMichael was overjoyed when Kaya and I sent him this picture while he was at work! The writing on the sidewalk is true.. she couldn’t be more of a daddy’s girl!Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 presetKaya’s been ecstatic (although she certainly doesn’t look like it in this picture) about all the time we’ve spent playing outside and on the playground!Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetJax is glad to have found a new cuddle buddy:
_MG_3253And Kaelyn is just happy to be here:

And just because it’s fun…

Happy Monday! 🙂


Before we left for the beach, we tried to get as much time outside as we could before some crazy thunderstorms were about to hit. We played on the slide and visited Daddy for lunch!
05092014collage1 We went shopping and found some great treasures- 4 shirts, 2 dresses, a dress and a shirt for Kaya, two stuffed animals, this fishing game (I had it when I was a kid), and 9 kids’ books for $38. That is hard to beat!Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetJax still tries to give us those cute puppy-dog eyes to get what he wants. Too bad it doesn’t work!IMG_20140510_115052

Kaya was sooo excited for our trip to the beach:

And she was so exhausted after our trip that she was fighting sleep on the way home from church on Sunday. She wanted to close her eyes and I kept waking her up, so she just kept making this incredibly funny face instead!Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetHappy Tuesday! 🙂

five on friday: perfect pizza, snuggles, and singing

ONE. I’ve been blessed with so many snuggles from my princess this week. I love it and can’t get enough (even if it is because she is tired and cranky).IMG_20131120_104341

TWO. I think I’ve finally figured out the secret to amazing, crispy pizza crust. Last night, I heated up the pizza stone at 500 degrees for maybe 10-15 minutes, rolled out the dough, threw it on there and cooked it for about 4 minutes (still at 500!), and then took it out and added the toppings. Four more minutes at 425 degrees and it was magical. I have never made pizza that delicious, and I think Michael agrees.

THREE. This little girl has been “singing” every day lately. She opens a hymnbook (either at home or at our institute classes) and will do this for minutes on end (I love her love for music) :

FOUR. I know I’m already late writing Kaya’s monthly post… but she is getting so difficult to photograph! I tried so hard to get a decent shot for her “month picture”, but when we went outside, she just wanted to run, and when we tried inside… well, it was just silly. Hopefully Michael can help me out tomorrow. (And yes, those are cheesits in her mouth. I fully admit to bribing her…)


FIVE. I’ve been so excited about Christmas everything (32 days to go!) and I found all these adorable ornaments I want to make… But Michael still says to wait until after Thanksgiving. I’m trying to at least convince him to help me put the tree up this weekend… but we’ll see.


Happy Friday! Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

crayons flying, puppies lying, costume trying

ONE. I know I already talked about this pumpkin bread a couple weeks ago… but seriously. I have been wanting to make it again ever since we finished the last batch. I finally succumbed to my sweet tooth (it usually wins, anyway) and made some on Wednesday night. Luckily, Lelia and the sister missionaries came by and helped eat some of it!_MG_9695TWO. While I was baking, this little princess was coloring and throwing crayons all over the kitchen. I love having my little pal right at my feet. (Speaking of feet… aren’t her little toes just precious?)_MG_9681THREE. We’ve all been super sleepy this week. Kaya’s naps have been longer, and I even got an ultra-long one on Tuesday. I’m so glad to have my own personal space heater…IMG_20131022_103914FOUR. We still haven’t decided on Halloween costumes… I am seriously slacking as a mom. Hopefully I figure it out soon because I only have a few days to make whatever it is we choose! Although, I did procrastinate last year, too… and Kaya was so cute. And TINY. Let’s reminisce for a moment:_MG_6121 FIVE. My baby is craaazy. Don’t wear ear buds for this because she will make you hard-of-hearing (and please excuse my congestedness)!

Happy Friday! Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!


I’ve been so nostalgic these past few weeks. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t had to choke back tears a few times.

More often than not, I’ve let them run down my cheeks.

My baby is about to turn one.

Where did time go?

It’s been a year full of laughter, tears, late nights, early mornings, cuddles and kisses.

It’s been a year full of LOVE and more joy than I could have ever imagined.

I’ve been looking through all her photos to choose some for a birthday slideshow. I came across this video, taken on her very first day. (it’s obvious that I was struggling with the camera big time here…)

I watched that movie, and my heart filled up. I can almost, just almost, smell that precious new-baby smell. I can feel her tiny, warm body nestled into mine. I remember how snuggling and staring at her all day still didn’t seem to be long enough. I can feel the peace that was in that hospital room.

An angel had arrived to join our family, straight from Heaven. Innocent and pure, which is exactly what “Kaya” means.

Sometimes, I almost still can’t believe she’s real. We made that little girl. And she’s perfect.

I’m so grateful for you, Kaya Rose. Thank you for teaching me more about life and myself than I ever could have imagined. Can’t wait to celebrate your birthday together next week._MG_4863

friday favorites

Apparently, last weekend didn’t rejuvenate Kaya at all, because she kicked off Monday morning by falling asleep in the high chair! (I even got her into the crib after this without waking her up… and I’m not the gentlest person, so that’s impressive!)IMG_20130722_091105 For family night, we went to the pool! We stayed long enough for Kaya to get the wrinkliest little baby toes.PicsArt_1374537969810 On Tuesday, I made a cake for the first time in months! It was chocolate with buttercream frosting (inspired by this). I know it’s far from perfect… I like to call it “shabby chic”. Emphasis on the shabby._MG_7570The cake was part of a surprise party for Brittany and Lelia after institute! I’m so glad we got to celebrate these two awesome girls (by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lelia TODAY)! This might’ve been one of the only times I didn’t bring any leftover cake home.PhotoGrid_1374629824097

There was a whole lot of playing this week (as usual)…_MG_7552 _MG_7537-2 _MG_7546 … some laughing over sandwich crumbs, and sleeping while running errands/shopping (what am I going to do when we upgrade her car seat and she falls asleep?)072613fridayfavs

Church put on a “Pioneer Day” activity on Wednesday, so we enjoyed some fun outfits, homemade butter, making yarn dolls, and gunny sack racing!
_MG_7601 The missionaries had the best getup._MG_7606And if you want a good laugh…

This morning, we had a playdate with Bianca and Aaliyah! The weather has been cooling down a whole lot lately, so we enjoyed being outside without sweating! (Kaya also wore SHOES for the first time ever… and what’s even better is that I got them yesterday for 50 cents 🙂 )IMG_20130726_132244

Also, I think someone has been watching the puppy a little too closely…

friday favorites

Monday was the only day of the week that the forecast didn’t predict thunderstorms, so Kaya and I tried to cram every warm-weather activity into our day. We went walking with Daddy on his lunch break, had a barbecue with friends, and even planned to go to the pool (but after a million and one errands, Kaya really needed a nap, so there was no swimming for us).

The weather man was wrong (go figure!) so we did get to enjoy some pool time on Tuesday after all. Baby Bird is always so exhausted after we swim! Despite her tiredness, her morning nap seems to be getting shorter and shorter…

Our computer came last night! It came in a bunch of different boxes, so Michael had to put it together (actually, he still has a few things left to do to finish it, so I haven’t had any fun playing with it yet). The boxes had tons of padding to protect the computer, and Kaya sure loved playing with all the paper.


It’s been hotter this week, so the air conditioning is back on. Poor Kaya was getting pretty sweaty!IMG_20130719_130810She also tried sweet potatoes last night! She only sort of liked them (her smile is for Daddy, not the food)! We are going to try again later today.
IMG_20130718_192637And I love how silly my baby is (by the way, I promise she does wear clothes 90% of the time… I guess she always just does photo/video-worthy things during the 10% she’s in only a diaper!)

Happy weekend!

friday favorites

We kicked off the week with a Monday-night barbecue with some good friends. The weather was just beautiful and we soaked up every moment of it.IMG_20130617_202057 I made these lemon bars to bring to the barbecue. I’d never tried them before so I was nervous they wouldn’t turn out alright, but they were a hit! (I think Michael alone ate about half the tray in less than 24 hours…)_MG_6752 I love having two sidekicks who follow me wherever I go…_MG_6738 Kaya has really started noticing the piano this week, and will crawl up to it, stand up and play any notes she can reach. She even did it at institute (our scripture study class) this week while Michael was playing a hymn… we were cracking up!_MG_6555Jax went to the vet this week, and on the way home, we stopped to visit Michael for lunch. We had an impromptu mini-picnic 🙂 Michael gave Kaya some of his PB&J, but she was not too impressed with it.06202013photogridWe had a HUGE rain/hailstorm and I drove on 460 through it… It was the worst weather I’ve ever driven in! We ended up waiting it out in the car for a while.IMG_20130620_092117 I love cozy mornings like the one we had yesterday. Kaya explored on her own, Jax collapsed after our run, and I cuddled up on the couch with a blanket for the first time in a long while.IMG_20130620_092610And I love seeing these two play together!