five on friday: perfect pizza, snuggles, and singing

ONE. I’ve been blessed with so many snuggles from my princess this week. I love it and can’t get enough (even if it is because she is tired and cranky).IMG_20131120_104341

TWO. I think I’ve finally figured out the secret to amazing, crispy pizza crust. Last night, I heated up the pizza stone at 500 degrees for maybe 10-15 minutes, rolled out the dough, threw it on there and cooked it for about 4 minutes (still at 500!), and then took it out and added the toppings. Four more minutes at 425 degrees and it was magical. I have never made pizza that delicious, and I think Michael agrees.

THREE. This little girl has been “singing” every day lately. She opens a hymnbook (either at home or at our institute classes) and will do this for minutes on end (I love her love for music) :

FOUR. I know I’m already late writing Kaya’s monthly post… but she is getting so difficult to photograph! I tried so hard to get a decent shot for her “month picture”, but when we went outside, she just wanted to run, and when we tried inside… well, it was just silly. Hopefully Michael can help me out tomorrow. (And yes, those are cheesits in her mouth. I fully admit to bribing her…)


FIVE. I’ve been so excited about Christmas everything (32 days to go!) and I found all these adorable ornaments I want to make… But Michael still says to wait until after Thanksgiving. I’m trying to at least convince him to help me put the tree up this weekend… but we’ll see.


Happy Friday! Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

mommy & me

I try to get into pictures with Kaya sometimes, so that when she’s all grown up she can see us together (and know that her mama really was there, and not always the one taking the pictures…)

I felt like playing with my $3 camera remote (I finally got a new battery for it), so here we are! (Yes, she’s eating Cheesits. No, of course I don’t bribe my baby…)
_MG_9662Jax is still practicing his photo-bombing.

Linking up with Emily and Leah!

get in the picture, january 24th

I keep reading blog posts that challenge moms to actually be IN photos with their children and not always stay behind the camera. I’m a photography nerd, so sometimes it’s just hard to get on the other side of the lens. Last year, I made a goal to take more pictures of Michael and I together, and I think we ended up with quite a few decent photos that I truly cherish.

When Kaya grows up, I want her to have some photos of us together, so hopefully I’ll periodically have one to share here on the blog! Here we are in our usual play spot on the floor (lucky, my camera blinks a yellow light when it’s on timer, so she had no problem looking in the right direction!)