
Before we left for the beach, we tried to get as much time outside as we could before some crazy thunderstorms were about to hit. We played on the slide and visited Daddy for lunch!
05092014collage1 We went shopping and found some great treasures- 4 shirts, 2 dresses, a dress and a shirt for Kaya, two stuffed animals, this fishing game (I had it when I was a kid), and 9 kids’ books for $38. That is hard to beat!Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetJax still tries to give us those cute puppy-dog eyes to get what he wants. Too bad it doesn’t work!IMG_20140510_115052

Kaya was sooo excited for our trip to the beach:

And she was so exhausted after our trip that she was fighting sleep on the way home from church on Sunday. She wanted to close her eyes and I kept waking her up, so she just kept making this incredibly funny face instead!Processed with VSCOcam with a5 presetHappy Tuesday! 🙂