
We spent early Saturday afternoon at the pool! It was our first visit of this summer season, and I have to admit, I think I was just as excited as the kids were about finally going swimming.

I didn’t think we’d get a chance to go to this pool again (because we had already moved), but our old apartment is still vacant- which means that we are still paying rent up through the end of July, when our lease officially ends (unless we or the complex owners find someone who wants it before then). Anyway, this means that we still have access to community amenities- including the pools! Might as well enjoy it while we can! 🙂
_MG_3157This is one of my favorite places to be with my kids. As a child, my own summer days were spent at the lake or the pool, swimming with my brother until we were too tired to swim anymore. I love doing this with my own babies now.
_MG_3179 Kaelyn enjoyed some splashing, but mostly just wanted to sit at the edge and kick her feet in the water._MG_3170 _MG_3171 I cherish these afternoons spent as a whole family… and these girls sure do appreciate some quality time with their daddy._MG_3164Michael found a rubber ducky in the pool drain, and Kaelyn was over the moon with joy, since rubber ducks are one of her favorite things right now._MG_3186 _MG_3188 _MG_3191 _MG_3193 I packed up a lunch for everyone, so we enjoyed a poolside picnic after swimming. Grapes, cucumbers, yogurt, salad, sandwiches, and Goldfish crackers- it was quite a smorgasbord!_MG_3195The girls were exhausted at the end of our outing, so we all enjoyed a peaceful nap afterward. These are the best summer days._MG_3201

at the crossroads

We’re at that time of the year when summer is winding down, but fall isn’t quite here yet. It’s somewhat of an in-between, with the best parts of both seasons combined.

It’s refreshingly cool in the mornings, but the sun still beats down hotly in the afternoons. There’s the scent of fallen apples on the walking path, but the smell of sunscreen, chlorine, and sweat still on our skin.

The pool is still open, but only in the evenings, and it’s closing for the season tomorrow. We’ve spent countless hours there this summer, and I’ve loved watching my girls grow to really love the water. I can only hope that we still live in a community with pool access again next year.

Summer almost demands messy hair, comfy clothes for playing outside, and a slower daily pace. Fall was always my favorite season, but I’ve been holding on to every last drop of all this. The fresh, cool autumn seems to last a few short weeks before our hills are covered in snow and the next polar vortex sweeps through.

No matter the season, I’m grateful for all the memories we’ve made as a family this summer just by spending more “intentional” time together. (for the record, Kaya had no interest in being in this picture with us… sad!)Here’s to autumn and more good things to come.

five on friday: farewells, footwear, and fuzzy cuddles

We’re here at the end of another week… the last in July! I know the rest of summer is going to be over in the blink of an eye, and it’ll be Fall before we know it. Here’s our top five for the week:

ONE. This last week brought our very last play date as a full group before Brittany moves away and Katherine headed off to visit family for a while.  I knew this day was coming, but it seems like it came and went all too quickly.

We’ve shared so many good times together and watched our children grow alongside each other. These ladies have been there through thick and thin for me, and I am so grateful. There’s nothing like knowing that somebody’s got your back._MG_8831Aaliyah wasn’t too excited for a picture. Real life, you guys. I love it._MG_8832Talyah, Luke, Kaelyn, and Caroline!_MG_8834TWO. We made it to the pool a grand total of one time this week! Kaya is getting more comfortable with swimming in her puddle jumper (with support from Daddy, of course), and really loved kicking her way from the middle of the pool to the edge. I love these two goofballs.

THREE. After 3.5 years of running in barefoot shoes, I wanted to switch to something with a little more support. I went to a local running store, and a knowledgeable clerk set me up with these. They’re a great median between barefoot and traditional shoes, and he suggested that I can switch between these and my barefoots as needed. I’m loving them so far!

_MG_8885FOUR. This little girl still loves her baths. Is there anything cuter than a giggly baby with shampoo in her hair?

FIVE. There’s nothing like a girl and her Panda…

… or a girl and her Piggy. We’ve got a couple of regular stuffed animal lovers over here.

Happy weekend!

Linking up with April today!

five on friday: driving, swimming, dating

Another week has come and gone! I will never cease to be amazed at how fast time goes once you become a mom.

ONE. My babies have actually started playing together. Everyone told me about how magical it would be… and they were right, it’s true! Kaya has been giving Kaelyn nearly-endless rides in the cozy coupe this week and they are both loving it. I’m loving how happy they are and that they can entertain themselves for short periods of time (total honesty here)!_MG_8549TWO. Kaya’s mantra this week: “I’m so excited!” She’s been saying it in anticipation of so many things, but the best time had to be when we were at the pool and she was dancing around! They just built a new wading pool over there, and it’s perfect for both my babies to play in.

THREE. We went on a date this week, just the two of us! I know that this shouldn’t be something monumental… but we can count the number of dates we’ve gone on sans kids on one hand since Kaya was born. Ridiculous, I know. At least we’re making the effort now!

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings (only after finding out that my favorite Greek restaurant was closed) and shared what they call the “sampler”. Mmmmm.

FOUR. We finished up our guinea pig sitting yesterday! We had such a fun time looking after these two sweet girls. Kaya already misses visiting them and has even asked me for our own guinea pigs. All I have to say is… we’ll have to see 🙂FIVE. Sometimes it’s rough being a big sister._MG_8568Happy FRIDAY! 🙂

Linking up with April today!

summertime things

All winter long (which seems to span nearly half the year here), I feel like I’m just waiting for the warm weather to make a return.

I live for the green grass, gentle breezes, blue skies and clear swimming pools. We’ve definitely been soaking it all up as much as we can before summer ends in only a little over a month. Why does winter seem to drag on for so long, while summer seems to pass in the blink of an eye?

This past weekend, we went to the swimming pool for the first time since Kaya had her stitches removed. She typically doesn’t even get her head wet, but we were giving her a chance to heal up a bit before we got back in the water.

There is nothing she loves more than playing with her daddy!

Kaelyn is always more than happy to just be wherever mommy is, even if that just means sitting on the lounge chair and watching everyone else play!

Kaya has suddenly become a jogger. We’ll go out for a walk and she’ll run/walk about 1.25 miles. I am so impressed! I love to encourage her to exercise, but I might need to get her some decent sneakers now! Flip-flops are not really meant for this…

The rest of our outside time is spent at the playground. They never seem to tire of it, even if we do go almost every day._MG_8444So grateful for these beautiful days outside with my little family._MG_8443_MG_8447

pool babies

It was finally hot enough to go swimming last Friday, and we have been pool junkies ever since! Kaya has been asking to go every single day and never seems to get tired, even though we stay so long that we infringe on naptime. It’s so worth it to see her having fun, though!

Kaelyn figured out that if she throws her legs down really hard, the lounge chairs make them bounce back up. She might have had more fun doing this than actually swimming in the pool!

She makes this little scrunchy face on the left any time she’s really happy…collage06122015_1

Kaya had the time of her life on Friday night, because there was a little ice cream party going on. What could be better than swimming and dessert combined? She played in the water until she was shivering and still didn’t want to leave.

Kaelyn likes splashing around in the water, too, but is just as content to sit out on the chair with mommy. Her little grin gets me every time! While Daddy swam with Kaya, she read a magazine with me. It felt so good to relax!

Here’s to many more memories at the pool this summer!

Sadie Sky Boutique

bike rides and sunshine

Michael drove down to Charlotte, NC this weekend to complete yet another Tour de Cure bike race! He took his friend Marwan with him, and they met up with another random guy to make their own little riding team. They finished 65 miles, although Michael said the route was a little more hilly than he was expecting it to be.Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Chester the Cheetah was there before the race, so naturally, Michael asked for a picture with him.Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

Kaya and I stayed home (since traveling at 35 weeks pregnant might not be the best idea) and tried to entertain ourselves. How could I ever be bored with such a cute and funny sidekick?PhotoGrid_1401556126166

We finished a 4-mile walk (Kaya probably slept for about 2 miles of it, which is totally crazy considering how bumpy the walking path is)! After a real nap, we headed to the pool, although Kaya didn’t want much to do with the water at all.Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetShe enjoyed her snacks in the shade, and I actually got to relax and read a magazine for a little while! Sitting out in the sunshine reminds me how much I love summer days.

Daddy was home in time for dinner, and we enjoyed a (much-needed) restful Sunday.

Happy Monday! 🙂

memorial day weekend

We had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend! The weather was amazing and it actually feels like summer is coming, which I couldn’t be more excited about.

I finally decided on Kaya’s new bed. I ordered a twin-size mattress for her, and it arrived on Friday. Now, we’re just waiting on the bed frame to get here! We had tried converting her crib into a toddler bed, but she never wanted to sleep in it. So far, she likes her “big girl” bed and actually sleeps on it!

Processed with VSCOcam with se2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with se2 preset

We had a lot of grandparents come up to visit this weekend (which meant that Kaya was incredibly spoiled)!

_MG_2650 One of her surprises was a new “Kitty” from my mom. The old one has seen better days, but I still might have cried a little when Kaya immediately took to the new stuffed animal. I guess I can blame pregnancy hormones… but that old Kitty has had so many adventures with us!_MG_2681 My happy girl was so excited to take a picture with both her kitties 🙂 Her grandmas also lavished her with new books, dresses, and toys. It was almost like Christmas around here!_MG_2675 We all went out to dinner on Saturday, to church on Sunday, and then to the pool on Monday! The first day of the swimming season always feels a little extra exciting._MG_2654 Love these two (and Michael’s tan line)! Kaya actually didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the water, since it was still a bit chilly. She mostly just stood next to the pool and threw her ducky and ball in for us to toss back to her._MG_2662 We planned a cookout with some dear friends after our swimming. We probably had the best spread of food we’ve ever had at any of our cookouts (hot dogs, bratwurst, salad, pasta salad, chips, lemonade, and all manner of desserts)!_MG_2668_MG_2667At the end of it all, Kaya was more exhausted than I think I’ve ever seen her.

It’s after time spent with family and friends and days like these that my heart feels so full of gratitude.

friday favorites

Apparently, last weekend didn’t rejuvenate Kaya at all, because she kicked off Monday morning by falling asleep in the high chair! (I even got her into the crib after this without waking her up… and I’m not the gentlest person, so that’s impressive!)IMG_20130722_091105 For family night, we went to the pool! We stayed long enough for Kaya to get the wrinkliest little baby toes.PicsArt_1374537969810 On Tuesday, I made a cake for the first time in months! It was chocolate with buttercream frosting (inspired by this). I know it’s far from perfect… I like to call it “shabby chic”. Emphasis on the shabby._MG_7570The cake was part of a surprise party for Brittany and Lelia after institute! I’m so glad we got to celebrate these two awesome girls (by the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lelia TODAY)! This might’ve been one of the only times I didn’t bring any leftover cake home.PhotoGrid_1374629824097

There was a whole lot of playing this week (as usual)…_MG_7552 _MG_7537-2 _MG_7546 … some laughing over sandwich crumbs, and sleeping while running errands/shopping (what am I going to do when we upgrade her car seat and she falls asleep?)072613fridayfavs

Church put on a “Pioneer Day” activity on Wednesday, so we enjoyed some fun outfits, homemade butter, making yarn dolls, and gunny sack racing!
_MG_7601 The missionaries had the best getup._MG_7606And if you want a good laugh…

This morning, we had a playdate with Bianca and Aaliyah! The weather has been cooling down a whole lot lately, so we enjoyed being outside without sweating! (Kaya also wore SHOES for the first time ever… and what’s even better is that I got them yesterday for 50 cents 🙂 )IMG_20130726_132244

Also, I think someone has been watching the puppy a little too closely…

friday favorites

Monday was the only day of the week that the forecast didn’t predict thunderstorms, so Kaya and I tried to cram every warm-weather activity into our day. We went walking with Daddy on his lunch break, had a barbecue with friends, and even planned to go to the pool (but after a million and one errands, Kaya really needed a nap, so there was no swimming for us).

The weather man was wrong (go figure!) so we did get to enjoy some pool time on Tuesday after all. Baby Bird is always so exhausted after we swim! Despite her tiredness, her morning nap seems to be getting shorter and shorter…

Our computer came last night! It came in a bunch of different boxes, so Michael had to put it together (actually, he still has a few things left to do to finish it, so I haven’t had any fun playing with it yet). The boxes had tons of padding to protect the computer, and Kaya sure loved playing with all the paper.


It’s been hotter this week, so the air conditioning is back on. Poor Kaya was getting pretty sweaty!IMG_20130719_130810She also tried sweet potatoes last night! She only sort of liked them (her smile is for Daddy, not the food)! We are going to try again later today.
IMG_20130718_192637And I love how silly my baby is (by the way, I promise she does wear clothes 90% of the time… I guess she always just does photo/video-worthy things during the 10% she’s in only a diaper!)

Happy weekend!