five on friday: cabin fever, awesome runs, and a photography workshop

We’ve had a bit of cabin fever over here all week… even getting out to go to the grocery store this morning seemed like so much fun! So today, I’m counting all the small blessings we’ve had this week:

ONE. Lelia and Jeff got to spend most of Sunday with us! It’s been so cold that a pipe burst at our chapel, so there were no church meetings. We had a relaxing family day. Have I mentioned how much I love seeing my babies love their aunts and uncles?

TWO. I taught a (very basic) photography workshop for our Young Women on Tuesday night and had so much fun doing it! I am usually so nervous to stand up in front of a group and talk, but teaching about my passion comes so easily to me. I’m glad I was able share a little of what I love with our girls! At the end, I gave them a photo scavenger hunt to complete, which resulted in a whole lot of craziness and laughter.photoworkshopslide

THREE. We had a few more inches of snow Wednesday night into Thursday morning, so there was no rush to leave the house… which meant that I could snuggle my littlest cutie in bed and just enjoy her. I love our one-on-one time. Processed with VSCOcam with s1 preset

FOUR. I am so grateful for clear(er) roads and running paths this week! It was hard to not go out due to the weather last week, so I appreciated my runs even more this week. I also had a couple of fast (for me) runs, which made me feel great!run02272015

FIVE. Kaya’s had her big-girl bed for about a year now, and most nights, she still climbs out and sleeps by the baby gate. Her bed has to be more comfortable than the floor! Also, how cute is her little hand holding “Panda”? I love her love for her stuffed animals.Processed with VSCOcam

Linking up with Christina and friends today!

valentine’s and getting snowed in

It’s Monday afternoon, and Michael is already home from work because outside currently looks like this: (and even more snow has fallen since I snapped this picture… we’re due for 8 to 14 inches)!Processed with VSCOcam with a5 preset

Which means that I went running looking like a ninja this morning… but this getup was SO warm!Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Luckily, today was the day we rotate our toys (something we started just before Christmas), so even if we’re stuck inside for a few days, it’s safe to say that our wildest family member will be well-entertained._MG_6467

How was your Valentine’s Day weekend? We surprised Michael with these delicious homemade peanut butter cups:

Of course, I had help in the kitchen from these little goobers._MG_6430

_MG_6427We ordered Chinese on Saturday night, which we haven’t done in forever! It was so, so good, and I think Kaya ate more sweet and sour chicken than I did!

Processed with VSCOcam with p2 presetBetween Friday and Sunday morning, all three of us girls ended up with goose eggs on our foreheads. I ran into a door, Kaelyn had a toy dropped on her by her sister (poor baby :(), and Kaya jumped off our bed. At least we all match! (Also, I love when they both want to snuggle with me at the same time!)Processed with VSCOcam with s1 presetHope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

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weekend highlights

By the time the weekend gets here, we’re usually too wiped out to do much of anything… so we lounge around at home and just enjoy getting some much-needed rest! This weekend was no exception… but I did squeeze in a nice run (through wind and snow flurries)! It always feels amazing to do a little more than my standard 4-miler.Processed with VSCOcam with m6 presetOur girls took great naps on Saturday afternoon (a miracle, truly!), and the rest of the time was just spent laughing and playing with them. I love days like those.

Usually, we pick up the lady down the street on the way to church on Sunday. Our car seats 5 people, so that means I get to squeeze in the back. These goobers love when mommy rides with them!
01252015girlscollage Afternoon church is still hard because of how it affects nap time… but we keep pushing on, and somehow, we all make it to the end of the day! We have a 10-minute drive home, and this is what I saw when I parked the car… poor tired babies!Processed with VSCOcam with a7 presetA family from church invited us (and Jeff and Lelia, too!) over for dinner last night. We had some delicious enchiladas, and Kaya even ate, which doesn’t always happen when we eat somewhere other than at home. I brought my favorite chocolate chip cookies, and we had a great time.

Happy Monday everyone!

back to reality/weekend

We enjoyed an entire week and a half of Daddy being off work and staying home with us over the holidays, but today he went back to work, so we’re back to normal daily life! Kaya had a hard time watching him gather his things to go this morning, but she did help him pack up his backpack (which was heartrendingly adorable) and wave to him at the door. We miss him for sure, but it is nice to start getting these little girls back into their normal routine.


We had such a low-key week that we barely even left home, except for running! I have been loving the GPS watch Michael gave me for Christmas, and it’s had a lot of good use so far. One of the best perks of Michael being off work is that I could exercise whenever I wanted, for however long I wished. Having the watch makes it even more fun because I can change up my routes!
Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetWe had Jeff and Lelia over to play some games Friday night (and I didn’t take any pictures)! We also switched back to the afternoon schedule for church on Sunday (we swap mornings & afternoons with the neighboring town every year, since we share a chapel), which went pretty well, especially considering it was right during these girls’ nap times! It is still going to take some adjusting, though!
Processed with VSCOcam with a6 presetHappy Monday from my (still toothless) little baby!

runners tell all: how and why I started running

Today I’m linking up with Amanda and Beka to talk a little bit about running! Running is a big part of who I am, so I am pretty pumped about this series.

I started running in January 2009, when I left to study abroad for a semester in Riva San Vitale, Switzerland.


Before I began my adventures abroad, I dedicated a lot of time to going to the gym. I knew that I wouldn’t have gym access in Riva, so I decided I was going to run to stay fit. (Not to mention that our wedding was just two weeks after my return to the States, and I had to be in shape!)

I started out by going a distance that felt “far” to me, which was probably about 2.5 miles at the time. I increased my mileage a little over the semester and started to feel healthier and see a change in my level of fitness. I started to lose weight, and realized that going to the gym all those years really wasn’t helping me the way I thought it was.2052_651510700233_3279_n

(my roommate, Katherine, and I about to go run. Photo credit to our roommate Amanda!)

If I hadn’t studied abroad, I’m not sure I would’ve become such a dedicated runner. It’s just one more reason I’m glad I went to Europe 🙂

my dog might be more popular than me

We went for a 6-mile run on Saturday, and six distinct sets of people said hello… to my dog. That’s more greetings than I probably get in a whole week while out exercising (although a cute, cuddly puppy is a little more inviting than a sweaty girl wearing her hair like she just took a ride through a clothes dryer…)

I’ve been thinking about Greek food for weeks now and we FINALLY went out for some on Saturday night. Mmmm gyros. Of course, Kitty had to come along.092913photogrid1 Lelia and I spent some time planning out all the details of our Halloween party. Halloween festiveness got the best of me, so I went out and bought burlap that very night to make a special craft (hopefully I’ll have it completed and on the blog soon). Check out those candy corns!IMG_20130929_201850

My baby has also realized that she can walk without holding on to furniture, walls, or my pants… so she made it all the way down the hallway yesterday while carrying Kitty and her music radio. She just keeps practicing since then, but I never seem to have the camera right at those exact moments. Mom fail.

And just because… a shameless selfie (with Michael’s computer in the background, of course). I love my best friend (and I love that he let me sleep in two days in a row. If there were an Ultimate Husband award, he’d win, hands down.)

photo-a-day for may (1-6)

As I mentioned last week, I’m doing this photo challenge for May. So far, it’s been a lot of fun and it has helped me see each day a little differently!

Day 1 (I bought this!): “Granola” bars for the flight home. I don’t normally buy these, so they were a treat!

Day 2 (morning ritual): I run at least four miles, five times a week. Starting my day with exercise is so invigorating!IMG_20130502_231754

Day 3 (this is really good!): We had some AMAZING weather on Friday. It actually felt like spring! Kaya and I enjoyed some time outside with my mom and dad-in-law. Kaya is infatuated with Scrappy, and he was so patient with her!


Day 4 (in my cup): Sweet Frog frozen yogurt! I think I put nearly every chocolate topping on it…IMG_20130504_191120

Day 5 (paper): I received my institute diploma! (Institute is basically a church program that holds classes to study scriptures). I was missing just one class for credit, but I finally finished!IMG_20130505_203049

Day 6 (broken): My heart has been broken since I said goodbye to Maggie yesterday. I wanted one last picture together before we went to the vet.image

insta-jam #8

Well, this post covers all the rest of January and February’s phone photos… and from here on out, I’m going to have to post them more often so that we don’t have a mile-long stream of photos every time! I just can’t resist taking pictures of this sweet girl… but then I end up with about 5 million of them on my phone alone. Whoops.

If there’s no description under the photo, the default explanation is “she was being cute so I took her picture!”

We were wearing Christmas jammies even after the holidays were over. It just seems like a waste to not use cute clothes that fit! (If I’m being honest here, we are actually STILL using these jammies… in March. Ha.)IMG_20130110_173638 Cutie pie after grocery shopping.PhotoGrid_1360235847696

We love our cuddle bug!IMG_20130120_061957photogrid03072013_2

1: New running shoes! I’m sticking with the barefoot ones, but I wore a hole through my old pair after about 1000 miles, so it was time to replace them.

2: I’m obsessed with homemade chicken nuggets and mac ‘n cheese (as if you didn’t already know this…) I’ve also been trying to include greens with every dinner, so there it is.

3: New phone case for my Galaxy S3. I kept dropping my phone, and the case I had wasn’t protecting it. Can’t go wrong with blue zebra stripes!

4: Running as the sun comes up! This is pretty much every day for me, but it looked exceptionally beautiful over the frozen pond.


1: I finally started eating yogurt again! I stopped last year when I had super bad morning sickness, and I guess the aversion stuck around for awhile.

2: Playing around making buttercream roses.

3: Cupcakes from my Wilton cake-decorating class!

4: Deal-shopping for cereal- 10 boxes for $7.83!IMG_20130206_225331

Just being silly together!IMG_20130206_225715 PhotoGrid_1360209502340

Future photographer?

PhotoGrid_1360209724529How can babies sleep with their neck cranked to one side? It never ceases to amaze me.

I couldn’t decide if these pants matched this onesie… aaaaand now I’m pretty sure they don’t.IMG_20130218_081512These little sleeping bags are so cute. I love seeing my princess so warm and comfy!

week in review

Although I haven’t blogged much in the past week, we’ve still been up to a lot! I figured I’d just lump it all together in one post, so prepare yourself for a gazillion photos. Here are our highlights!

Michael traveled for work for the second time this year so far. He was only really gone for a night, but he made sure to get extra baby cuddles before he left! (Check out his bedhead… I mean, handsome smile!)


Most wives would revel in the luxury of having the whole bed to themselves. I’m not really “most wives”, so here’s what Michael’s side looks like when he’s not here. I have to fill the space up or I don’t think I could sleep. (I know you’re jealous of my giant stuffed dogs. Admit it.)

We’ve also had some great brother and sister time!

And a whole lot of exersaucer fun.


And more…_MG_8593

…and more…
_MG_8603…and even more that’s not pictured, because really, how many pictures of a baby in an exersaucer do you need to see?

Michael and I had our first-ever XL pizza! I don’t think I’ve ever even seen one, let alone eaten it. We had a coupon to get it for free, and that just made it taste even better.


Uncle Karl came over and we had a Mario Kart party… which really meant him and I were playing against other random people in the world. And by “playing against”, I really mean losing pathetically. Yep._MG_8612

Baby Bird is serious about her playtime. (This rattle is actually her favorite toy right now!)


We’ve been working on sitting up, too._MG_8586

But mostly, she just falls over._MG_8563There’s been a lot of toe-grabbing going on, and apparently it’s only cool to wear socks that are soaked in drool nowadays.


Kaya also had her first-ever playdate! Little Mia came over and we had a lot of fun. Kaya just couldn’t stop looking at her and smiling._MG_8625

She also wanted to grab Mia’s face and clothes…_MG_8632Some other things that I don’t have photos for:
– This weekend, I did my first 6-mile run since Kaya was born. It went really well and I felt so good at the end of it! I just might incorporate longer runs into my weekly regimen again.
– We went to Dairy Queen. Yeah… how can that not make the list? I have a problem.
– We also went to The Children’s Place, and they had a pretty big rack of clearance items for $3. Kaya really needed some jammies in bigger sizes, so I was super excited to see that there were a bunch left! We also found a dress and a couple of shirts. Our receipt told us that we “saved” about $101 off of the original prices- whoa! I love deals on things we actually need.

weekend learnin’

Just because you’re out of college and it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you have to be a complete bum. But just in case you were that bum this weekend, I guess I’ll share all my hard-earned knowledge with you so you can feel accomplished, too!

We went to a church barbecue this weekend, and I decided to make a cake, of course! (Bet you could have guessed that one). I saw the “ruffle” design in the May issue of Better Homes & Gardens, and thought I would give it a try. Weekend lesson #1: Better Homes and Gardens makes creating ruffles look a whole lot easier than it actually is. Their cake had “imperfectly perfect” cascading ruffles, and mine… well, mine was imperfectly imperfect. Ah well.

I’ll still call it a success just for my effort and for the fact that we didn’t bring home even one slice- it was devoured! It was actually a “pink lemonade”-flavored cake with my own homemade lemon buttercream. Mmm. Weekend lesson #2: Making up your own lemon buttercream recipe is actually pretty easy! I just used the standard formula for buttercream, plus lemon extract, plus lemon concentrate. So it ended up looking like this:

2 lbs confectioner’s sugar

1 cup butter

1 cup shortening

2 tsp lemon extract

2 TBSP lemon concentrate

Mix shortening and butter until creamy. Add the lemon extract. Add sugar slowly, constantly mixing. Add lemon concentrate and mix until smooth.

Weekend lesson #3 actually has nothing at all to do with this cake, and it almost seems gross to lump it together in the same post… But it is a hard fact of life and someone else out there might be yearning to know a solution to this problem.

One day, you might discover that your running/workout shoes smell.

Now, we ain’t talking about a smell like that nice new “fresh berries” air freshener I put in my living room. We’re talking about the wet-dog-who-rolled-in-a-pile-of-trash-dragging-in-a-dead-squirrel kind of smell.

Not saying that my shoes smelled that bad. I’m just saying that someone’s might.

Anyway, I figured out that pouring some baking soda in them (enough to cover the inside of the shoe, from toe to heel) and then pouring undiluted white vinegar on top of that and letting them sit overnight is MAGIC. In the morning, I threw them in the washer on cold, and they came out pretty much like new!

So there you go. You’re now one blog-post wiser. And if you can relate to that stinky dog smell… it might be time to give your best friend a bath! Just don’t use the same trick you used on your shoes.