trick or treating 2013!

We were so excited to take Kaya trick-or-treating this year and eat all her candy! It was so much more thrilling to see her actually be somewhat aware of what was going on, instead of just sleeping through the whole event, like last year.
_MG_9738 We decided to be a “zoo” just a couple days before Halloween. Don’t look too closely at Michael- he’s probably wearing every shade of khaki ever invented (and we didn’t even get a picture showing off his tall socks and my zebra legs)!_MG_9740 We actually got to take her out trick-or-treating twice. We had our church Trunk-or-Treat on Wednesday!_MG_9756 Kaya and her little buddy, Mia!_MG_9752 Cute little farmer family 🙂_MG_9748

Inside the church, they had a costume parade and some games for the kids. Kaya fell in love with these wiffle balls and probably played with them for thirty minutes straight.
_MG_9773 _MG_9770 _MG_9764 _MG_9780On Thursday night (actual Halloween!), we had plans to take Kaya trick-or-treating downtown with some of her baby friends. It started to rain just before we were all going to meet up, so Amanda invited us to go to the mall with them instead._MG_9803 Remember the six of us one year ago?_MG_9813 We found Waldo!_MG_9809 _MG_9817 Reese’s were a big hit for Kaya (she gets that from her daddy)!_MG_9805 _MG_9796 I’m so thankful to have my own little family (and great friends) to enjoy the holidays with. It really doesn’t get any better than this._MG_9799

the cutest little elephant you ever did see

This year, we went back and forth between so many different costume ideas. I probably changed my mind five times (or more)… All our ideas involved me sewing, stenciling, or gluing something together. We finally decided that we would be Little Bo Peep and two sheep, so we headed to Goodwill in search of a white sweatshirt to glue a million cotton balls onto.

But then we saw this adorable elephant costume. $2.95? Yes, please!_MG_9952 I think she makes the cutest little elephant ever! The best part was that I didn’t have to worry about her being warm enough in it._MG_9955_MG_9954 _MG_9962_MG_9961_MG_9968The only funny part about this costume is that Kaya is actually afraid of the sound elephants make (or at least the imitation that Michael does of it)!


We woke up to a 28-degree morning and frost-covered grass.

Feeling the cold air this morning definitely makes me want to jump right into the Christmas season (what? Thanksgiving still comes first? Well, alright, but only because there’s turkey involved…)

Yesterday, we realized that our heater wasn’t working- it was just recirculating cold air! Thankfully, it was fixed this morning within about an hour, and we are cozy and warm again.IMG_20131104_105314

I feel like I’ve been running around town like a chicken with no head this past week, which would explain why I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog. But don’t worry, I have so many fun Halloween festivities to share- Trunk or Treat, trick-or-treating at the mall, and the Halloween party that Lelia and I hosted on Saturday! I should also decide on some official goals for November… seeing as it is already the 4th. Whoops!

We really enjoyed Daylight Saving Time on Sunday… Kaya actually slept the extra hour! It might have just been because of all the excitement and staying up late at the Halloween party on Saturday… but still! We are definitely lucky, because I know a lot of other parents were up at the crack of dawn with their little ones.

Happy warm and cozy Monday 🙂

crayons flying, puppies lying, costume trying

ONE. I know I already talked about this pumpkin bread a couple weeks ago… but seriously. I have been wanting to make it again ever since we finished the last batch. I finally succumbed to my sweet tooth (it usually wins, anyway) and made some on Wednesday night. Luckily, Lelia and the sister missionaries came by and helped eat some of it!_MG_9695TWO. While I was baking, this little princess was coloring and throwing crayons all over the kitchen. I love having my little pal right at my feet. (Speaking of feet… aren’t her little toes just precious?)_MG_9681THREE. We’ve all been super sleepy this week. Kaya’s naps have been longer, and I even got an ultra-long one on Tuesday. I’m so glad to have my own personal space heater…IMG_20131022_103914FOUR. We still haven’t decided on Halloween costumes… I am seriously slacking as a mom. Hopefully I figure it out soon because I only have a few days to make whatever it is we choose! Although, I did procrastinate last year, too… and Kaya was so cute. And TINY. Let’s reminisce for a moment:_MG_6121 FIVE. My baby is craaazy. Don’t wear ear buds for this because she will make you hard-of-hearing (and please excuse my congestedness)!

Happy Friday! Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

goals for october

Here’s how I did for September:

1. Do ab workouts 3 times per week. I still don’t have a six-pack or anything… but I’m feeling better than ever in my jeans so BOO-YA!

2. Try 3 new recipes. I made crockpot honey-mustard chicken (my own concoction), these rolls, this pumpkin bread, and the vegetarian (and non-alcoholic) version of this taco soup. Even if I’m not making actual tacos, I can’t seem to resist the flavor in some form, apparently. The rolls were okay for a quick fix, but we swooned over the pumpkin bread and taco soup. I suggest making them as soon as you can… like now. Ha._MG_9905

3. Practice working with fondant (and hopefully use it for Kaya’s birthday cake). My cake turned out adorable! I made marshmallow fondant for the first time ever and it was actually a lot easier than I expected. Hopefully I’ll get to do another fondant cake for Karl’s birthday!

4. Take Kaya’s first birthday photos. Seriously… she gets cuter and cuter all the time. Her photos are here if you missed them earlier._MG_9469

5. Make a few decorations for her party and her birthday outfit.

6. Plan our family photos. Um… I’m still not sure when we’re doing these or what we’re wearing. So… fail.

7. Decide on Halloween costumes. I have a few ideas, but I’m still so indecisive. I need to figure it out fast though!

And here are my high hopes for October:

1. Keep doing ab workouts 3 times per week. (I know if I don’t write it down here I’ll slack off… so there it is).

2. Throw a Halloween Party! Lelia and I have all the nitty gritty planned out already, so now we just need to execute all those plans… like getting decorations and delivering invitations, etc.!

3. Make our Halloween costumes.

4. Try 3 more new recipes.

5. Go apple picking/make and can my own applesauce. We use so much applesauce between Kaya eating it and me baking with it, so I think making my own would save a little money.

6. Take family photos.

See you in a month!

my dog might be more popular than me

We went for a 6-mile run on Saturday, and six distinct sets of people said hello… to my dog. That’s more greetings than I probably get in a whole week while out exercising (although a cute, cuddly puppy is a little more inviting than a sweaty girl wearing her hair like she just took a ride through a clothes dryer…)

I’ve been thinking about Greek food for weeks now and we FINALLY went out for some on Saturday night. Mmmm gyros. Of course, Kitty had to come along.092913photogrid1 Lelia and I spent some time planning out all the details of our Halloween party. Halloween festiveness got the best of me, so I went out and bought burlap that very night to make a special craft (hopefully I’ll have it completed and on the blog soon). Check out those candy corns!IMG_20130929_201850

My baby has also realized that she can walk without holding on to furniture, walls, or my pants… so she made it all the way down the hallway yesterday while carrying Kitty and her music radio. She just keeps practicing since then, but I never seem to have the camera right at those exact moments. Mom fail.

And just because… a shameless selfie (with Michael’s computer in the background, of course). I love my best friend (and I love that he let me sleep in two days in a row. If there were an Ultimate Husband award, he’d win, hands down.)

insta-jam #7… finishing off 2012

Well, I guess I’m just a little late on this… but I wanted to put these photos up here anyway (plus, Kaya is super squishy and little in all these… so I don’t see why I shouldn’t share the cuteness)! Between getting a new phone and then just having a ton more phone pictures than ever (which might have something to do with having a super-photogenic baby!), I just didn’t get around to it.  So here you go… late October through the end of 2012!


1 & 2: Sleeping (obviously). I love those smooshy cheeks!
3: She loves this little snail that hangs above her seat. Nowadays she’s strong enough to rip him right down.
4: Blowing bubbles while smiling! (Now THAT’S talent!)

1: First snow of 2012… just a small dusting.
2: More sleeping.
3: First bottle ever! This kid has always taken a bottle like a pro- she isn’t even picky about the temperature and has even had one ice cold!
4: Homemade cookies. Mmmmm.
photogrid2012_3 1: Nap buddies. This is back when she would only nap if I snuggled her. I’m both happy and sad that those days are already gone.
2: Sleeping again… she did a lot of that!
3: Bundled up in her little bunny-ear suit!
4: Talking to daddy first thing in the morning.

1: Asleep in the carseat.
2: Asleep in her Halloween shirt (are you noticing a theme here?)

1, 2, 3, & 4: Sleeping, crazy, tired, and fun!IMG_20121106_0748331, 2, & 3: Morning snuggles and tiny little toes.photogrid2012_6

1: I went to a baby shower one Saturday morning, and when I came home, there was a Halo party going on.
2: My practice run of the fondant dog I was making for my aunt’s birthday cake.
3: Kroger actually has really good ice cream, and I was super excited to try this “cupcake party” flavor!
4: Giant Christmas tree at the mall!

photogrid2012_71: Funny face.
2: Tired of shopping with mommy.
3: Asleep on the way to church.
4: The Thanksgiving onesie I made for her! (Remember how those plastic eyes are NOT a good idea…)

IMG_20121118_190847 1 & 2: Thanksgiving lunch at Michael’s work!photogrid2012_81: She really started to like reading books!
2: Cuddling with her little doll on the way to church for the last Sunday in 2012!

One more insta-jam and I’ll be all caught up… stay tuned 🙂


how to carve your dragon

Well, we actually ended up carving our pumpkin on November 1st- whoops! In case you’re wondering, the fun factor is not at all diminished by the fact that Halloween is over. Chopping up a big vegetable will always be one of my favorite traditions, even if we are a day late doing it.

Michael and I have celebrated 5 Halloweens together, and this is only the second pumpkin we’ve ever carved as a family. The first one was done when we were still dating (we were the Flintstones and carved Dino into it. Classic.)

This year, we wanted to try something different than just a typical jack-o-lantern face. We contemplated cats, cows, puppies, and cats, but finally settled on a dragon design. We’re not really professional pumpkin carvers, but we tried. I think it kind of looks like a dragon, but if not, oh well- we had a good time doing it.

happy halloween!

… from the cutest little pumpkin you ever did see!

I made this pumpkin costume for her on Monday (procrastination again, I know, it’s awful)! I am obsessed with the little hat. Is it acceptable to wear a pumpkin hat year round?

Originally, my plan was for all three of us to be pumpkins. Then I changed my mind, because I didn’t think it was worth the expense of getting the supplies to make us costumes, too, so I thought we wouldn’t dress up. But not dressing up is BORING! So we went to our church Halloween party last night as a “pumpkin farm”- a farmer, a scarecrow, and the pumpkin, of course!

There was a costume contest, and we won for “best family theme” (although we may or may not have been the only entrants in that category…)

Love this little girl.

Michael even participated in a sack race. He won a kazoo as a prize! There was also a scary haunted house and a “cake walk” where you could win cupcakes.

Tonight we’re looking forward to some pumpkin carving, homemade cookies, and “The Nightmare Before Christmas”.

Happy Halloween everyone!

happy halloween!

Our Halloween was pretty uneventful. It really just felt like any other day, which is strange because Halloween has always been a huge holiday for my family.

Michael was allowed to dress up for work, and this is what he came up with! He didn’t even really know who he was, but some people dubbed him “a professional Hokie fan”! Why not?

Hope you like his many-colored mustache. It was my contribution to his suave appearance.

Lelia went to a Family Home Evening party and dressed up as a cute cat!

When she got home, she painted some kitty whiskers on my face and we took some fun pictures.

I also put my Carnevale mask on for a few pictures. Hope you had a Happy Halloween!