
“Hideugly”- the combination of hideous and ugly, pronounced “hid-ee-ug-lee”. A fictitious word that is perfect for describing how uncute my Halloween treats came out. Sure they tasted great, and practically melted in your mouth, but they don’t look very good… Actually, I’m not even sure that you can tell they were supposed to be pumpkins!

If you have a sweet tooth, go ahead and try these- they’re just my favorite brownie recipe dipped in melted chocolate (I used both white and dark… mmmm!) Michael and I went out to deliver them to some neighbors and friends last night. I love doing that kind of thing with my best buddy! (and I even got to drive the new car!)


three little pumpkins

Last night I went to the Relief Society “Make and Take” Halloween craft. I have a hard time resisting signing up for these sorts of things. There’s nothing wrong with that, but I always seem to forget what a slowpoke I am- I was one of the first girls to get started, and I was definitely the last one still sitting at the table after everyone else and finished and gone home!

But hey, my slowpoke-edness paid off… I ended up with some cute little candle holders!

We’ve got the dopey pumpkin, the one-toothed redneck, and then the classic normal.

Of course you need to see them in the dark!