goal review for june and new ones for july

Setting monthly goals made me realize a couple of things about myself:
– If I start slacking on a goal, my motivation to accomplish it diminishes pretty quickly because I feel as though I already failed.
– Just as Michael reassured me, just because I don’t “measure up” to the standard I set for myself, it doesn’t mean I failed. I still made improvements and that’s what really matters.

So even if I didn’t do as well on my goals as I would have hoped, they still gave me some sense of direction and measure of progress. Here’s to hoping I can make new goals each month!

Here’s how I did for June:

1. Do at least one strength-training or ab workout per week. I rocked this one! Any workout other than running has never been my favorite thing, but there are a couple of youtube fitness channels (like here or here) that actually make it easier for me to just DO IT. I can’t say that I am any more noticeably toned yet but I usually feel pretty good when I look in the mirror.
2. Read a book. I don’t know why it is so easy to read on my phone instead of just picking up a book. Here’s to trying again this month.
3. Be more patient. I set this goal without thinking about how to measure whether I was successful or not… so I don’t know!
4. Plan at least one real date. We started planning a date together… but then the date plans actually turned into plans for Michael’s birthday party. Oops. We did have some good quality time together this month though, so I’m not complaining.
5. Read the scriptures earlier in the day. I’d say I did really well with this one! My day seems to go so much smoother when I read the scriptures earlier, and I actually learn and retain more than I would if I do it at night.
6. Declutter. I did file and recycle papers in the den! I still want to go through our closet, though.
7. Go to bed earlier. This seems like a cruel joke. We definitely did not get this done 🙁
8. Practice piano for 30 minutes per week. I halfways accomplished this? I did great the first half of the month, but the second half… not so much.

Goals for July:

1. Keep doing great with early scripture reading. I’m writing this again because putting it here keeps me accountable! I’ll stop making it an official goal after it finally becomes a habit.

2. Do abs and arm workouts twice per week.

3. Clean up the closet in our room and donate unwanted items.

4. Complete two sewing projects. I haven’t made anything in quite a few months, and that’s just sad! I need a dress for Kevin and Tori’s wedding in August, so I may or may not make that one of my projects.

5. Eat a salad (or any big serving of vegetables) every day. I’ve actually already started this one, and I have to admit, I definitely notice a difference in how I feel at the end of the day if I’ve eaten more greens. I’ve also found that it helps me to make up a HUGE bowl of salad in advance and just keep it in the fridge for whenever I want it later.wpid-IMG_20130625_230204.jpg

 6. Read a book. Hopefully it will actually happen this month!

7. Get in bed by 11 pm every day.

8. Practice piano for 15 minutes on Wednesday and 15 minutes on Saturday. Here’s to hoping that setting specific days will help me do it!