four things I learned outside of school

Tuesday Topics this week is on “four things I learned outside of school”, so here goes:

1. Be kind to others because you really, truly, never know what someone is going through.

2. Do what you feel is right for YOU. People are always going to tell you how they think you should live your life (especially once you start a family)! Only you know what is best for yourself and your family, so stick to what you know is right in your heart.

3. Your self-worth isn’t equivalent to how big (or how non-existent) your paycheck is.

4. Taking time to pursue and improve upon your talents is so important. Michael has always encouraged me to follow any interest I’ve had (and believe me, I’ve drifted between a lot of different activities, from photography to sewing to cake decorating). I’ve loved seeing myself improve over the past few years.

Linking up with Tiffany and Lauren!