out of the mouths of primary kids

We had a pretty uneventful weekend (the most exciting place I went was the grocery store. Yup. It was that uneventful).

Michael was asked to give the “Fifth Sunday” lesson (which, as you probably guessed, only happens when there is an extra Sunday in the month) at church yesterday, so he was diligently preparing for that. He gave an excellent, thought-provoking lesson, just like I knew he would.

Having Michael teach meant that Kaya had to come to my class of 4 and 5-year old kids (and she had only napped an hour total before we went to church, which meant that she was sooo t-i-r-e-d). Luckily, we avoided a huge meltdown, but having her in there definitely inspired some hilarious quotes from my kids…

L: “I used to be a cute baby boy, but then I growed up!”

(Kaya starts sucking on the leg of the chair)
L: “You’re not s’posed to lick chairs!!!”

(After L kept calling Kaya a “he”)
J: “She’s a girl ’cause she’s wearing a dress!”

L: “I can jump over babies!” (And he was ready to prove it to me.. ahh!)

K: “I was born in Hannah Montana.”

(Kaya starts trying to get my shoes and I told the kids it’s because she likes to “eat” them) L: “You have to spit them out!” (referring to my shoes)

I don’t know if those quotes seem as funny when you aren’t actually hearing the kids say them, but they had me cracking up yesterday! I love my class and am so sad to see so many of them move away this summer.

Despite our uneventful weekend, I still had a very tired husband and puppy by the end of it all…wpid-IMG_20130630_214402.jpg