oh snow you don’t!

Last Sunday, we had our one and only snowstorm of the entire winter! It’s been so warm that I didn’t expect any appropriate precipitation, but fortunately, I was wrong! We had about 4 to 6 inches overnight and awoke to a beautiful wonderland.

almost-april snow showers

This morning while I was running, I noticed a few white specks floating through the air. It actually took a moment for my mind to register that they were snowflakes!!

By the time I rode my bike to school, snow was pelting me in the eyes, and visibility was poor for this lowly cyclist.

I almost felt as if I should be baking gingerbread cookies and sipping hot chocolate. Now I wish it were Christmas again!

Even the cardinal looks a little cold!

where, oh where, have we been?

Have you missed me and my ridiculous blog posts? No? Well, I'm back anyway. We took a week-long Christmas vacation to visit our families, which was both incredibly fun AND incredibly busy! In total we ended up traveling about 900 miles. Here are some of the things we did:

1. We went to three sealings at the Washington D.C. LDS Temple! Congratulations Kevin and GiGi (pictured below), Brianna and Nathan, and Chris and Cerina! The ceremonies were beautiful, as were all the brides. I love going to a sealing, because it is an amazing reminder of how special my marriage truly is. We will always be a family…forever!

2. We saw our buddies Lelia and Murray! We did a practice photoshoot, but it was freezing and the sun was terrible, so it was a miracle we got any good photos. They were really good sports despite the freezing weather, and I was glad to spend some time with them since we won't really get to see them again over the break from school. Aren't they cute?

3. We made gingerbread cookies… again! This is a tradition my parents started, and I can't remember a Christmas without it. This year, Michael and I decorated gingerbreads three times- but it still never got old! What made these even better were the new cookie cutters I got from GiGi for Christmas. There are 101 different shapes, so please notice the football, puppy, and stegosaurus cookies.

4. I ate this entire turkey myself. Okay, okay, not ALL of it. But some of it. Both our moms are the two best cooks ever. Commence drooling!

5. We drove through a huge snowstorm! We truly had a white Christmas, and it continued snowing the entire next day. I think we had at least 9 inches.

I'm very grateful that we were able to celebrate Christmas with our families. No other people on the entire planet are as precious to me as the family I was blessed to get.

red robin and 1.5 feet o’ snow

Well, it's Sunday, but it sure doesn't feel like it, because today Church was canceled due to the foot and a half of snow we received! Whoa. So this winter, we've had about 3 feet of snow total. Global warming… pffff.

Yesterday, the store didn't close before my shift started at 9am, so I trudged there in the snow. I was the only employee to show up besides one manager, and two hours later, we closed. So back home I went! It was good to have a day to work on some homework and do a little baking- Michael was happy because I made both brownies and rolls from scratch =)

I also did some photo fixing-up yesterday, which is why you see a wedding photo up there.

About a week ago, we went to Red Robin to celebrate our 8 month anniversary of being married! It was my first time there, and despite the fact that it's really a burger joint and I hate burgers, I did enjoy myself… probably because I ate a chicken wrap. Haha! Anyway, our date nights always turn out great so that's no surprise.

Oh! school started since the last time I wrote on here. It's crazy busy so far (Michael thinks this will be his hardest semester thus far, and I'm taking 17 credits, trying to play catch-up with my double-major). But it is nonetheless fabulous. I'm learning a ton of things I'm going to need to know if I want a farm of my own one day. Which, I do! I'm also thinking of being on the Horse Judging Team this year… we'll see what happens!

12 days until my birthday!!

snowstorm and happy birthday maggie!

On Friday afternoon, a record-setting snowstorm began right outside our very own windows! Both of us were at work, but Michael left early. He was supposed to pick me up from work at 6pm, but when he walked into the store bundled up and covered in snow, I knew the car hadn't been able to make it. So, we walked. Luckily, we didn't have to go very far.  Walking down a snow-covered street for about 25 minutes, the situation seemed quite surreal.  No one was to be seen, save two cars.

The next morning we woke up to about TWO FEET of snow! Naturally, we went out to play in it. The snow was so compact that Michael failed to make a snow angel… however, we did make the most handsome snowman there ever has been! After prancing in the snow for about an hour, we came in for some hot chocolate. Just like when I was a kid and we had big storms in NJ =)

Basically, everything this weekend was cancelled (work, Christmas party, even church!) so we just stayed in and relaxed.

Today is Maggie's 4th birthday! Happy Birthday Maggie!!! If you've never had a guinea pig, they are full of personality, spunk, and well… veggies. Basically, Maggie is the epitome of "guinea pig" and I am so very grateful to have her as my little buddy =)

boring update? (11 days…)

Well I figured I would do some updating, even though it's bound to not be very interesting.

The MOST exciting thing is… SCHOOL is OVER TOMORROW!! (for me anyway! Michael still has until Thursday). How awesome is that? I just finished a paper and now I just have to take one exam. Woohoo!  Then, the rest of the week, I just get to go to work!  I'm really enjoying the new job.  It's great to be working again =)

We went to the town Christmas parade last week! It was great to get out and spend time with my buddy! As you can see, he drank practically *all* the hot chocolate we brought!

We also had our first snow last week!! It was beautiful and luckily, we didn't have to go out in it!

We also were invited to a "Welcome Back" party for one of our old friends who just got off his mission! It was so great to see everyone and we had such a fun time!

Well I guess that's all! Nothing too interesting.  We've been pretty tired lately.  I think Juni has the right idea….