happy 3rd birthday, kaya!

Dear Kaya,

You are a big 3-year-old girl now! Part of me can’t believe it, but another part of me feels like we’ve had you in our family forever. You have grown and changed so much in those three short years, and now that you are talking in sentences, I feel like we are really beginning to see who you are. It’s always harder for me to write these letters now that you’re older, because it just doesn’t seem like a few paragraphs are enough to sum up your whole being._MG_9248There are so many things about you at this age that I never want to forget.

You are so tender-hearted. I frequently call you a “little mommy”, because you are always taking care of someone or something. You love to help give Kaelyn baths, feed the guinea pigs, and are always checking in with me by asking, “need help Mommy?” When no one needs anything, you pretend that one of your stuffed animals is sick, sad, or “can’t find its mommy”, so you cuddle and rock it until it feels better. You have a lot of pretend friends, but Kitty is still your number one favorite. You also have to have your purple cat blanket at all times._MG_9245

You love to help me bake (and lick cookie dough). We seldom give you treats, but you’ve loved anything you’ve tried (especially everything chocolate). You love it when we sporadically get donuts for breakfast.

Nearly every morning, you beg me to go on a walk. You love to go outside, run, and play on the playground. If we’re at home, you’re almost always pushing your doll stroller around or riding in your cozy coupe car.

Walking to the bus stop to meet Daddy is the highlight of your day (especially if I let you push your doll stroller up there).

You love all animals, but I’d say your favorites are puppies and kitties._MG_9226

You love Frozen (but mostly just Olaf, and it’s really the only movie you’ve seen), and after letting you watching a little Daniel Tiger, you’ve fallen in love with that, too.

It took almost an entire year of going to nursery at church until you were comfortable enough to be in there without Daddy. Now, you absolutely love it (especially story time and singing time) so much that you are not always ready to leave when Daddy comes to pick you up._MG_9250You pay attention to details, too. If there is anything new or different in your room (i.e. the closet door is open or there’s a toy that shouldn’t be there or a stuffed animal is missing) when we put you down for bed or nap, you get upset about it and call for us until we come and fix it.

You love to take pictures and have your picture taken. You will use my phone any chance you can to snap some photos (usually of Kitty or Kaelyn). Sometimes you even tell me that you didn’t “get a good one” because it’s “too bwurry (blurry)”. Haha!_MG_9322You’ve sincerely (and regularly) started telling us “I love you” and usually add in “have a good day!” for Daddy when he leaves for work.

You still don’t like getting your face wet, which makes baths almost traumatic at times. You don’t voluntarily put your face underwater at the pool, either.

This is surprising to me (especially when several of your friends have already stopped napping completely), but you still need a 3-hour nap in the afternoon. You usually go to bed around 8:30 pm and wake up around 7:30-8 am. And yes, you still insist on sleeping on the floor next to the baby gate and will move all your animals down there with you.

You are shy and reserved when you are with new people, but once they get to know you… you’re crazy (in the best way), so bubbly, and fun.

You pretend to call people on the phone (usually it’s Grandma, sometimes it’s Uncle Jeff or Auntie Lelia). You jabber on and on and usually tell them all about your day.

You are completely potty-trained (with the exception of nighttime).

Reading books is definitely one of your favorite things to do! You memorize the storylines and “read” them back to us now. You are great at singing your ABCs, counting, and you know all your colors (most of the time). Lately, you have even started asking me to spell out words for you when we read, and I’ve heard you spell the K-A-Y of “Kaya” once.

We still call you Peeky (you prefer that name) and I almost hope that never changes.

Many people don’t see it, but Kaya… you are a mini version of your mommy. You look so much like my baby pictures, but more than that, our personalities are so similar. Even at this age, there are times that I can tell exactly what you’re feeling or thinking because we are so much alike.

Daddy and I love you so much, Kaya Bird. You have added so much joy to our lives._MG_9243Happy 3rd Birthday, sweetie!

dear kaya (2.5 years)

Dear Kaya,

I’m a whole month late on writing you this letter, mostly because there is so much to say, and it’s so hard to sum up all of you into just a few paragraphs.

You are a little girl with a giant personality. In public and around people you don’t know very well, you’re quiet and shy, but with friends and family, your energy can fill up a room! You’re crazy and hilarious, sweet and gentle. You, my first baby, have a special way of making my heart so full it’s about to burst. The love I felt for you from the very beginning continues to renew itself day after day._MG_6915

You are a comedian, always making jokes and waiting for us to burst into laughter. You love to make Kaelyn giggle like crazy, whether you’re tickling her or saying some funny phrase.

You love to have your picture taken, and sometimes even ask me to take one (if I don’t already have my camera out)! You love to take pictures and videos of us, too, and will usually try to get us to look at the camera by saying “Look! Olaf!”, as if he’s standing behind you. I love your imagination. You also love to pretend to cook, talk on the phone (usually to Uncle Jeff), and soothe your “crying” baby doll or Kitty.

Speaking of Kitty, he’s still always wherever you are. You carry him under your arm, just like you have ever since you could walk. He’s real to you and is your very best friend. I love watching you care so deeply for something. You’re so nurturing, gentle, and loving both to Kitty and your real baby sister. It doesn’t matter how many times I wash him; he still seems to have a brownish tinge to him, although once upon a time he was a fluffy orange. He’s worn out from the adventures you have together each day (I think sometimes, as your mom, I could say the same!).

I hope I always remember that feeling I get when you run over to me and hug my legs in between your trips down the slide, or when you come out to give me one more kiss and cuddle before you go to sleep at night (even if it is just your way of stalling bedtime). You are a daddy’s girl through and through, but you show me a tenderness that I hope will always be there.

Out of all the nicknames you have, you decided that you like to be called “Peeky”. We used to call you Baby Bird, then Birdy… and when we’d play peekaboo, we’d say “peekabird!” instead. Peekabird was shortened to Peeky, and I thought it was hilarious when you started referring to yourself that way. You know your real name is Kaya, but you prefer to use your nickname for sure.

You love animals and being outside. Even when we’re indoors, you load your baby and Kitty up in your shopping cart and pretend that you’re taking them for a walk._MG_6918I never want to forget the way your hair curls and glows a deep golden hue in the sun, or your big smile and gorgeous hazel eyes. You are so beautiful, inside and out.

_MG_6924I love you, Peeky. You are the light of my world.

Love, Mommy

happy 2nd birthday, kaya!

Dear Kaya,

I feel like I’ve already written you so many letters, but it’s just something about writing to you on your birthday that stirs up some of the deepest feelings of my heart.

Two years. You’re two years old! How can that be? We’ve shared so many of the best memories over those two short years, so in fact, it feels like we’ve had you in our family for much, much longer._MG_4163

You have so much energy and enthusiasm for everyday life. You run and jump and climb like crazy now. I call you a monkey when you’re being especially wild, and you always respond with “eee! eee!” You get so excited for some of the smallest, simplest things, like necklaces, chapstick, stickers or Reese’s Pieces. You really are one of the happiest little girls and definitely have a natural talent for finding joy in almost any situation.Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

You make your daddy and me laugh like crazy. Sometimes, even when we’re dog-tired and it’s late, we lay in bed and keep laughing and joking about whatever hilarious thing you did that day. Now that you’re talking (at least a little bit), we sometimes imitate your adorable little voice. Over this next year, I just know you’re going to do and say even crazier things than you do now. I can’t wait._MG_3961

Your imagination is perfect. Kitty is so real to you (as are all of your other toys), and you spend all day, every day with him. Sometimes you’ll hold him out and point his face in a certain direction to show him something so that he can enjoy it, too. I hope you are always so believing and creative._MG_4165

You are so incredibly compassionate. I love that about you. I’m sure that’s one reason you came to our family first, because that’s one of the qualities that makes you an amazing big sister. You love Kaelyn so much and are so quick to give her kisses and check on her when she’s crying. Jax always gets big hugs, and you love to burp, rock, and “change” diapers on your baby doll and Kitty all day long. I hope you’ll want to be a mommy someday, because I can already tell you’ll be great at it._MG_4009

Three years ago, we were hoping and praying for you. We really had no idea how truly blessed we were about to be. We couldn’t have imagined having a more amazing little girl._MG_4161

We’ve loved watching you grow, and I’m so thankful for all the ways you’ve helped me grow, too. Being your mama is the greatest gift I’ve ever been given.

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet girl!

Love, Mommy