horse judging contest

So, yesterday I had my first ever *real* attempt at horse judging.  This was practice for the team (which I'm still a little unsure about doing, since my semester is already so busy!).  I had a very good time, even better than I expected, although there were a couple classes that completely confounded me. I even managed to recite all my reasons!

Last night we went to an Institute bowling activity! It was so fun to see all our old friends and I didn't even care that my bowling was probably the worst it's ever been.

Not much else is new around here… the pigs have taken to tunneling under their blankets now. Every day. It's their new pastime!

Juni's trying out for the Olympics: the "Guinea Pig Mountain Climbing" division.

And Maggie is still a hay diva!

birthday! more snow… etc.

Well, I am officially a year older! ….well, I guess I'm only a couple weeks older than the last time I wrote. Anyway, my birthday was a couple days ago. It was pretty fun! I gave blood, and nearly passed out. That's the first time that's ever happened to me (and I've given blood quite a few times). It was a little scary, since I started seeing a few white spots, and then almost everything was covered in white spots.  Suddenly, they had my feet up, a wet cloth on my head, and an icepack on my neck. Whoa! I got better within a few minutes, so no big deal.

After all that, we went to dinner at Olive Garden! (mmmmmm). They have good food, even though it's not really "authentic" Italian (after you've been to Italy, well, you're spoiled rotten).  The best part was when the waitors brought out a small cake with a candle in the middle and started singing "Buona Festa…". Fantastic!

Let's see now, this wouldn't be a REAL entry if it didn't include SNOW now would it? Last weekend we had about 8 more inches, which pales in comparison to the 30 that other areas got… nevertheless, school never cancels so 8 inches is pretty annoying.  I'm ready for June! We are due for more snow tomorrow night. Blah.

Oh yeah- we won a free iPOD! There's energy-saving program that Michael downloaded, and if you get enough people to install it, you get an iPOD. So… it's our first Apple product! I'm pretty excited! And it takes pretty good videos (better than my poor old digital camera)… so, there might be some guinea pig videos soon, which I'm sure you expected!)

School has been very busy… I have a lot more on my plate than I expected. Ah well. Sometimes it's tough but you just have to stick it out and get through it.

In recent guinea pig news… Maggie and Juni have a new toy! "Fiddlesticks"! Basically, it's this section of log-shaped wood pieces all connected together, and you can bend it however you want. They LOVE it!!

old mcdonald had a farm…

And TWO of his pigs live at our house!

Last night we went camping with the ward, which was fun… except we definitely did NOT bring enough blankets, so we ended up sleeping in the nice, warm car instead of our freezing tent!

This afternoon we met up with the very nice people who had "Patches".  They rescued a mommy pig, who had seven babies!  They just can't keep them all, so I am lucky enough to get one of the cuties!  I was so excited!  I brought Maggie to meet the two pigs I had asked her to bring down here, and she and Patches hit it off right away.  Maggie was licking her and Patches just likes to snuggle!  So we just let them play for about an hour, and then took her home!

I let them play alittle together at home, but Maggie's been a little jealous- she's used to having me all to herself!  So she squeaks for extra attention.  Don't worry, they're both spoiled.

And, since Maggie's full name is actually "Magnolia", I decided to keep to the shrubbery theme-so I renamed Patches "Juniper", with the nickname Juni for short.  Isn't she cute?