short and sweet

The weeks go by so quickly… and the weekends seem to pass by even faster! I only wish we had more time to rest and enjoy time with family and friends.

This weekend was filled with TONS of baking- these muffins (with some health-conscious modifications), this bread, and these cookies!

Jax got busted for eating crayons… again. He does have a pretty cute “I’m sorry” face, though 🙂

IMG_20140111_223357 I was asked to take some newborn pictures of a friend’s sweet new baby boy. It’s so easy to forget how tiny and helpless they are before they turn into laughing-dancing-climbing-on-everything toddlers._MG_0904On Sunday morning, I received a suprise text from my dad-in-law.

“What’s for dinner?”

They live five hours away, so it’s not like they randomly come over and eat our food. They were coming to visit! We ended up having delicious Chinese fake-out and playing games at Jeff and Lelia’s place. It was a short, but sweet visit. I love spending time with family.


(and yeah, that’s Jax trying to wrestle Dad, because that’s pretty much what went on the whole time they were here)!

five on friday: lollipops and arctic temperatures

ONE. Kaya had her first lollipop ever this week. Cotton candy flavor is a big hit! (Also, I had no idea how messy a lollipop could be. She definitely should’ve worn a bib for this…)01102014photogrid1

TWO. I can’t even believe that this was our weather from Monday night into Tuesday morning. I know that some northern states had it way worse than this… but still! We survived (and obviously I missed a run because I was not going outside in it)! I’m grateful that we had power and hot water, because I know that some people across town did not. One of the pipes at our church actually burst and flooded half the building.IMG_20140107_113042

THREE. Does it get any cuter than babies in winter hats? Kaya was such a trooper this week and was well-behaved for a meeting I had that lasted almost three hours. I just won’t tell you how many cheese crackers she ate.IMG_20140108_135956

FOUR. This dog… I love him to bits. But Jax, here’s a newsflash: crayons are NOT food. IMG_20131030_092546

FIVE. I love her happy morning smiles.IMG_20140109_083758

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

our first christmas morning at home

We knew we wanted to spend Christmas day at home, just the three of us. I was a little nervous that we’d be bored, it wouldn’t “feel like” Christmas, or my holiday dinner would turn out awful.

As it turned out, this was the best Christmas yet- and it had nothing to do with the gifts or the food.

I definitely teared up on Christmas Eve, wrapping gifts and lovingly placing them under the tree, on the very same tree skirt that my parents used when I was little.

Our tree was somewhat bare this year (with a toddler and a puppy, I just didn’t want to undergo the hassle of trying to keep ornaments on it), but its glow was perfectly magical.
_MG_0635 Kaya came into the living room on Christmas morning and couldn’t stop staring at the tree. She happily squealed when ripping the paper off her gifts._MG_0645 _MG_0648 Her big surprise was a play kitchen! She immediately answered the phone…_MG_0663 _MG_0664 Kaya gave her daddy a remote-control helicopter just like Grandpa’s!_MG_0669

I think she likes it even more than Michael does… as evidenced by this kiss!_MG_0676Jax had a whole stocking full of treats. We gave him a big ole bone that he ate in probably under two minutes!
_MG_0652We had a simple, festive breakfast (m&ms for noses and buttons, mini chocolate chips for eyes and a smile)!
_MG_0681 Powdery lips 🙂_MG_0683 I made pot roast in the crock pot, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and my mom-in-law’s famous rolls._MG_0687 Photo-bomber._MG_0688

I was so worried about ruining our Christmas dinner, so I was surprised when everything tasted amazing. It might have been the most delicious meal ever, actually. (Kaya used her broccoli to eat her potatoes…)

_MG_0694 _MG_0695It was the perfect Christmas. So much food, so much fun, and so much love.

project 365: 14/365

November 8: I’m thankful for my talents that allow me to create things for other people…_MG_0001 November 9: …for a Daddy to help with bath time…_MG_0004 November 10: …for Daddy cuddles when she isn’t feeling well…_MG_0019 November 10: … for all the silly things she does (like putting “makeup” on Michael here)!_MG_0032 November 12: I’m thankful for date-nights in and Pillsbury cinnamon rolls…_MG_0044 November 13: … for this goofy dog who will snuggle with anything._MG_0046 November 14: … for this mess, because it means we have someone to make it (and toys for her to play with)._MG_0069

sometimes, it’s the little things

I know my last post was kind of on the down side, but I’m happy to report that we are all doing so much better than we were a few days ago.

This sick little face is finally back to being herself. We had a couple of rough days and nights, but it really wasn’t so bad.

_MG_0029This week, I’ve really been appreciating the small, meaningful moments. Sure, Kaya didn’t feel well, but that just meant that we got to snuggle and watch a million episodes of Baby Einstein. We even had a family slumber party in the living room at 4 am because she didn’t want to be alone (and being propped up instead of lying flat seemed to help her rest better).

Michael and I had a late dinner date to Wendy’s. We ate in the car while Kaya slept, and the radio played all our favorite songs. It was so fun to do something spontaneous together.

Kaya took a super long nap, and I was so grateful after those late nights and early mornings we had. I took full advantage (and as usual, Jax takes any opportunity he gets to be on the bed and smother me. I actually love that he’s so cuddly).

IMG_20131113_144506 I still miss Juni, but Michael lovingly cleaned up all her things so that I didn’t have to. I’m so thankful for him.

My thoughtful visiting teacher left a treat at my front door just to let me know she cares.

If you know me, you’ve probably seen me wearing Christmas socks all year round. I can’t help it- I just love holiday socks! I was so thrilled to find these (on the right, the ones on the left are from Michael’s Arts and Crafts) for $1 at Target today. Bring on the Christmas season! I also bought sprinkles for decorating gingerbread cookies… I want to do it all now, but Michael is making me wait until Thanksgiving is over!

socks2013collage1I’m so thankful for tiny tender mercies, no matter how trivial some of them might seem. God is good.

crayons flying, puppies lying, costume trying

ONE. I know I already talked about this pumpkin bread a couple weeks ago… but seriously. I have been wanting to make it again ever since we finished the last batch. I finally succumbed to my sweet tooth (it usually wins, anyway) and made some on Wednesday night. Luckily, Lelia and the sister missionaries came by and helped eat some of it!_MG_9695TWO. While I was baking, this little princess was coloring and throwing crayons all over the kitchen. I love having my little pal right at my feet. (Speaking of feet… aren’t her little toes just precious?)_MG_9681THREE. We’ve all been super sleepy this week. Kaya’s naps have been longer, and I even got an ultra-long one on Tuesday. I’m so glad to have my own personal space heater…IMG_20131022_103914FOUR. We still haven’t decided on Halloween costumes… I am seriously slacking as a mom. Hopefully I figure it out soon because I only have a few days to make whatever it is we choose! Although, I did procrastinate last year, too… and Kaya was so cute. And TINY. Let’s reminisce for a moment:_MG_6121 FIVE. My baby is craaazy. Don’t wear ear buds for this because she will make you hard-of-hearing (and please excuse my congestedness)!

Happy Friday! Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

my dog is a photobomber

Happy Friday! This has been one of the most relaxed weeks we’ve had in a while, so here are five of my favorite “simple” moments:

ONE. Her eyes. Have you ever seen any more beautiful? It’s the number one compliment she receives. (and yep… she was coming after my camera here…)_MG_0159 TWO. She loves playing in the bath, until I start the actual washing part… good thing Daddy was there to save her (with the most adorable little lion towel)!_MG_0162

THREE. These awesome new $1 socks I found at Michael’s (the craft store) and FOUR. My photo-bombing dog. He’s clingy (just a little lot). Most of the time, I’d rather not be squashed by his over-affectionate tendencies, but I can’t help feeling flattered. IMG_20131016_101600FIVE. I made this mac ‘n cheese on Tuesday. It turned out decently good… except that I don’t know what on Earth I was thinking when I made an entire box of pasta for three people (Kaya refuses to eat it… which is odd. She eats any other kind of pasta with cheese…). We still have a TON of it left and it’s Friday. Lucky for me, Michael never complains about eating leftovers for days (although I could definitely go for something else… like pizza *cough Michael cough*…)

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

waffles, conference, and a whole bunch of crazy people

As I posted over the weekend, we spent Saturday and Sunday relaxing and watching General Conference. I was also craving chocolate-chip waffles… Luckily, I have a super-awesome husband who tends to want to eat the same things I do, so I put him to work in the kitchen he graciously whipped up these whole-wheat waffles on Sunday morning.
_MG_0013 He kinda messed up the first one (just a little)!_MG_0015 Jax didn’t care what the waffles looked like because they smelled heavenly. Newsflash for my dog: chocolate kills._MG_0021 Much better 🙂_MG_0023 Baby Bird slept through all our clamoring in the kitchen, so she had her waffle (which was actually 1/4 of one) for lunch. That’s the smile of one happy girl!_MG_0038

We took a family picture, which is something we try to do on or around each conference weekend (every six months)._MG_0053In the afternoon, we had friends over to watch the last session. We had a potluck dinner- chicken ‘n dumplings, rice, veggies, and my favorite homemade brownies topped with ice cream for dessert. It doesn’t get any better than that!_MG_0059 I love all these crazy people and I’m so grateful to share these memories with them. (PS- the babies have the best expressions… and Jax looks pretty insane too)._MG_0060

my dog might be more popular than me

We went for a 6-mile run on Saturday, and six distinct sets of people said hello… to my dog. That’s more greetings than I probably get in a whole week while out exercising (although a cute, cuddly puppy is a little more inviting than a sweaty girl wearing her hair like she just took a ride through a clothes dryer…)

I’ve been thinking about Greek food for weeks now and we FINALLY went out for some on Saturday night. Mmmm gyros. Of course, Kitty had to come along.092913photogrid1 Lelia and I spent some time planning out all the details of our Halloween party. Halloween festiveness got the best of me, so I went out and bought burlap that very night to make a special craft (hopefully I’ll have it completed and on the blog soon). Check out those candy corns!IMG_20130929_201850

My baby has also realized that she can walk without holding on to furniture, walls, or my pants… so she made it all the way down the hallway yesterday while carrying Kitty and her music radio. She just keeps practicing since then, but I never seem to have the camera right at those exact moments. Mom fail.

And just because… a shameless selfie (with Michael’s computer in the background, of course). I love my best friend (and I love that he let me sleep in two days in a row. If there were an Ultimate Husband award, he’d win, hands down.)

friday favorites

Our family is coming into town this weekend for Kaya’s birthday party! Of course, I still have a million things left to check off my to-do list, so I’ll just leave you with a short post of this week’s highlights 🙂

Fall weather has arrived and we are loving the cooler temperatures (although I might not be loving how dark it is when I go running in the morning)… Kaya and I took a walk and she had fun pointing out all the trees.  She even wore a hair bow! 🙂

_MG_9657 Kaya has learned to “throw” the ball for Jax to fetch! As always, here he is kissing her right IN the mouth. My two crazy kids…_MG_9627 I stripped our bed down to wash the sheets, and someone made himself a little too comfy on our pillows and comforter. He does have his own blanket, you know… that he ripped to shreds._MG_9691 We gave Kaya a cupcake last night to celebrate her birthday, and she barely touched it! Michael had to encourage her to taste it. She seemed to like it but only tried a small bit before she was bored with it. (C’mon Kaya… it’s chocolate!)_MG_9702

I’ve been crazy busy this week making all sorts of things for her party tomorrow. I made fondant for the first time ever and had so much fun playing with it yesterday… here’s a sneak peek of the cake!092013photogrid1Happy Friday!