kaelyn: 15 months

_MG_9374Height: 30 inches (36%)
17 pounds 10 ounces (0.55%)
Head Circumference:
17.75 inches (27%)
Clothing size:
 Although her 12-month onesies were still fitting well, I switched all her clothes out for 18-month size stuff, mostly because it isn’t summer anymore and we needed some warmer items.
Eyecolor: Blue.
Teeth: Just the four still!_MG_9367Eating: She’s still nursing 3-4 times per day, and she has been eating as much as she wants at mealtime. She really loves any kind of shredded chicken (tacos or Hawaiian haystacks), any flavor of Greek yogurt (besides coconut), grapes, and olives. She also liked trying pumpkin bread!

However, we saw a different doctor than we almost always do (at the same practice) for her 15-month appointment, and she did show some concern about Kaelyn’s weight (even though her height went up). She suggested really trying to put some weight on her between now and her next appointment at 18 months, or they want to start doing some tests to be sure there isn’t a thyroid problem/growth-related issues.

Of course, as her mom, I have been a little worried about all of that and am trying hard to get her to eat more solids (she just doesn’t put a whole lot of food down). She will eat if I keep spooning it in her mouth, but it makes her so sad, so I’m not enthused about it either. Make her eat to prove to this doctor that she can grow, or let her continue to eat as she wants? I’ve always been more of a “hands off” kind of mom so this decision has been harder to navigate.
New words:
 New things she’s said this month include Baba (her nickname), Mama, hello, and she now growls like a baby dinosaur when we ask her to/Kaya is pretending to be a dinosaur too.
Favorite things:
Her stuffed Piggy, pushing the toy shopping cart or baby stroller around, riding in the cozy coupe car or even just sitting in it, and pushing any toy car around. She can entertain herself by reading a book for an extensive length of time, too.

This is also really random, but she LOVES this wedding photo I have sitting on my nightstand, and asks to hold it just about every morning when she wakes up. Sweet girl._MG_9160Dislikes: Getting her face wiped and laying down for diaper changes.
She goes down around 7:30 pm and gets up around 6 or 6:30 am typically. Sometimes she’ll fall back to sleep in the morning or still take her little power nap around 10:30 am. It seems like she’s been able to start going without that extra nap lately, though. Official naptime is around 1:30 and she’ll typically sleep for about 3 hours.
Baba, Baba Grace.
Milestones, etc.:
-She is WALKING! She is trying so hard and is able to take a few steps on her own with no support from anyone or anything. She also stands up all on her own (no grabbing onto anything or pulling up) from a sitting position.

-She loves to push the doll stroller around and can go from one end of the house to the other, and even pivots to turn around without falling down!_MG_9329-She loves to show us where her belly button is when we ask… 🙂_MG_9386-She can actually feed herself pretty well with a spoon! She doesn’t make a mess until she is tired of eating and gets bored.

-She’s made up her own sign for “more” (and it’s always the same)- she holds her hand out, makes a fist, releases it, and then does it again. So cute.

-She is SO sensitive to any kind of “negative” speaking (i.e. “no”, “don’t do that”, etc.) and will bust into tears so easily. Poor sweet baby. I feel especially bad for her when Kaya overreacts to something and makes her so upset.

-She loves “pretending” to wash her own hair, brush her hair, eat food, etc.

-She is always trying to get herself dressed! Anytime she sees something fall out of the (clean) laundry basket, she tries to put it on, whether it’s her shirt, Kaya’s pants, or even… Kaya’s underwear. Hahaha._MG_9163Dear Kaelyn,

Oh sweet girl, you are still so mild-mannered, calm, and easy-going. You love everyone and make so many people happy just by being around them.

Whenever Daddy gets you out of your crib in the morning, he carries you, holds your hand, and whisks you to whatever room I’m in to immediately say hello. You are always beaming with delight when our eyes meet for the first time that day.

I can’t get over how beautiful you are, especially when you’re smiling. I don’t really think you look like anyone in the family in particular, but you sure are cute as a button._MG_9324I love you Kaelyn Grace. Keep smiling.

Love, Mommy

kaya- 15 months!

_MG_072015monthsHeight: 32 inches (90th percentile)
20 pounds 4 ounces (13th percentile)
Head Circumference:
18.5 inches (91st percentile)
Clothing size: 
Both 9-12 and 12-18 month pants, both 9-12 and 12-18 month onesies, some 2T tees (we like them long) and 12-18 month jammies.
Still twelve! She has teeth G, F, E, D, O, P, N, Q, L, S, B and I.
A TON of food! She sure knows how to shovel down her Cheerios and banana every day. She tried and loved pot roast and broccoli this month. She can probably eat about 10 big pieces of broccoli in one sitting- I think it’s a new favorite!

We’re still nursing three times a day. Sometimes, she’s super quick, but usually we still get to snuggle for a good while. I love it.

Her sweet tooth has come in in full force now (Michael shared his chocolate-chip muffin with her, and now there’s no going back). There is no sneaking chocolate when she’s around, unless you plan on sharing!IMG_20131220_072857-2

Words: Dadada (daddy), Mama, uh-oh, kitty, and hey! In the past few days, it seems like she is trying to repeat some of the words we say. Most of the time, she’s babbling gibberish like crazy!
Favorite things:
Dancing (especially to Taylor Swift), giving kisses, having us blow bubbles for her, her ball-popping machine, throwing and kicking balls, helping load the dryer and empty the dishwasher, and looking at books._MG_0539Dislikes: Long car rides, baths usually, and getting her teeth brushed (she’ll even bite me if I’m not careful)!
Sleep: Still sporadic ever since we traveled home for Thanksgiving. Now that Michael’s been home for Christmas vacation, we’ve been sleeping in and her nap quality/length seems random. She did get some shots at her 15-month doctor appointment though, and I think those might be having something to do with it. She is absolutely exhausted by 6pm every day, and we put her down around 7 or 7:30. She wakes up around 7:30 or 8 am lately.
Milestones, etc.:
-She seems more observant when it comes to watching how things work, and then trying to imitate that. For example, I showed her how to “feed” a baby doll with a bottle, and she caught on right away. The next day, we had a play date and she kept “feeding” one of her friends with his sippy cup!
-She’s almost a pro at climbing stairs.
-She understands so much now! I am amazed at what I can ask her to do and she’ll really follow through.
-She appropriately answers our questions by shaking her head “no” quite often!
-She’s so skilled at kicking and throwing balls now!
-She has started to help us get her dressed. We’ll say “Where’s the hand?” and she’ll shove her arm into her sleeve. She loves trying to put her coat on by herself!
-We’re slowly working on learning animal sounds. She can do horse, cow, and dragon (which is a growl/roar)!

Dear Kaya,

_MG_0723month15You are so precious to me. My favorite thing about you is definitely your smile. I hope that when you get older, you never hold back your true personality and infectious grin- both shine so brightly! Thanks for loving me, Princess, even when I make mistakes. I love seeing you grow up, but you will always be my baby girl.

Love, Mommy