nella: 23 months

Clothing size: Mostly 24-month and 2T items. We finally went to our used kids’ clothing store and picked up three pairs of 24-month jammies, which fit her with some room to grow. Size 5 shoes, which she wants to wear all the time, even just around the house. She goes into the closet and puts them on all by herself. I’ve never seen someone so obsessed with wearing shoes!

Eye color: Blue.

Hair: I think she officially has the curliest hair of anyone in our family. She’s got a head full of perfect ringlets, which I love, but if we go even a day without conditioning it, she gets mega knots and frizz. It also seems to be getting lighter and lighter blond!

Teeth: 14! Two new ones came in this month.

Eating: She is still willing to try any food. However, after some digestive issues, she’s now on a “reduced dairy” diet. We’ve been giving her almond yogurt and milk instead of the traditional ones, and it has helped a whole lot. She’s regularly drinking diluted prune juice, and I’ve given her some pumped breastmilk in a cup, which seems to be good for her tummy, too.

Sleep: She sleeps about 12 hours at night, and then takes a nap in the afternoon, which is typically 2 to 3 hours long. Naps have been on the shorter side lately (we’ve been starting nap later after finishing up our schoolwork, and sometimes her sisters wake her up before she’s ready). Honestly, I feel like she still really needs that full three hours.

Words: She’s started saying “yeah”, which is so funny, and actually helpful when we’re trying to figure out what she needs. She clearly says “no!” when she doesn’t want to do something. Usually, we’ll ask her a bunch of yes/no questions just to hear her vehemently say “NO!” She’s also surprised us by saying a few new words, like “up”, “muffin”, and “Sockie” (the name of my parents’ dog who just passed away).

Favorite things: Her Beagle, playing with baby dolls (and pretending to rock and feed them all day long), driving in the Cozy Coupe (she can only push herself backwards), playing on the swings, and running around in circles/dancing to music. She is obsessed with books (especially I’m a Big Sister by Joanna Cole) and loves to look through them on her own. She used to never care about watching any shows, but she very much loves Daniel Tiger and the original Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.

Dislikes: Being told “no” to anything she’s doing- she’ll either throw a fit because she isn’t allowed to do something she wants to, or she cries because she feels bad about whatever it was we told her not to do. She also wants to be so independent that she doesn’t even like holding hands when we’re walking in public, which can be a little difficult at times.

Nicknames: Nellbells, Nels, Nella Bella, Nellie Belly, Nellie, Nella Sunshine, and “Troublemaker” because she is seriously into everything.

Milestones, etc.: -She hums and tries to sing and it’s completely adorable.

-She is pretty good at following instructions when I ask her to do anything.

-She worries about Evie (“Baba!”) all the time and constantly gives her her pacifier.

-She went down the slide on her own for the very first time!

-She still says “Maaamaaaa” anytime she thinks she’s doing something cute and wants me to look at her. I love this little GIF because I can see her little mouth saying exactly that!

Dear Nella,

My goodness, Nella, you are one of the spunkiest little girls I’ve ever met. You are an independent little lady, wanting to do things your way and on your own. You’ve even become a little sassy lately, but I’m hoping that all these strong traits help you to become a good leader when you’re grown up. I have no doubt that you’ll be able to forge your own path in life and be able to accomplish so much. You are one determined and self-sufficient little girl!

Your smile will forever be one of my favorite things.

Love, Mommy