in these last days…


It’s in these last days of pregnancy that I daydream and wonder. I wait for that moment when she’ll be placed on my chest for the first time. I imagine her smell, and all her precious, tiny features. How much will she look like Kaya?

It’s in these last days that any exclamation of pain has Michael immediately asking if I’m okay (usually it’s just my nerves). I find his hand on my stomach more often and his hugs a little more tender.

It’s in these last days that everything ends up splattered on my belly. Toothpaste, remnants of Kaya’s snack, and water from washing the dishes. My shirt could be in a modern art museum.

It’s in these last days that I wonder “how many?” How many more runs? How many more showers? How many more nights sleeping in my own bed without a tiny person next to it? How many more afternoons will Kaya and I sit together on the playground at the top of the slide, just the two of us, and blow bubbles together?

It’s in these last days that exercise feels impossible, but finishing a run or walk makes me feel like a million bucks.

It’s in these last days that my pelvis feels a little more sore; my belly a bit more crampy. I feel my body getting ready.

It’s in these last days that I cherish every hug and kiss from Kaya a little more, not knowing if it’s our last day as a family of three before everything changes.

myrtle beach 2014, days 4 and 5: ripley’s aquarium and broadway at the beach

(May 15th and 16th)

It rained all day on Thursday, which actually worked out pretty well, because it gave us a “rest day”, which I think we all needed. The weather forecast had predicted a high chance of rain, so I had already purchased aquarium tickets to use that morning.

05152014collage1Ripley’s Aquarium was on a lot of “must-see” lists, so I’m glad we went… but I think it was definitely a one-time adventure. Kaya really liked it, but I found it just a little over-crowded and over-priced.

The shark tunnel was definitely the best part!

_MG_2561 She probably would’ve stayed and watched the fish all day if we let her! She especially loved the stingrays._MG_2569

On Friday, our last day, we made sure to get in some quality time at the beach. I knew it was our last chance to really play there, so I definitely tried to make the most of it. It was so bittersweet when the morning was over.05162014collage1 _MG_2583 Kaya still didn’t want to play in the waves after being knocked over on the second day, but she still had her share of water fun- in buckets! She kept asking us to refill ALL of them, and then she’d splash, clean seashells, and scoop the water out of them._MG_2588 After nap time, we headed to Broadway at the Beach. We were frugal and didn’t spend any money to do anything there, which was fine because we were content to just walk around. We did see some giant catfish though!_MG_2594 And of course there had to be some incredibly crazy photo from this trip…IMG_2595

We chose to have our last dinner out at the River City Cafe, which supposedly has the “best” burgers. The food was good, but I think we anticipated it to be a lot better than it actually was. It was just around the corner from our condo, so it was great that we could walk there.05162014collage2We took another walk to a souvenir shop to get a couple of t-shirts before we left the next morning. I definitely can’t wait to go back (hopefully in the near future)!

If you missed our other Myrtle Beach vacation posts, you can find them here:

baby #2: 38 weeks

(written June 18th)

How are we here already? Seriously… time flies when you’re having fun (or working on a million projects)!_MG_2882

Baby’s size: Book value is about 6.75 lbs and 21 inches long. My fundal height is still small (34.5 weeks), but that measurement supposedly becomes less and less accurate as time goes on, since her head is dropping into my pelvis now.
Maternity clothes?: Duh. And it’s getting harder and harder to squeeze into my swimsuit…
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Just nerve pain here and there and some pelvic pressure, but nothing to really complain about! I remember being sooo uncomfortable by this time with Kaya, but I’m really feeling amazing this time around.
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks every once in a while… but nothing too intense. I didn’t want to be checked this week again so I don’t know about dilation and effacement.
Sleep: Still pretty awesome for this late in the game! I used one of the CD tracks from the Hypnobirthing book to relax last night before bed, and Michael told me this morning that I seemed to be sleeping extra soundly (usually I semi-wake up and get a little grouchy when he comes to bed, but apparently I stayed calm and went right back to sleep… awesome)!
Movement: Hiccups and dancing to Luke Bryan 🙂
Cravings: Twizzlers, chocolate chip cookies, and ice water.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: I’m really feeling pretty great, which is awesome, because I remember being so queasy at this point with Kaya. 
Belly Button in or out?: Out. And Kaya likes to point it out to me any chance she gets!
Exercising?: 10 miles run, 10 miles walked.
Mood: Excited to meet her so soon!
Best moment this week: Getting a lot done and not being hassled about anything at my doctor appointment.
Comparison: 38 weeks with Kaya! It’s a very different belly for sure!38weekcomparisonWe’ll see how many more of these posts I get to write!

it’s the little things, like kisses and hiccups

A few of my favorite “little things” as of late feel a lot like big things. Some of these moments last only a few seconds, but I never want to forget…_MG_2774

The way Kaya looks at me, smiles, and gently strokes my hair.

How she caught me crying one afternoon, and started wiping my tears away with my shirt.

When she kisses me at the top of the slide, just before going down and yelling “buh-BYE!”

How happy she was to share cookies on the kitchen floor in the middle of the afternoon for no reason.

All the kisses she gave me when she woke up from Sunday nap and I was still fast asleep.

Feeling our second sweet baby dance to the same Luke Bryan song that Kaya loves.

Having hiccups in my belly that aren’t my own.

Loving these two girls with my whole heart (which is even bigger than I ever imagined it could be).

Linking up with Ashley and Jess!

myrtle beach 2014, day 3: mini golf

(May 14th)

Kaya slept in until 9 am, which is obviously a great way to start any day of vacation! We went down to the shoreline, played in the waves and sand, and combed the beach for seashells. I actually attempted to get in a picture (for once!), but Kaya just wasn’t interested.

_MG_2498Kaya went down for a nap, and we went out on the balcony to enjoy some ice cream while listening to the waves rush in and out. I can’t even tell you how many cartons of ice cream we went through on this trip…Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetMyrtle Beach has several themed mini golf places, and this Jungle Safari one was about a half-mile walk from our condo. When Kaya woke up, we headed there for some fun!
05142014collage3 We had our own little caddy! We gave her her own ball, but somehow, she ended up carrying my ball and Michael’s club too, so we just had to share.05142014collage2 She was a trooper and climbed up and down so many stairs. It was definitely a good workout for a toddler!_MG_2515I usually like mini golf, but I really loved this course and would definitely go again or check out some of the other differently-themed places next time!
_MG_2516I knew Kaya would love the “animals”, and sure enough, the giraffes were her favorite. This one got several hugs (and she might’ve come super close to sticking that ball in a hole in the side of his head…)

At dinnertime, Michael picked up some “Ultimate California Pizza” (yes, in South Carolina, apparently) for us to eat poolside. Mmmm. We actually ended up having enough for two dinners, which we definitely didn’t mind, since it was so good!Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetWe ended our day with a dance party in the living room… and maybe more ice cream after Kaya went to bed!

father’s day weekend

I’d say that Michael definitely enjoyed a “manly” weekend, filled with going to the shooting range, playing Xbox, and renting a Redbox movie of his choice. He definitely earned it though, because I dragged him and Kaya out of bed at the crack of dawn on Saturday morning to take some maternity/family photos. This is definitely one of my favorites!

On Sunday morning, I got up a little extra early to surprise Michael with some homemade donuts! I used this recipe, and they turned out amazing! It was my first time using the new donut pans I got for my birthday, but I definitely shouldn’t have waited this long because it was even easier than I expected it to be. Michael was pretty excited (as was Kaya), so it was definitely worth giving up a little sleep to make these.Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 presetI also surprised him with a small printed photo collage for his cubicle at work. Most of the pictures he had hanging up were over a year old!fathersday2014collage

Even though it was Father’s Day, he still took care of Kaya so that I could take a nice, long nap. I’ve been sure to enjoy my Sunday naps, since I only have a couple left before our princess is supposed to come!

Happy Father’s Day!

through the waves

I already posted this on Facebook a few days ago, but I wanted to save it here too, especially in honor of Father’s Day.

Going through pictures from our beach trip, my heart just melted when I saw this one. I couldn’t imagine a better daddy for our two girls. Whether he’s holding them up through the tide at the ocean or helping them navigate the “waves” of life, I know he’ll always be there for them (and me)! I’m so grateful for his hand to hold.


Happy Father’s Day, buddy! I can’t wait to see your heart melt all over again in a couple weeks for our new little girl 🙂

baby #2: 37 weeks

(written June 14th)_MG_2848

Baby’s size: Almost 6.5 lbs and about 21 inches according to the book, but we had an impromptu ultrasound on Friday to check amniotic fluid levels (which turned out to be just fine), and she is supposedly 6 pounds 6 ounces.
Maternity clothes?: Yep, and I’m generally wearing the biggest and loosest-fitting tops I can find.
Gender: Girl!
Symptoms: Random nerve pain down my legs, but not as bad as last week. I can feel my pelvis loosening up a whole lot too!
Labor signs: I didn’t get checked this week, so I don’t know about any of that… but I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions every night and sometimes when I run. They’re not painful… just kind of a pain!
Sleep: Once I’m out, I sleep like a rock. Suddenly I’m also having lots of baby dreams!
Movement: She’s still my little hiccup-making machine! Other than that, her movement seems to have slowed down a bit… there’s not a lot of room in there!
Cravings: Ice cream, Twizzlers, and chocolate chip cookies.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: Feeling great for the most part, just not having too much of an appetite.
Belly Button in or out?: It’s pretty much out.
Exercising?: 10 miles run, 10 miles walked.
Mood: Excited to meet her so soon!
Best moment this week: Let’s see… getting a lot of work done on her quilt, taking some family/maternity pictures, and just hearing that everything was fine at our ultrasound were all great highlights.
Comparison: 37 weeks with Kaya!37weekcomparison18 days until our due date! I can’t wait to meet you, Peanut!

five on friday: a life-sized parrot and a whole roll of chapstick

ONE. Last Friday, we went to a summer music festival in town. It was a beautiful evening, and we really enjoyed ourselves. There was also a big parrot walking around, and Kaya was both terrified of and enamored by him!Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset

TWO. Today marks 8 years since I graduated from high school. EIGHT! Part of me wondered where all that time went… but then I realized that I really have done a whole lot since then!

THREE. Kaya is strong enough to lift her shopping cart now… and skilled enough to accessorize her own outfit. Also, my living room almost always looks like this lately._MG_2754

FOUR. I got Peanut two [super cheap] Carter’s rompers and a pair of jammies this week. After all, it’ll be summer, and a baby needs rompers, right? I haven’t really bought much for this new little girl, so getting something just for her made it all a little more real (and might’ve choked me up a little. Ahem… hormones…)Processed with VSCOcam with hb1 preset

FIVE. Hair bows (she’s wanted to wear them instead of pulling them out), horsey hugs, fruit-themed onesies and chapstick (she put a whole tube of it on her face). That pretty much sums up our week. _MG_2771Happy Friday!

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!