five on friday… on a saturday!

I’m totally cheating and writing this a day late. Oh well! I have too many cute pictures from this week not to share! 🙂

ONE. This girl and her faces. She knows how to work the camera now and it cracks me up! She’s also obsessed with this little magnetic drawing board Grandma brought for her.05302014collage1TWO. I spent most of Wednesday in the kitchen, making cupcakes for a Young Women’s activity at church and a meal for a family who just had a baby. I’m grateful for my little helper (and taste-tester)!_MG_2690THREE. She has to balance out all that chocolate somehow, right? Kaya is so obsessed with salad lately and will eat a TON of it if I let her. I’m happy she likes something healthy, but also a little bummed that lettuce doesn’t really have any calories to chub her up!_MG_2695

FOUR. I’ve already mentioned Kaya’s new bed… but I have so many cute pictures from our snuggle time together that I just have to mention it again. Also… can I have bright pink sheets, too? I love how much they brighten up her room!05302014collage2FIVE. I love how much these two love each other (and how much Kaya loves ducks, too). Michael went out of town for a bike race today, but he’ll be back before bedtime tonight, and I just can’t wait to see how excited she is to see her daddy!_MG_2702

Linking up with Natasha, April, Christina, and Darci today!

blog every day in may | day 31: something I’m looking forward to this summer

Here we are… the last day in May! I’m glad I stuck with the challenge and wrote all the posts. It’s been fun!blogeverydaymaybutton31_2I hope it’s obvious what I’m most excited for this summer.

Tiny toes, late-night snuggles, and spending a million moments memorizing all her features.

Taking my two girls for walks every day.

Nursing again.

Kissing her forehead.

Having my heart grow another size bigger.

baby #2: 35 weeks

This is our “quick-take-it-before-it-pours-down-rain” photo!_MG_2705

Baby’s size: The book says 20.25 inches long and over 5.5 lbs. That seems so crazy big to me, but I guess we’ll find out her actual size at our next ultrasound next week.
Maternity clothes?: Yes… and I’ve had a few people tell me this week that I look like I’m getting “close to the end” or “ready to pop”! I never heard that when I was pregnant with Kaya, but maybe this little girl sitting so much lower makes me look closer to birth? She is so low (and balled up) that I honestly sometimes forget I have a belly (which probably sounds ridiculous to anyone who looks at how big it actually is)!
Gender: Little baby GIRL! :) 
Symptoms: I had some seriously intense Braxton Hicks last Friday, but nothing really since. I also have some rib pain, which is totally new to me, and just slight nerve pain starting down my legs if I stand too long/in a certain position. I’m not complaining… just keeping track of it all!
Sleep: Great if I go to bed exhausted (which has been every night this week)!
Movement: Lots of hiccups! She also loves to push [HARD] on me with her feet!
Cravings: Ice water… does that count? And chocolate is pretty much always on the list.
Anything making you queasy or sick?: I have seasonal allergies, and I think the congestion from it is what makes me nauseous. I’ve also stopped drinking milk in the mornings because my stomach is always turning after that.
Belly Button in or out?: Flat!
Exercising?: Running is hard now, and I’m trying to balance staying active with not overdoing it. I know I totaled over 20 miles, but a lot of them were walked. I also did one random arm workout!
Mood: I’m in full-fledged nesting mode!
Best moment this week: Getting A LOT of things checked off my to-do list!
35 weeks with Kaya!35weekcomparison

blog every day in may | day 30: my favorite disney movie

blogeverydaymaybutton30I probably spent waaay too much time trying to decide on an “ultimate favorite” Disney movie. There are so many good ones! I didn’t want to pick anything too new… it has to stand the test of time! So I went with…

Beauty and the Beast.

It’s got good music and lovable characters, but what I think strikes me the most is one of the life lessons it teaches.

You can be whoever you want to be.

Whether you want to be a girl who goes against popular social stigmas, a mean and ugly beast, or a candlestick… You can choose your attitude and you can decide whether you’ll change or not. And, go figure, the choices you make can deeply affect others around you.

blog every day in may | day 29: a tradition I love

How many times do you have to do something before it’s technically a “tradition”? Hopefully there aren’t any tradition-police out there, because this one is fairly new for us.

Everyone who’s anyone knows that all the best traditions involve food. I’m not about to break that stigma!

donutcollagemmmmFor every recent holiday, we’ve had a surprise donut breakfast (although I guess if it’s an official tradition, the surprise part will eventually wear off)… When I was a kid, we used to get donuts every Sunday morning. I really don’t think that any of us need to eat them every week, so I really like just keeping donut breakfasts as a special holiday tradition.

On Christmas we had reindeer and snowmen, Easter was a bunny, and then having donuts at all on Mother’s Day was a complete surprise to me! I love coming up with something special to give my family, even if it is as simple as a holiday-themed donut.

As Kaya gets older, she definitely gets more excited about little things like these!_MG_2075

kaya- 20 months!

(written May 22nd)

“Say cheese!” _MG_2686Clothing size: 12-18 month pants, 12-18 month shorts, 12-18 month onesies, 2T tees, and 12-18 month jammies. I did bust out her 18-24 month onesies and summer jammies, but there is definitely still room to grow in them! Size 5 shoes.
Eyecolor: Hazel/Gray/Greenish.
Teeth: Eighteen.
Eating: This has been a great month as far as eating goes. She’s back to loving yogurt (seriously, she gets sooo excited at the grocery store about it that she barely lets us put it in the cart instead of straight into her mouth). The flavors she loves include cherry, strawberry, strawberry-banana, blueberry, and raspberry. And she’s still addicted to cheese! She loves to eat salad and pizza, too. We still give her a muffin in the morning, but lately, she hasn’t finished it and would rather have cereal or yogurt. It makes me so happy to see her fill up her belly with good food!
New words: Hooo-hooo (like an owl), stick, blue, bye-bye, boo!, crocodile (it’s in one of her books), shoes.
Favorite things: Playing outside, bubbles, ducks (rubber or real), stuffed animals (Kitty is still the favorite, but she really loves her lambs and puppies, too), reading books, riding her rocking horse, and jumping in her old exersaucer!
Dislikes: Bees and being told no? But who does like those things?
Sleep: Bedtime is anywhere between 7 and 8pm, and she wakes up between 7 and 8am lately. Naps are about 2.5-3 hours long and start anywhere between 11 and 1 pm these days.
Nicknames: Just because I know one day we’ll forget, these days we call her: Bird, Birdy, Peekabird, Peeky, Stompy, and Sweets.
Milestones, etc.: -She blows kisses with her hand.
-She gives kisses on the cheek!
-She’s now a pro at fake sneezing.
-She could wave goodbye before, but now she does it to everyone and everything all the time.
-She is starting to put a couple of words together at a time… really just with “bye-bye” though. She’ll say “bye Daddy” or “bye-bye toes” when we’re putting her shoes on.
-Michael has always done a “3…2…1!” countdown with her when they play and act silly (something crazy usually happens after the “1”), and so now she’s started counting down too! She does it before she goes down the slide or jumps/falls on purpose. It’s pretty hard to understand though, so I’m pretty sure no one besides Michael and I would have realized that she was counting.
-She can point to most all of her body parts when I ask where they are!
-On a less-than-happy note, real tantrums are starting. She screams tremendously loud when we do something she doesn’t like (and sometimes she’ll just scream for no apparent reason at all).

Dear Kaya,

Before we know it, you’ll be two years old! I guess we’ll stop counting the months at that point. I still can’t believe we only have one more monthly update before your baby sister gets here! You are definitely getting ready for her- you practice changing Kitty’s “diaper” just about every day (a million times a day), and you ask to read your “I’m a Big Sister” book pretty often. You even kiss the baby in the book!_MG_2588

I love that you are such a little monkey these days. The playground is probably your favorite place (and we’ve been going there a whole lot lately)! It’s so fun to watch you climb and discover new things on your own. Even though you’re so busy, you still make time to cuddle with me, and that’s one of my favorite parts of being your mom.

blog every day in may | day 28: a happy moment

Today, Kaya woke up early from her nap, crying. I waited a little while, but she wasn’t calming down, so I brought her into my room, hoping she’d want to cuddle.
She happily drew a few pictures and played with her stuffed animals before granting my wish. She rolled up next to me, cuddling in close. There might be nothing I love more than snuggling with my little girl.

memorial day weekend

We had a fantastic Memorial Day weekend! The weather was amazing and it actually feels like summer is coming, which I couldn’t be more excited about.

I finally decided on Kaya’s new bed. I ordered a twin-size mattress for her, and it arrived on Friday. Now, we’re just waiting on the bed frame to get here! We had tried converting her crib into a toddler bed, but she never wanted to sleep in it. So far, she likes her “big girl” bed and actually sleeps on it!

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We had a lot of grandparents come up to visit this weekend (which meant that Kaya was incredibly spoiled)!

_MG_2650 One of her surprises was a new “Kitty” from my mom. The old one has seen better days, but I still might have cried a little when Kaya immediately took to the new stuffed animal. I guess I can blame pregnancy hormones… but that old Kitty has had so many adventures with us!_MG_2681 My happy girl was so excited to take a picture with both her kitties 🙂 Her grandmas also lavished her with new books, dresses, and toys. It was almost like Christmas around here!_MG_2675 We all went out to dinner on Saturday, to church on Sunday, and then to the pool on Monday! The first day of the swimming season always feels a little extra exciting._MG_2654 Love these two (and Michael’s tan line)! Kaya actually didn’t spend a whole lot of time in the water, since it was still a bit chilly. She mostly just stood next to the pool and threw her ducky and ball in for us to toss back to her._MG_2662 We planned a cookout with some dear friends after our swimming. We probably had the best spread of food we’ve ever had at any of our cookouts (hot dogs, bratwurst, salad, pasta salad, chips, lemonade, and all manner of desserts)!_MG_2668_MG_2667At the end of it all, Kaya was more exhausted than I think I’ve ever seen her.

It’s after time spent with family and friends and days like these that my heart feels so full of gratitude.

blog every day in may | day 27: 5 things I love about my husband

Today’s assigned topic is supposed to be “profess your love for a blog(ger) friend”, but I wanted to do something with a little more meaning. Michael supports me through everything I do, and he definitely doesn’t get enough credit, so this post is for him!_MG_2620
1. He gives (at least) 110% of his effort to every commitment he makes. If he tells you he’ll help you out with something, know that you can rely on him to go above and beyond to get it done.
2. He’s smart. He knows more programming languages than I could even name. If he doesn’t know something, he teaches himself (and usually pretty quickly, at that).
3. He’s selfless. He’s actually nailing together a shelf for me right now… even after a long day at work and a trip to the grocery store.
4. He has a special way of understanding people. It’s pretty amazing… almost like he can see straight through your heart to know what you’re feeling and how to help.
5. He’s the best daddy. Just ask Kaya (or watch her sob whenever he walks out the door). He never acts frustrated or frazzled by parenting. He makes Kaya laugh almost constantly from the moment he gets home from work until she goes to bed. I can’t wait to see the love he’ll have for our new little princess.

Love you buddy!

blog every day in may | day 26: if I won a million dollars…

I’m not sure how we’d “win” a million dollars, since we don’t gamble or play the lottery. However, if we somehow received so much money, I’d definitely have some uses for it!
My first priority would be to pay off our student and auto loans. Hopefully then we could look for our dream house!
I’d also love to have enough saved away for our kids’ college educations, church missions, and weddings (especially with two girls… hopefully they don’t anticipate having extravagant weddings)!
Maybe we’d invest some of it, and set the rest aside for a rainy day. I’d love to have enough money to do random acts of kindness for people I know who need it.