{more than} halfway

Four more months until our new little lady gets here.babyirwin24dultra (Custom)

Passing 20 weeks felt like a much bigger milestone during my first pregnancy. I didn’t really have much of a baby bump, but I felt like people had to notice then because I was already halfway DONE. It felt like an accomplishment.

This time, passing 20 weeks feels different. This time, I know how fast the second half goes by. Instead of seeing all the weeks we’ve already completed, I’m more focused on the dwindling number of weeks that remain.

Only 18 more weeks until she’s in my arms.

This time, I know how amazing that’s going to feel.

There are a million things on my to-do list before she comes, and 18 weeks doesn’t seem like a whole lot of time.

This time, I already know how much I’m going to miss feeling her kicks and having her with me all the time. I already know how intense labor and delivery can be, and sometimes, I’m not sure if I’m ready to do it again.

Only 18 more weeks of it just being the three of us, although, it’s already felt like “the four of us” to me for a while now. It seems like Kaya and Jax can both sense that a change is coming.

18 more weeks until everything doubles.

Twice the crying.
Twice the laughter.
Twice the fussiness.
Twice the cuddles.

A million more dirty diapers and a million times more love.

18 more weeks until I can kiss those sweet little cheeks.

We love you, Peanut.