goals for january


We had a wonderful, relaxing month of December, so I’m ready to get back on the goal bandwagon for 2014!

For January

1. Book of Mormon 365. This year Michael and I are reading The Book of Mormon every day, with the hopes of finishing by the end of 2014. This awesome Instagram account divides up the reading for you every day (and come on, if you have time to check Instagram and see it on there, you should have time to read your scriptures)! It’s been really fun so far and I know that by the end of the year it will feel great to have accomplished reading it as a family.

2. Make some felt food for Kaya’s play kitchen… or get started on a quiet book. I really just need some kind of project to do! Kaya could definitely use something to look at during church, or some play food that she can put in the oven… so I’m thinking a play pizza or muffins might be the answer!

3. Get rid of things we aren’t using. Whether this means recycling, donating, or trashing stuff… it needs to be done. The decluttering bug has bitten me hard with the start of the new year. I have a bag of clothes and a box of books to donate, and a small collection of light bulbs and batteries that need to be recycled.

4. Get some space-saver bags for all of Kaya’s outgrown clothes. There is just not enough room in her closet for everything to be loosely packed, and it’s driving me crazy. I need to just get it all packed together!

5. Make homemade bread. This has been on my list to do for a while. I want to see if I can do it, if it tastes good, and if it’s worth it. I don’t know if I’ll make our own bread forever… but I want to be able to say I tried it.

Happy January!

And today we have a special birthday message for Kaya’s most loyal follower…birthdaymessage2014