anniversary weekend

This weekend was one of the best I've had- it was our one year anniversary! After our wedding we didn't really get a honeymoon, so I'm grateful that we at least had a couple days this year to just enjoy each other's company and have some fun.

We left on Thursday night and stayed with Michael's grandparents, since they live at about the half-way mark of our voyage. I was glad we had a comfortable place to sleep, since we originally planned on camping for two nights instead. And who could pass up grandma's homemade bread? =)

Friday morning we woke up early and left to go to Six Flags! But on the way, we had to stop at Walmart to pick up some things for lunch later in the day. While we were there, Michael gave me a BIG surprise- he walked over to the electronics department and told me to pick out a new camera (mine was over 4 years old, and that's pretty much ancient in the technology world). I was so surprised and was a bit resistant at first… but then I just decided to let him go through with his plan. I picked out a beautiful, sleek-looking Canon. Basically, I am spoiled!

I hadn't been to an amusement park for a few years, so I was really excited! Growing up, it was a family tradition every summer. That's the one real "trip" we would all take together, so going there this weekend really brought back some memories of my childhood.

Here we are after going on rides for about 5 hours… sweaty and sunscreeny. haha

That night we went camping at a nearby park. It was really beautiful there. Of course, the best part was making s'mores! The fire pit was a bit dilapidated though…

On Saturday morning we woke up early, packed up, and went to the temple. It was such a blessing to be there on our actual anniversary! It is wonderful to think of the many blessings we receive from being sealed there. Through righteous living, we can be together forever as a family!

After several hours there, we left to come home. But on the way, we stopped to do some Trail Riding! We went to a small ranch, who gave us horses and a trail guide who brought us deep into the forest! We went through creeks and mud, and over rocks and logs. Trail horses are really very smart, amazing animals. They need to have an amazing sense of where to put their feet, as well as a good brain to know what to do in certain situations.

The ride lasted an hour and a half, which went by quickly. It was plenty long enough to make me sore though! We both had paint horses (my favorite!). Michael's was named Diego and mine had a really strange name… Cocheese, it sounded like. I have no idea how to spell that.

Anyway, here's my cute little Cocheese…

We came home last night and Michael insisted that we keep the tradition of eating the top layer of our wedding cake. One year later… it's pretty gross. I don't know who came up with this tradition, but it's not one I like much. Michael didn't think it was too bad.

just another… year?!… in paradise

In just a few days' time, we'll have been married for one entire year. I know, one year really is nothing in the grand scheme of things, but it is full of so many special moments and memories. And hey, we made it, why not celebrate it?

So here are just some of the things I love about being married to Michael:

1. I get to be with my truest friend for all time and eternity

2. he can make me smile no matter what

3. he listens to my hopes and dreams

4. he loves all the baked treats I make him

5. he encourages me to be my best

6. he's cute when he laughs

7. he never complains about picking up food for my piggies

8. he likes to snuggle

9. he listens to country music with me. and comes out to the barn when I ask. he doesn't know it yet, but he's slowly becoming a country boy.

10. he likes to surprise me.

11. he tells me I'm cute even when I'm not

12. he's patient.

13. he works hard to support our little family

14. he makes really cool websites

15. no matter how crazy I might be, he is always by my side as my best friend

Here are just a few pictures of us…

When we first started dating.

