eve: 3 months

Now that she’s actually 3.5 months… I have this finished! I never want to forget any of the tiny details, and it’s been hard to keep up with all of them in the midst of everyday life. Hopefully, when she grows up and reads these, she won’t mind that I was running just a bit behind.Clothing size: All her clothes are 0-3 months right now. I think we’re about ready to switch over to 3-6 month size, just because her big puffy diaper makes everything seem smaller. We did get her some new cloth diapers this month, too. The old velcro ones were just not holding up, and with two kids in diapers, it definitely doesn’t hurt to have a few extra.

Eye color: Bright blue!

Hair: It’s really thin on top, and she’s getting that nice bald line across the back from turning her head left and right. A few new baby hairs are growing in, and so far they look lighter, but I still have no guess as to what her hair color is going to be.

Teeth: No teeth yet, but she’s been fussy and drooling kind of a lot, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets one soon. Kaya had her first one come in at this age!

Nursing: She prefers to eat every two hours, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. If she doesn’t take what I feel is a full feeding, she’ll be crying again to eat only an hour or so later. If she falls asleep or we’re out of the house, she’s been able to go up to 3 hours between feedings, but it’s not ideal.

Sleep: She’s still not on any kind of schedule, and I’m honestly not rushing it. She sleeps whenever she’s tired during the day, which almost always includes a nap in my arms in our recliner each afternoon. She seems to be tired enough for a little catnap in her bouncer seat in the mornings lately, too. Evie goes to bed when we do, and will sleep 6 to 7 hours uninterrupted. I wake her up to feed her, and then she goes back to sleep for a couple more hours. She’s a sleep rockstar!

Favorite things: Being held almost all the time, smiling for pictures, her sisters, her Daddy’s voice, milk, her pacifier, and her little play mat gym!

Dislikes: Getting in the carseat, and as adorable as it is, I don’t really think she likes wearing her polar bear hat very much.

Nicknames: Evie, Little Eve, Boo, BooBoo, and Daddy calls her “Evie Bedevie” (like Amelia Bedelia).

Milestones, etc.: -She has started reaching out and grabbing things! She has an iron grip once she’s got hold of something, and it’s really hard to get her to let go (so you’d better hope it’s not your hair that she has! Ow!)!

-She coos and babbles all day long. Kaya accidentally scared her one day, and she let out the loudest little yell, which ended up turning into a giant squeal of laughter. She makes her feelings pretty well-known around here, and I’m glad, since there’s always so much going on with her big sisters around.

-Sometimes, we’ll say “hello” to her, and she says “ohhhhh”, almost like she’s trying to say it back.

-She’ll just stare at her Daddy and smile at him, over and over again, until he looks her way and talks to her. Adorable.

-Her laughs… oh gosh. She just melts my heart anytime she starts giggling. She’s ticklish now, too, and she loves when I pretend to eat her up. I love that she thinks we are the funniest people on the planet right now.

-She can lock eyes with me from across the room, and I’m still just impressed how babies’ vision improves so quickly in such a short amount of time. She always smiles as soon as she sees me looking at her. Sometimes, she’ll be asleep, and open her eyes for only a moment while we’re snuggling, and in that split second she sees me, she grins. Have I mentioned how much I love this little angel?

-She’s still trying to do sit-ups, and she’s getting so good at it that I’ve had concerns about her potentially leaning too far forward in her bouncer seat.

-She met her Grandpa Peter, Uncle Jeff, Auntie Lelia, and Cousin Bryce this past month! She also got cuddles from all her grandparents and enjoyed being loved by so many.

Dear Evie,

You’ve changed our world here at home. The days are full of feedings, diaper changes, late-night snuggles, and giggles. We’re busier than we’ve ever been, but you have brought so much love and happiness to our whole family. I look at your beautiful little face and kiss your soft baby cheeks over and over again, but sometimes I still can’t believe you are really ours. We are so blessed. Your sisters and your Daddy and I absolutely adore you.

We love you Little Eve!

Love, Mommy