baby #4: 27 weeks

I’m a few days later than usual on this!Baby’s size: About 15 inches long and just over two pounds! Apparently, this is the size of a bunch of bananas!

Maternity clothes?: Yes, all the way! I’m still squeezing into my regular winter running clothes and coats though because it’s cold and snowed here yesterday. Seriously?!

Gender: Sweet baby girl! At this point, I’m thinking we might need to see her little face before we actually choose her name.

Symptoms: Physically, I’m feeling good this week!

Sleep: Once I’m actually asleep, I’m out cold. I’m still having some weird dreams and getting up several times a night for bathroom breaks.

Movement: She’s always moving, and I love waking up to her wiggles in the early morning hours.

Cravings: Nothing really. It’s crazy to me that I still don’t really want much to eat.

What I miss: Just eating normally.

Anything making you queasy or sick?: It really depends on the moment. I’ve had a few days where I’ve really felt okay, and then other moments when I thought for sure I was going to completely lose it. The somewhat-long car ride to my parents’ house this past weekend was really difficult. I felt so nauseous for about half of it, but I made it, and the ride back wasn’t bad. I was also really happy to have my mom’s home-cooked meals!

Belly Button in or out?: Kind of flat.

Exercising?: This week was the Monument Avenue 10k! Race time was 59:52, average pace was 9:38 min/mile. My weekly total was 26 miles (longest run was 6.6 miles). Best average (non-racing) pace this week was 10:06 min/mile. Fitbit total steps: 72,275.

Mood: I’ve just been emotional this week in general… there are some things going on in our extended family right now. I’ve also just been realizing how fast this pregnancy is going, and I know I’m going to miss this time with her in my belly once it’s gone.

Best moment this week: Running the Monument Avenue 10k with Lelia in under an hour!!! I never thought I would be able to do it so fast! It was also great to spend some time with family and see Kaya finish her first Kids’ Run!

Looking forward to: Checking off some of my “before baby” to-do list!

Big sisters: They still love to try to feel her kick, although they usually think that they feel her when she isn’t even moving. When we were talking about some more names, I suggested that maybe we should have another flower-themed middle name (Kaya’s is “Rose”), and without missing a beat, Kaya shouted, “Dandelion!!!”

Comparison: 27 weeks with Kaya; 27 weeks with Kaelyn; 27 weeks with Nella.