baby #3: old wives’ tales

Today is our anatomy scan! Although we have already had an early scan and been told a gender, I’ve been waiting for this ultrasound to (hopefully) confirm it before we announce anything. 20 weeks is when it truly feels official to me!_MG_1779

I’m also excited to get another peek at this sweet baby!

Just like last time, I thought it would be fun to post some of the old wives’ tales for gender prediction. Here we go!

Baby’s heart rate: Over 140 bpm – GIRL
Morning sickness: Yes – GIRL
Chinese gender predictor: GIRL
Sweet or salty cravings? Sweet – GIRL
Are you more emotional? Yes – GIRL
More or fewer face breakouts? More – GIRL

Carrying high or low? Low – BOY
Dry hands or soft? Dry – BOY
Dreams: I’ve had dreams about both… but I think I’ve had more about a baby GIRL than a boy.
Mother’s early intuition: GIRL

Big sister’s guess: Kaya has absolutely insisted that we would have another baby GIRL since before we were pregnant.

I can’t wait to share!