the kids behind the blog (april 2016)

I saw this link-up a few months ago, and somehow kept on forgetting to do it. I actually remembered to ask Kaya the questions this time, so here it is! I can’t wait for Kaelyn to be able to talk so she can participate one day, too. 🙂 Her answers are short and sweet, but I love hearing what goes on in that mind of hers._MG_1436

What is your favorite thing to do with your friends? Play toys. What’s your favorite toy? My purple puppy next to my kitchen.

Who is your favorite person? Mia. Why? Because I wuv her.

When playing outside, what do your ideal sunny day plans look like? Blow bubbles. A BIG BUBBLE!

What do you like to do when it’s raining? Play inside. My tent is my favorite one.

If you could plant a garden of anything, what would you plant? Water and seeds! What kind of seeds? Black! Put them in the ground, them grow like plants!