kaya says (volume 4)

I haven’t done one of these posts in a while, so some of these conversations are a little old (it’s amazing to see how much Kaya’s sentence structure and vocabulary have changed in just a few short months)! However, a lot of them are just too funny, so I had to share them._MG_1162

Me: I think I hear music.
Kaya: No, no hear music. I think it’s just a dinosaur.

Kaya: No sleepy, already took a nap.
Me: How long did you nap for?
Kaya: 3 minutes.

Grandma: What’s in your pocket?
Kaya: Just a cake. (for the record, it was felt food… but still! hahaha)

Water is running in the bathroom.
Me: what are you doing?
Kaya: Make a pool! (She fills up the sink, then lets it go down the drain). Bye-bye pool, see you later!

Kaya (as she walks into the bathroom): Okay, bye Baba (Kaelyn) see you next week! (that’s a long potty break…)

Me: Who is Grandpa Skip married to?
Kaya: Uhhhh…. Jesus!

Me: Listen, do you hear a puppy barking?
Kaya: Yeah…
Me: What’s he saying?
Kaya: Poptarts! He wants poptarts too! He say “peeeease”!