five on friday: farewells, footwear, and fuzzy cuddles

We’re here at the end of another week… the last in July! I know the rest of summer is going to be over in the blink of an eye, and it’ll be Fall before we know it. Here’s our top five for the week:

ONE. This last week brought our very last play date as a full group before Brittany moves away and Katherine headed off to visit family for a while.  I knew this day was coming, but it seems like it came and went all too quickly.

We’ve shared so many good times together and watched our children grow alongside each other. These ladies have been there through thick and thin for me, and I am so grateful. There’s nothing like knowing that somebody’s got your back._MG_8831Aaliyah wasn’t too excited for a picture. Real life, you guys. I love it._MG_8832Talyah, Luke, Kaelyn, and Caroline!_MG_8834TWO. We made it to the pool a grand total of one time this week! Kaya is getting more comfortable with swimming in her puddle jumper (with support from Daddy, of course), and really loved kicking her way from the middle of the pool to the edge. I love these two goofballs.

THREE. After 3.5 years of running in barefoot shoes, I wanted to switch to something with a little more support. I went to a local running store, and a knowledgeable clerk set me up with these. They’re a great median between barefoot and traditional shoes, and he suggested that I can switch between these and my barefoots as needed. I’m loving them so far!

_MG_8885FOUR. This little girl still loves her baths. Is there anything cuter than a giggly baby with shampoo in her hair?

FIVE. There’s nothing like a girl and her Panda…

… or a girl and her Piggy. We’ve got a couple of regular stuffed animal lovers over here.

Happy weekend!

Linking up with April today!

kaelyn: 13 months

_MG_8872_2Clothing size: Still wearing 9-12 month things, but we’ve tried some 18-month jammies and dresses and they aren’t too big to wear.
Eyecolor: Pale blue.
Teeth: 4! Two top and two bottom!
Eating: We’ve started offering her solids three times each day now, and she’s getting so good at feeding herself finger foods! She loves pasta, pulled pork, honey-nut cheerios, Greek yogurt and grapes. She’s not a fan of pureed peas or coconut-flavored yogurt, but those are the only two things she’s tried that she hasn’t liked. If she sees you eating a pretzel, she’ll beg for one and pout. She also really loves cheddar goldfish (although we’re cheap and buy the off-brand “whales”)._MG_8430I’m still nursing her on demand, which is about 4-5 times per day now. I could probably cut her down to 3-4 times if I really wanted to, but since she is still not consuming a high quantity of solids, I like knowing she has nursing to fall back on.
Words: I know she’s old enough, but I can’t believe my baby is already using words. She has just a few: Dada, Hi, No, and This (she’ll point to something and say “this? this?” in her little baby voice to get me to tell her what the object is)! I’ve heard her babbling B and M sounds, so maybe soon she’ll say “Baba” and “Mama”. 🙂
Favorite things: Her stuffed guinea pig (“Piggy”), her Little People farm and the toy piano. She loves dancing and will even put her hands up in the air before wiggling around like crazy (she isn’t picky about music either, she’ll dance for anything Kaya “plays” on the piano, too)! If there’s ever a book within her reach, she’ll sit and look at it for quite a while. She would also ride in the cozy coupe all day long if we let her. _MG_8563Of course, she loves her big sister and gives Daddy the biggest grin when he gets home every day.
Dislikes: Getting her face wiped, getting dressed, and getting buckled into the car seat.
Sleep: She goes to bed around 8 pm and has started sleeping through the night this past week! She will sleep until around 6:15 or so, nurse, and then either stay awake or go back to bed for another hour or so. She still takes 2.5-3 hour naps in the pack ‘n play in the afternoons, and a 30-minute power nap in the morning (either nursing, in the stroller, or in the car, depending on where we are).

She also has to have her Piggy whenever she lays down. If we forget to give her to her, she searches for her frantically and pouts. Does it get any cuter than this?

_MG_8537Nicknames: Baba, Baba Grace.
Milestones, etc.: -Still not walking, but she is a FAST crawler now! I’ll see her in one place, look away for a moment, and she’s gone.

-She’s started pulling herself up on things more often now… but most of the time she only pulls up to her knees. If she pulls all the way up, she doesn’t remember how to get back down, so she just cries._MG_8865

-She now gives hugs! She’ll go up to Kaya and wrap her arms around her and just stay there, grinning from ear to ear. SO adorable.

-Daddy think she’s a lot more ticklish as of lately (he even gets her to laugh when he uses his feet)!_MG_8486-She figured out how to draw! She just picked up Kaya’s little drawing board one day and started using the pen. Crazy!

-She’s got a good arm and can throw a ball relatively well.

-This mischievous little girl has made it her mission to get into everything under my bathroom sink when I’m getting ready in the morning. I think I’ve picked Q-tips up from the floor every day since she discovered she could dump them out!

Dear Kaelyn,

You are becoming more fun every day! I love to see you discovering your world and expressing yourself more now that you are so mobile. You love to crawl away from me, look back, and laugh- that’s your way of telling me to chase you! You are so much fun little girl.

_MG_8426You’re still a super-easygoing kid- you’re more than happy to just sit back and watch whatever everyone else is doing most of the time. I love how observant you are, and I’m sure that when you’re really talking, we’ll get to know just how much you’ve been soaking in all this time._MG_8840

We love you, Baba. Keep those scrunchy-nosed grins coming!

Love, Mommy

five on friday: driving, swimming, dating

Another week has come and gone! I will never cease to be amazed at how fast time goes once you become a mom.

ONE. My babies have actually started playing together. Everyone told me about how magical it would be… and they were right, it’s true! Kaya has been giving Kaelyn nearly-endless rides in the cozy coupe this week and they are both loving it. I’m loving how happy they are and that they can entertain themselves for short periods of time (total honesty here)!_MG_8549TWO. Kaya’s mantra this week: “I’m so excited!” She’s been saying it in anticipation of so many things, but the best time had to be when we were at the pool and she was dancing around! They just built a new wading pool over there, and it’s perfect for both my babies to play in.

THREE. We went on a date this week, just the two of us! I know that this shouldn’t be something monumental… but we can count the number of dates we’ve gone on sans kids on one hand since Kaya was born. Ridiculous, I know. At least we’re making the effort now!

We went to Buffalo Wild Wings (only after finding out that my favorite Greek restaurant was closed) and shared what they call the “sampler”. Mmmmm.

FOUR. We finished up our guinea pig sitting yesterday! We had such a fun time looking after these two sweet girls. Kaya already misses visiting them and has even asked me for our own guinea pigs. All I have to say is… we’ll have to see 🙂FIVE. Sometimes it’s rough being a big sister._MG_8568Happy FRIDAY! 🙂

Linking up with April today!

feeding the ducks

Kaya has been asking to go feed the ducks ever since the warm weather arrived. I’ve been saving the heels of the bread in the freezer for a few weeks, and finally felt like we had enough, so on Monday, we had family night at the pond. This little girl could not have been more excited!_MG_8500 _MG_8505 _MG_8520We even had some ducklings come over for a snack. Kaya broke the bread up extra-small for their little mouths.
_MG_8513 Kaelyn was so intent on watching everything! I love her look of concentration here._MG_8516 _MG_8508 _MG_8519 _MG_8514 She blew bubbles for the ducks, too._MG_8522 _MG_8524 _MG_8525 Hot and sweaty from walking, but I made it in a picture! I’m trying to do better with that lately._MG_8527 We enjoyed a nice, somewhat long walk home. We love summer and all its beauty._MG_8530

Sadie Sky Boutique

fortune cookies tell all

It’s basically a family rule that you have to love Chinese food.

If one of our kids didn’t like it, we’d have to trade her in or something, because Chinese is one of the essential main food groups (along with candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup, right? haha)…

We had an uneventful weekend, but we did all go out for a family dinner on Saturday night. It was so surreal to ask for two highchairs.

Let me repeat that: TWO highchairs! How do these kids grow so fast? Kaya shovels down the Chinese food like it’s her job (it basically is when you’re at a buffet), but Kaelyn still took it slow as a first-timer. She just barely tried some of the veggies in the fried rice!

I can never resist desserts. Mmmmm candy peanuts!

At the end of it all, I think my fortune summed it up pretty well…I don’t think another fortune could be more true than that! I love my three crazy people.

five on friday: guinea pigs and sandwiches

This has been a pretty low-key week, but without a Five on Friday post, I end up with all these random pictures and moments that have nowhere to go. So… here are our precious (but mundane) memories from this week 🙂 :

ONE. I’m pretty lucky to have lunch (and every meal for that matter) with this cute girl every day. Kaya is pretty good at making her laugh and distracting her from her food most of the time though!

TWO. Speaking of lunch, a certain almost-three-year-old girl has been insistent on making her own lately. I think she even eats it more willingly after she makes it! She’s pretty talented at making PB&Js, but we just might have to work on her ratio of peanut butter to jelly…_MG_8459 THREE. Now that she’s eating more solid food, baths in the sink are a pretty common occurrence for Kaelyn. Kaya loves to help (and pour the water over her head about a million times too many)!_MG_8474

FOUR. We’ve been pet-sitting our neighbors’ guinea pigs this week and loving it. Kaya asks to go visit them all the time and loves to give them treats. It makes me miss my piggies so much! I think I feel a bit lost without a furry friend at home.

FIVE. Probably everyone has already seen this blog post… but it could not have come at a better time for me. I think we all need to know that as mothers, we aren’t alone in the hard things and that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed at times. We live in a world of social-media overload, but I’m grateful that there are honest, inspiring pieces out there like this as well.

Happy FRIDAY! 🙂

Linking up with April today!

summertime things

All winter long (which seems to span nearly half the year here), I feel like I’m just waiting for the warm weather to make a return.

I live for the green grass, gentle breezes, blue skies and clear swimming pools. We’ve definitely been soaking it all up as much as we can before summer ends in only a little over a month. Why does winter seem to drag on for so long, while summer seems to pass in the blink of an eye?

This past weekend, we went to the swimming pool for the first time since Kaya had her stitches removed. She typically doesn’t even get her head wet, but we were giving her a chance to heal up a bit before we got back in the water.

There is nothing she loves more than playing with her daddy!

Kaelyn is always more than happy to just be wherever mommy is, even if that just means sitting on the lounge chair and watching everyone else play!

Kaya has suddenly become a jogger. We’ll go out for a walk and she’ll run/walk about 1.25 miles. I am so impressed! I love to encourage her to exercise, but I might need to get her some decent sneakers now! Flip-flops are not really meant for this…

The rest of our outside time is spent at the playground. They never seem to tire of it, even if we do go almost every day._MG_8444So grateful for these beautiful days outside with my little family._MG_8443_MG_8447

kaelyn’s 1st birthday: a giraffe party!

I don’t know why I took so long to put up this post, seeing that her party was two weeks ago already. Whoops! Finally, here it is, my sweet baby’s first birthday party! It wasn’t anything fancy, but we really had the best time with family and friends. My heart is so full knowing how many people love our little princess.

We had a giraffe-themed party, since Kaelyn really seemed to get especially excited over any and all giraffe toys for a while. I made the cake, and was inspired by this to try to make it 3-dimensional. This was my first-ever attempt at something like this, and while it is far from perfect, I am definitely proud of the result! The body was cake and the rest was make of Rice Krispies Treats.

06272015collage4 This girl only wanted to pull crazy-faced smiles that day! I think her grandmas brought this on…06272015collage3 Love my girl.06272015collage2 So many presents for such a tiny baby! Don’t look too hard at the cake… his ears were already falling off at this point, and by the time we cut the cake, his whole head was crumbling. It was a hot day, his head was too heavy, and I probably should have used more marshmallows to glue his head together. Now I know for next time!_MG_8211 The decor was pretty simple. I loved having all twelve months of my princess on display!_MG_8214When we sang “Happy Birthday”, Michael and I automatically filled in “Baba Grace” instead of saying “Kaelyn”. Whoops. We might call her by her Kaya-given nickname more than her real moniker. She wasn’t sure what to think of the candle!_MG_8219 She had no idea what to do with her cake. She did get some on her finger… and when she just barely tasted it, she was disgusted. I promise the cake was good! I’m sure things will be different next year. 🙂06272015collage1 Big sister got to help open all the gifts. This was the highlight of her week after everything she endured just a few days before._MG_8237 _MG_8238I think this piano was the biggest hit. Naturally, everyone wanted to play with it at the same time.
_MG_8261 _MG_8242 Our good friend Caroline loved being in on the action! For some reason, this picture just cracks me up._MG_8258 Kaelyn’s big gift from Mommy and Daddy was a Little People farm. She loves it!_MG_8265 Daddy left this as a  surprise on my camera… It’s the only picture he’s in besides the group one (whoops), so I figured I’d throw it in. Also… #kittyphotobomb_MG_8235I’m grateful that so many people could come to the party! Bianca and her girls left before we snapped this picture._MG_8274 And then of course I had to do something crazy, like put my baby in a bucket, tie balloons to it, and take her picture._MG_8287Also, let me just mention- same bucket, same baby, one year ago. I cannot believe she was so small!_MG_3270 Back to the present…_MG_8281

Love this little scrunchy, double-toothed grin._MG_8285Happy 1st Birthday Princess! We love you more than you know!

auto-awesome done right

I only just recently turned on Google’s automatic photo backup on my phone. I know I’m super late to that party.

Since it backed up a bunch of things all at once, I keep getting notifications of all the things it deemed worthy to “auto-awesome”. Usually it’s just a collage or a weird animation.

But then I got this video.

And I couldn’t stop laughing.

I’m not sure if it’s the whistling, or the way it pans in on Kaelyn’s smile, or just the fact that it made a normal visit to the park into a super-cheesy home movie.

Either way, this cracks me up, so I figured I’d share the laugh.

Sadie Sky Boutique

hiding from the fireworks

We had the most fantastic holiday weekend. It was so low-key, and apparently just what we needed. We had some quality family time and made some great memories.

We also made some fantastic cupcakes… because what is a holiday without special sweets? I saw these tie-dye cupcakes and just had to give them a try. That vanilla cake recipe is the best! (This photo is before frosting, obviously, or I would have just called them muffins…)_MG_8369Kaya is always eager to help me bake and decorate! She was so good at carefully putting the sprinkles on.
_MG_8376 Pretty sure you could get a sugar high just from looking at these._MG_8381 She insisted on wearing her [much-too-small] Kitty shirt that day, but I did talk her into at least wearing a red skirt. I think the cupcake is sporting enough blue for the both of them, anyway!_MG_8385 It was supposed to rain all day long, so I didn’t plan a cookout like we usually do. Instead, we had this pulled pork and these green beans. Both recipes live up to the hype! Kaya shocked me by eating two mini pork sandwiches!_MG_8377We had to balance out all that deliciousness with a little bit of exercise. Michael ended up with a free Fitbit One and passed it on to me! I love anything that tells me numbers and statistics, so this is a lot of fun. Saturday was my first day with it, and I was pretty excited to see how high my step count was just after going through a regular day.
Screenshot_2015-07-06-00-11-01~01 After dinner, we headed out for the fireworks. Our town puts on such a great display every year. We are never disappointed!_MG_8401 Kaelyn was a little nervous at first because of all the loud booms, but she quickly settled in to watching and enjoying the lights. This was her first firework show, since she was barely a week old last year!_MG_8412 _MG_8397Kaya, on the other hand, was begging to go home from the moment it started. She ended up “watching” the fireworks from under her cat blanket._MG_8411

By the time we got home on Saturday night, both babies went to bed super late. Thankfully, they gave us the gift of sleeping in on Sunday morning before church. (And yes, Kaya still prefers to sleep on the floor!)Hope you had a happy 4th!