myrtle beach 2014, day 2: discovering the beach and a dolphin(less) tour

(May 13th)

On our first full day of vacation, we decided to explore the beach. We suited up, covered ourselves in half a ton of sunscreen, and made our way down there (along with a plethora of beach pails and shovels)!

Kaya was pretty uncertain of the sand at first (but I still got her to wave at me)!

05132014collage1 Before we left for our trip, I painted her toenails for the first time ever. Every time she’d remember about them, she’d get so excited, point at them and smile._MG_2393 Before long, she was ready to explore._MG_2403 There were some relatively large tidal pools on the beach that day, and once Kaya discovered them, she was determined to run through them almost all morning.5132014collage2 _MG_2416 _MG_2418 _MG_2435 _MG_2433 (This is a happy face!)_MG_2419 _MG_2417This series of pictures might be my favorite. She finally came down to the ocean to play, but when a wave of cool water came in, she wasn’t too happy. Another wave actually toppled her over (don’t worry, we were right there to pull her up), and after that, she didn’t want to play in the waves anymore.5132014collage3 We made sand castles… which really means that we were building castles just for Kaya to demolish._MG_2456 After about an hour and half on the beach, we headed inside for lunch and a nap. We were hoping that Kaya would get some good rest before our scheduled Dolphin Tour that afternoon, but she only slept for about thirty minutes or so._MG_2461When I planned our trip, going on a Dolphin Tour was at the top of my activities list. I was so excited to take a long boat ride and hopefully see some dolphins!

Sadly, at this time of year, you have about a 50% chance of actually sighting any dolphins. The boat crew said they had seen quite a lot earlier that morning, but we were out of luck in the afternoon. They let down the fishing nets in an attempt to lure the dolphins near us, but still, nothing._MG_2472

We did see a pair of stingrays, though!_MG_2470Despite the missing dolphins, we still had a lot of fun on the boat. Our ride was about 2.5 hours long, and Kaya was a trooper through the whole thing. She had a blast just peeking out of the cabin and “surprising” me.
5132014collage4 _MG_2482 Waving from the second level!_MG_2473We headed back to the condo and cooked tacos for dinner, which turned out to be the perfect plan after a long day outside (I don’t think Kaya could have stayed happy through a meal out)! There’s nothing like ending the day with daddy cuddles and cartoons 🙂_MG_2490

If you missed day one of our trip, you can find it here:

myrtle beach 2014, day 1: traveling, our condo, and greek food