blog every day in may | day 14: my favorite way to wake up


On most days, my alarm goes off early so that I can get my run done before Michael heads off to work. I love being awake and out before most of the world is. I run into the sunrise and enjoy the birds’ morning melodies.

Running in the morning is definitely one of my favorite things, but I also cherish the mornings when there’s no rush to get out of bed. Kaya comes into our room with sleepy eyes and bed head, so willing to cuddle for a few minutes. That first good-morning hug is something I anticipate almost from the moment she goes to bed at night.

Lately, I often wake up feeling Peanut’s wiggles in my belly. In the quiet of the morning, I love knowing she’s there and doing well.

Soon I’ll be snuggling my two princesses every morning 🙂

Linking up with Erin!