the weekend according to my phone

By Friday afternoon, the weather was finally nice enough to spend some time at the pool! It feels like we’ve just had nonstop rain around here this summer, so we were eager to take advantage of the sunshine! (as was my glorious farmer’s tan…)

I helped Kaya practice “floating” on her back and tummy. She seemed to have a good time, and didn’t even cry when I got her face wet! Michael came straight to the pool after work to join us! You can definitely tell someone loves her daddy 🙂swimfriday2013

Jax did his usual thing this weekend (which is just laying around)… at least he’s fancy and crossed his paws!jax07062013

Kaya tried oatmeal and wasn’t too thrilled with it. Somehow she was still smiling though! (yes, that’s oatmeal on her nose…)IMG_20130706_135427

On Sunday night, we watched Hercules (it was the first time I’d seen it!), ate dessert and went to bed early. We’re old boring married people.