kaya- 6 months!

Happy happy half-birthday Kaya!

_MG_3231 (2)

Height: 26.75 inches (81.8%)
Weight: 16 lbs 2 ounces (50.2%)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (69.3%)
Clothing size: We are all over the place with this right now. Some 0-3 onesies still fit (I kid you not, the one she’s wearing for her monthly photo is that size, and she’s been wearing it since her 2-month photo!), but mostly we’re in 3-6 month ones. Pants are mostly size 3-6 months, but I just pulled out her 6-9 month stuff and it looks good, too.
Eyecolor: Her eyes were recently looking a lot more blue… but those brown specs are still in there. There are days when they still look gray, too.
Teeth: Two down in front.
Favorite things: It seems like most of her very favorite things are non-toy items, such as: water bottles, tags (like you’d find inside your shirt), power cords (!!!), cell phones (and especially watching videos of herself on the phone), dancing… she’s crazy! She’ll shake it for Luke Bryan (right on beat, too), Sugarland, and the Limbo Rock. She also loves seeing all her baby friends!
Feet are still a favorite. They don’t even have to be her own, so watch out- no toes are safe in this house._MG_3268 She discovered the guinea pigs, and she’s obsessed._MG_3156 She has also fallen head-over-toes for this tiny little stuffed bear. She lights up whenever she sees him and loves holding him in her sleep (or using him as a pillow… pet.)

_MG_3262_MG_3272 _MG_3285 Dislikes: Bath time, getting in the car seat, and apparently, laying on the paper on the table at the pediatrician. She burst into hysterical tears today at her appointment.
It’s been rough the past 3 weeks. She still goes to bed between 6-7 pm, but then she wakes up 2-3 times to eat. I thought maybe it was a tooth, but now I’m blaming it on a growth spurt. She gets up for good around 6:30 am. I know it could be a lot worse, but it’s tough to go back to waking up a lot when your baby WAS sleeping through the night.
Milestones, etc.:

– Holding “babbling” conversations with us with a variety of new sounds (like “yaya”)
-Sitting up all on her own!

03212013photogrid -Does dancing on command count? We’ll say “she’s dancing, she’s dancing” over and over again, and she wiggles her little bum. Hilarious!
– She finally understands peekaboo now and LOVES it.

Dear Kaya,
How have we already been a family of three for six whole months? It feels like just yesterday when you were placed in my arms for the first time and we said “hello” (well, I said hello. You were screaming your head off…). I soaked up every detail of your little face and remember thinking how grateful I was to know I’d see it each and every day from then on. Your beauty is growing right along with you!


I love when I catch you smiling at me. I smile back and you grin even bigger! Sometimes, we even exchange smiles in the dark of night when you wake up to eat. You sure are silly, but you are sweet, too- I love the way your little body just melts into me when you want to cuddle.

I’m so excited for you to start crawling and discovering everything. Hopefully the winter weather will subside soon and we can help you discover the outdoors, too!1thru6growinggrid