kaya- 4 months

_MG_8335 copy _MG_8411 copy Height: 25.5 inches (89.6th percentile)
Weight: 13 pounds 6 ounces (43.6th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16 inches (40th percentile)
Clothing size: 0-3 and 3-6 month stuff now. She tends to outgrow things in height before she ever could in width!
Eyecolor: Usually, her eyes still look blue, but if you look closely, she has some brown specks in the center now! The pediatrician said that they can keep changing up until her first birthday, so we’ll still just keep guessing what color her eyes will be.
Favorite things: Her rattle is her most favorite toy right now. She also loves her blue octopus, singing dinosaur, and looking at herself in the mirror. Grabbing books is pretty fun, too! She gets really excited about all the colorful pages in “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. She also loves any song that I sing to her, no matter how ridiculously made-up the words are. Michael does a crazy version of Donald Duck, and she can’t get enough of that, either!
Dislikes: It has become VERY obvious that she hates the bathtub (I’m hoping that this doesn’t mean she’ll dislike going swimming in the summer… I was really looking forward to taking her to the pool)! Getting buckled into the carseat is the second worst event ever. She also doesn’t like being approached too quickly by visitors- she gives them a pouty lip and then starts bawling! It’s sad but oh-so-cute at the same time.
Sleep: She goes to bed around 7 pm now. For the past week, she’s waking up anywhere between 2 and 3:30 am or so to eat, and then again anytime between 5 and 6 am. She gets up for good around 7-7:30 am. Naps are still really inconsistent/usually nonexistent. She didn’t usually need a middle-of-the-night feeding, but getting teeth seemed to throw things off a bit. The past two nights she’s slept straight through again, so hopefully we’re back to the regular routine.
Milestones, etc.:
– Kaya met Uncle Kevin (finally)!

_MG_7877– Her two lower front teeth are here! They broke the gum on December 29th, but they still aren’t in all the way yet.

_MG_8159 – She’s been reaching out for her toys for a while now, but this month she really started examining them. She’s so much more curious about things and is much better able to grab what she wants.

_MG_8130 – She discovered that she can shake her rattle and make a TON of noise doing it!
– She learned to use an exersaucer! She didn’t notice the toys on it for a couple weeks, but now she loves grabbing and spinning them. We used to have to prop her up in there with a couple of blankets, but now she’s big enough to stand and balance on her own.

IMG_20130115_084801 – She found her feet!

_MG_8421– She’s still so close to rolling over (back to front), but just can’t get her arm in the right place to do it.
– If she’s on her tummy on the floor, she’ll reach out her arms and kick her feet. She’s getting ready to crawl!

Dear Kaya,
You are growing up way too fast! Where have the past four months gone? I’m a little sad that time passes so quickly, but I love watching you learn new skills and get stronger every day. You show us more and more of your personality each day- you sure are a happy, loud, excitable and smart little girl!

_MG_8006In the morning, your daddy and I race into your room to see who can say good morning first! We are always so excited for your first smile of the day.

_MG_8264You are our everything, Baby Bird. You are so incredibly beautiful to us.


_MG_8393Happy Four Months little sweetie! We love you!
