2 weeks old

It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two weeks since this little princess joined our family. I feel like she has already changed so much in such a short time!

We’re still wondering what her permanent eye color will be (and I guess we’ll keep wondering for quite some time to come…) Some days they look extremely light blue, and others they look almost gray. Maybe she’ll have hazel eyes!

Her umbilical cord stump fell off this past week, so we’ve started giving her real baths and “tummy time”! The first day we put her on her stomach, she rolled herself over… twice! She is obviously already hardcore (except for last night when she was so tired that she tried to sleep through tummy time)!

She’s even started to show more interest in the things around her. I know that newborns can only focus on things at a short distance, but she is definitely curious and stares at some of her toys now.

She’s even doing better with sleeping- we’ve had a few nights of 6-hour-long stretches! Last night she slept for two 4-hour intervals, which wasn’t bad either. We are finally getting on a schedule!

She’s also been practicing using her eyebrows… I love the faces that she makes!