september 2014 goals

Well… all I have to say about how my goals went this month is… wow. I am actually a little embarrassed that I did so poorly. Kaelyn is keeping me busy enough and honestly, at the end of the day, I want to just rest instead of work on things.

August Goal Review:

1. Finish the quilt (for real this time). I seriously have three steps left before it’s done and I just can’t make myself do it…

2. Choose a layout for our photo gallery and get any additional picture frames.

3. Ab workouts three times per week. I had suspicions, and my midwife confirmed it- my abs are split (diastasis recti), so I need to do some healing exercises before I can do regular ab workouts. I’ve been doing them about three times a week since I found a good video to use.

4. Complete the August photo-a-day challenge. I missed a couple days, but stuck with it for the most part.

5. Take family pictures. I changed my mind and decided I wanted to do these in the fall, hopefully with the gorgeous, colorful leaves! It’ll also be better if we don’t all look as sleep-deprived as we have this past month.

september2014goalsI guess I’m going to be making a lot of the same goals until I actually accomplish something… maybe being more specific will help.

1. Do one step toward finishing the quilt per week. This should make it easy, right?

2. Decide on the gallery wall layout before the 15th of the month, and have pictures printed by the 30th.

3. Do ab-healing exercises at least three times per week. I should maybe even be doing these daily.

4. Complete the September photo-a-day challenge.

5. Take Kaya’s two-year photos.

6. Have a birthday party for Kaya and make her an awesome cake!

Here’s to a more productive month! 🙂