11 years married

Today marks 11 years of marriage with my best friend!So much has changed since those early days of marriage that our “old life” would seem almost unrecognizable now. We might not get as many date nights out, our home is most certainly a whole lot louder and messier, and it seems like we’re juggling more tasks than we ever have. I wouldn’t trade any of it.

I’m so grateful for this family and life we’ve created together.

Still, one thing that hasn’t changed is how much I love just hanging out together. I could do nothing together forever, and I think that’s what it’s truly like to be married to your best friend.

This past year has been quite a rollercoaster ride, with so many ups and downs on this journey we call life. I’m not sure how I would have made it through without Michael by my side. He’s lifted me up when I thought I couldn’t stand again. He’s had enough hope for the both of us when mine felt completely gone, and he’s never let me give up on my dreams and goals.Thanks for keeping me laughing, Buddy. That’s the best gift of all.As the girls would say, “Happy Birthday to our family!”