baby #4: old wives’ tales

Gosh. Wasn’t I just writing one of these posts for Nella? Since we had our anatomy scan today, I thought it’d be fun to post the same old wives’ tales I’ve done for my previous pregnancies- before we reveal the gender tomorrow!Baby’s heart rate: 171 bpm at our 16-week appointment! Over 140 bpm – GIRL
Morning sickness: The most extreme I’ve had so far with all my pregnancies. Yes – GIRL
Chinese gender predictor: GIRL
Sweet or salty cravings? Sweet – GIRL
Are you more emotional? Let’s be real, I’m always kind of emotional, but maybe a little more than usual. Yes – GIRL
More or fewer face breakouts? More – GIRL

Carrying high or low? Low – BOY
Dry hands or soft? Dry – BOY
Dreams: The dreams I’ve had about the baby have been very few and far between this pregnancy. That being said, I had one dream that felt meaningful, and it was about a baby GIRL.
Mother’s guess:
If pressured to guess, I’d have gone with BOY, although really I imagined it going either way.
Big sisters’ guesses: Kaya and Kaelyn started out saying it was a boy, but over the past month or so, they’ve become adamant that it just has to be a GIRL! They both just keep saying, “I want more sisters!”