kaya says (she’s moving to grandma’s house)

Kaya: Come here Mommy.
(Whispers in ear) I love mommy.
Me: You love mommy? Awwww!
Kaya: And Daddy, and Baba, and Jax. And potty.
Me: You love the potty?
Kaya (enthusiastically): YEAH!!!

“Mommy keep real real freeze.” (translation: hold still, Mommy!)

We’re in the car, waiting a stoplight.
Kaya: GO Daddy!
Michael: I can’t, we’re at a red light right now.
Kaya: UH-gain?!? (as if she couldn’t believe that this could happen more than once in a day)

We took the infant car seat out of the car, since Kaelyn outgrew it. I was explaining to Kaya why we had to put it away.
Me: We’re putting this car seat away, and we’ll use it again whenever we have another little baby.
Kaya (understandingly): Ah, okay. In two weeks? (hahaha… no…)

“Eye tricky.” (translation: my eye is bothering me. Anytime any body part feels weird or is bothering her, she tells me it’s “tricky”!)

Kaya: Peeky move away.
Me: where are you moving away to?
Kaya: uh…. gwamma’s house.

And there you have it. This girl makes us crack up every day lately! 🙂
Sadie Sky Boutique