kaya – one month!

Height: 22.25 inches (89th percentile)! She is a tall gal!
Weight: 8 lbs 11 ounces (36th percentile). The doctor was pretty impressed with how much she’s gained in the past month!
Head Circumference: 14.75 inches (61st percentile).
Clothing size: Still mostly wearing newborn stuff, as well as some 0 to 3 months, and one random pair of pants that is size 3 months.
Favorite things: Any instrumental music (especially piano), getting her diaper changed, snuggling, being an eating-machine, her light-up snail toy, her pacifier, and her daddy!
Dislikes: Getting buckled into the carseat, tummy time, getting dressed, and gas pains 🙁
Sleep: Generally, she goes to bed around midnight and will sleep until about 4 or 5 am, when she wants to eat! Then she’ll go back to sleep until about 7. Sometimes she’ll even sleep a little longer after that. We are definitely lucky!

We started putting her to bed in her own room at 3 weeks old. She is a little chatterbox (even in her sleep!), so even if she was asleep and didn’t need me, I was still waking up a whole lot when she was in our room. We are all sleeping so much better now.

(I also love the puffy hairstyles she wakes up with!)

Milestones: She’s definitely become more alert, has started focusing her eyes more, and will even “track” things that move in front of her. If she hears us, music, or one of her toys, she’ll actually turn her head to look at it!

She’s “rolled over” 4 times, and I know it’s just because she really hates tummy time (she takes matters into her own hands and ends the session by flipping onto her back)! Still, I am so impressed that she was strong enough to turn herself over starting at 9 days old.

My favorite thing that she’s started doing is SMILING! The pediatrician said that they aren’t true smiles, and while I agree that some of them are just associated with passing gas… others are definitely real. She really does respond to our voices.

Smiles are the very best thing in the whole world.

Dimples were the one attribute I’d hoped she’d inherit from me… and she did! Love them.

We love your cuddles, baby girl.

We love how chubby your little cheeks, arms, and legs are getting…

All the funny faces you make…

…and your tiny little toes.

You’re already a big talker, and we can’t wait to see what else you have to say in the coming months.


We’re so excited to watch you grow up, Kaya!