kaelyn: 20 months

(I’m so late on this… partly because we were all sick, and partly just because I’ve been slow about finishing this post, even though I started it a while ago. Oops.)
Clothing size: Mostly 18-month clothing, but she is definitely growing into her 24-month things. Size 4/5 shoes.
Eyecolor: Blue.
Teeth: Ten.
Eating: She loves cucumbers, Greek yogurt, pasta, chicken, muffins, Cheerios, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and goldfish crackers. Her ultimate favorite though… PIZZA!!! She can eat a whole slice almost as fast as an adult might._MG_1032

She’s really started to drink whole milk (finally), but we’re still nursing 3 times a day. I’m honestly surprised that we’re still going and that she still wants to nurse so much. At this point, I think we’ll just try to make it to her second birthday and then attempt to wean.
New words: I feel like this has been a big month for language. She’ll at least try to say most of the things I ask her to. New words include eat, cat, blue, pink, Peeky, “baaa” (like a sheep), and the sound of a dolphin (however you write that)…
Favorite things: Blue Kitty, Piggy, the stuffed turtle Grandma Debbie brought for her, her Fisher Price laptop, our slide, and any kind of ducks! She gets so excited any time she sees a duck in a book and immediately starts saying “quack! quack!”_MG_0996 Dislikes: Diaper changes (these are getting so difficult because she fights me… hard), getting her face wiped, being told no, sharing, and the car seat.
Sleep: She’s down for bed around 8-8:30, and wakes up around 7 am. She naps for three hours in the afternoon, starting around 1:30 pm.

Nicknames: Baba, Baba Grace, KaeCakes, Monkey.
Milestones, etc.: 
-She’s started singing! One day at mealtime she just started saying “pop pop” and making little hand motions that could only go with the primary song “Popcorn Popping”. She must have learned it in nursery, and now we sing it to her often just to see the gestures she makes along with it.

-She likes nursery now! The leaders tell me that she cries for about one minute, but then she has a great time. She is always so proud to show me whatever project she made or paper she colored!

-She loves being outside and will cry anytime we pass by a slide without actually playing on it.

-She “brushes” her own teeth and would do it for an hour if I let her…

-To go along with brushing teeth, she can now spit in the sink on request.

-She insists on going up stairs herself, but will usually crawl instead of walk.

-She’s really good at helping me clean up and loves to help with anything I ask of her.

-She can accurately identify/point to a picture that goes with most words I ask her.

-She is SO good at coloring and is entertained by it for probably an hour at a time. She draws lines and fills up a whole blank piece of paper with color before she’s done._MG_0987

-She’s great at stacking several wooden blocks on top of each other without immediately knocking them down.

Dear Kaelyn,

You are so spunky these days! I love your wry little smile and how hard you work to make us laugh. You idolize your big sister and want to do everything she does. Oftentimes, at bedtime, Kaya will call out “Daddy!” and we’ll hear your little voice echo hers. I can’t wait to see what you have to say as your language skills increase here in the next few months._MG_1170

You are so sweet and funny about everything- you have certain stuffed animals that you have to have in order to go to sleep, and you’re always very upset if we forget to take your ponytail out before bedtime. You love to be “tucked in” and always plop right down onto your belly for us to cover you up. I love your happy little smile and the way you say “mommmmy!” after I come home from youth activities every week. You make me so happy, little girl.

Love, Mommy