kaelyn: 12 months

(written July 1st)_MG_8365Height: 28 inches (14%)
Weight: 16 pounds 13 ounces (1%)
Head circumference: 17.25 inches (14%)
Clothing size: 9-12 month for the most part, but I could have cried when I put her in a 12-18-month onesie and it wasn’t too ridiculously big to wear. Where is my tiny baby?
Teeth: Two down in front and one top middle one barely poking through!
Eating: She’s nursing 5-6 times per day still, and eating a solid-food dinner every night! We’re still doing fruit purees and puffs, as well as Greek yogurt (she can eat a whole serving, which never fails to impress me, since I find Greek yogurt to be kind of heavy on my stomach)! She has also tried cucumbers and a little bit of pasta and seems to really like both!Favorite things: Her little stuffed guinea pig is still at the top of the list! Now that she can crawl around, she takes her piggy with her anywhere she goes. She loves to go upside down, be “tossed” in the air and caught, give slobbery kisses, and dance. Favorite toys are my tupperware containers, Little People animals, and the toy piano she got for her birthday. She also just loves if I fill up a bucket or box with random toys and she can discover each one as she pulls it out._MG_8326Dislikes: Getting dressed, getting in the car seat (at times), and sharing a toy she wants to play with.
Sleep: I thought we were headed toward sleeping through the night last month… and then we went back to waking up once to nurse. I really don’t mind because I tend to wake up a lot at night now anyway.
Nicknames: Baba, Baba Grace, Monkey, Scooter._MG_8108Milestones, etc.: -She is actually crawling, not just scooting! She started this 3 days after her birthday!
-She can pull herself up into a standing position, but has only done it a couple of times.

-She’s definitely understanding and responding to words/requests… such as wave, clap, kiss, etc.

-She helps get herself dressed by actually pushing her arms and head through her shirt now.

-She grabs her toy remote, holds it up to her ear, and consistently says “ehhhh?” before cracking the biggest smile. Makes me laugh every time! She’s also really good at imitating brushing her hair.

-She’s definitely started throwing “mini-tantrums”, where she throws her whole body backwards because she is upset and can’t do whatever it is she wants. It’s nothing too crazy, but she’s definitely forming her own opinions about things!

-This isn’t really a milestone to celebrate, but she is crazy when she nurses now. If she isn’t kicking me, grabbing my face, or pulling my hair, then she’s distracted by something else in the room, which makes nursing impossible. I love that time with her, but I really prefer it to be calm!

Dear Kaelyn,

This has been the fastest year of your mommy’s life… but definitely one of the best. I have loved watching you grow and change. It all happened so subtly that I still sometimes think you’re a tiny baby, until I see you crawling, exploring, and discovering who you are. Then I remember… you’re a big girl now! You show us a little more of your budding personality every day. We love it._MG_8150I love you so much princess. Thanks for picking us as your family.

Love, Mommykaelynmonth12collage12 months of Kaelyn! I cannot believe we started out with a tiny 5.5-pound cutie!kaelyn1yearcollage