january 2015 goals

Just like last year, I took a break from making an “official” goals list in December. I like taking the time to do a lot of holiday-oriented family activities. I think we really did a lot and had a great time!

Now I’m ready to jump back on the bandwagon and make some serious goals for January (and I’m posting this a few days late, so I’m proud to say that I’ve already started working on several of these!):january2015goals1. Deep clean the refrigerator.

2. Switch outgrown baby clothes for the next size/organize drawers/organize stored clothing.

3. Donate unused/unwanted items (I already have two bags of things ready to go… and I’m not done yet)!

4. Do a “double backup” of all photos from 2013.

5. Ab work 2-3 times a week.

6. Do one craft project.

7. Read one book.