
On this day one year ago, we found out our little Peanut would join our family.

Today, I can’t stop thinking about how extremely blessed I feel to have her here with us.

We actually didn’t find out we were pregnant until about 6 weeks in. Although I just felt pregnant early on (hello morning sickness!), we thought there was no way a baby could’ve even existed, because in the first few weeks, I had symptoms that I now know were consistent with subchorionic hemorrhage.

Seeing our Peanut on ultrasound for the first time revealed that she was three weeks older than we originally thought. She was there through all those scary symptoms. She survived what could have had a very different ending.

And that’s why her middle name is Grace.

We had a few more worries throughout our journey (including having extra ultrasounds to check her growth when I continued to measure small, and another to check fluid levels), but I felt comforted the entire time. All through my pregnancy with her, I felt our Heavenly Father’s loving and guiding hand. Just having her here feels like an extra-special, miraculous gift from Him.

This little girl can light up a room with her smile. She is the definition of positivity and brightness every single day, and I’m so grateful to call her mine.
