gingerbreads 2013

Saturday was filled with dough making, rolling, and baking! As you most likely know by now, decorating gingerbread cookies has been a tradition in my family ever since I can remember. Kaya actually tried to help this year (and by “help”, I’m really saying… she stole my cookie cutters and started eating raw dough right out of the bowl while I was rolling it)!_MG_0490


Lelia came over to help out! Jeff was out shopping, and Michael had some work to get done, so it was just us girls. Kaya helped Lelia for most of the evening!_MG_0497


Giant mess of deliciousness. Can you spot the Lelia cookie? (hint: she’s not a snowman, a reindeer, or a house…)_MG_0504


Here are a few of my favorites from this year (can you find the cookie Lelia made of me?)!_MG_0515

I think we decorated a record number of cookies (usually, we all get tired and leave a lot of them plain). Now we just get to give them away!