photo-a-day for may (7-12)

Day 7 (something beginning with F): First Mother’s Day card- from my mom! đŸ™‚IMG_20130507_184740

Day 8 (shape): Hearts, stars, and horseshoes (hopefully I’m not the only one who remembers this commercial from childhood)! I have been pretty obsessed with Lucky Charms lately, so it was only fitting to use them as my “shape” photo.IMG_20130508_164814

Day 9 (a snack): A chocolate-chip muffin (my other obsession)!IMG_20130509_193011

Day 10 (stars): See that green toy at Kaya’s feet? Yep, I’m counting that for my “star” photo. Although, Kaya is kind of the star of our lives right now, so she could count too!_MG_5644

Day 11 (a smile): Technically I cheated and took this on day 10… but it was just too good to not use!_MG_5672

Day 12 (a mother): Sometimes, I still can’t believe I’m a mom… (probably because I still feel like a kid disguised in an adult body)! But I am so thankful for this little sweetheart and that I get to be her mommy._MG_5736