the 5 c’s

I  am the happiest girl on earth now that Lelia, Jeff, and Karl are in town and available for a little fun! Because the newlyweds have been busy cleaning and setting up their new apartment, I figured I’d have them over for dinner one night. I invited Karl too, since he can’t cook I love him so much.

I made my own version of vegetarian chili! (recipe to come soon)! It was a big hit with cheese, tortilla chips, and cornbread._MG_8107After dinner, Baby Bird got a whole lot of cuddles.
_MG_8095 Uncle Karl wanted to read Kaya a story (I think he just wanted an excuse to read the Pooh Bear book, because apparently you can’t open it if there’s not a baby on your lap)!_MG_8097 Jeff and Lelia made some delicious chocolate-chip cookies!
_MG_8098 We played cards (the name of the game is “BANG”! We’ve loved it for years and finally got our own cards for Christmas)._MG_8099 And well… there was a whole lot of CRAZY. I love my family so much!_MG_8103